Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > Vehicles / Transportation Crafts > Truck Crafts
Just like boats, children (especially boys) are fascinated with trucks. Some will never grow out of that stage. Because of this trucks will forever be a popular theme in children books. Fire trucks and dump trucks are the most popular types when it comes to crafts. Both these trucks can be made from boxes or Styrofoam egg cartons.
Trucks can also be made from empty milk cartons and using water bottle or soda bottle caps for the wheels and straws or bamboo skewers for the wheel axles. You can also make a truck collage with your toddlers using different color construction paper or card stock.
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First get 4 empty thread spools. Glue 2 thread spools together. Do this again to make 2 sets of 2. Cut out 4 cardboard wheels. In the center of each wheel, poke a large hole in each of them, large enough for a pencil to spin inside of it. Take a straw, a skewer, dowel, pencil, large twigs, etc and put it through the cardboard wheel, the spool and the 2nd's wheel so that it starts looking like wheels on an axel. Then get some clay or play dough and put it on the outside of both wheels so that they can't fly off. Now do this again for the 2nd set of wheels. Glue s 2 small boxes to a larger piece of cardboard on the bottom....so that there is a smape in the center to see all the way through. This is where the ice cream man will give you the ice cream. Glue another piece of larger cardboard on the top as well...for the roof. Now glue the axels to the bottom of the boxes. When it has dried...you can paint the ice cream truck. Then you can test drive it. Make adjustments if it doesn't roll.
I made a rubberband powered dump truck from household items and I thought I would share with you how I did this. First get a container or a box that you can use as the base of the truck. For the axels, I used markers, glued together so that they wouldn't come apart. I made sure that the markers stayed together by using heavy tape around each seam. For the wheels I used Butter spray caps and spools from an old vcr tape. I poked holes int he base of the truck (the container). I put the axels through the holes and then I glued on the wheels. Now cut a hole in the front of the truck (on the container). Use tape all around the inside of this hole so it doesn't get bigger. Now loop 3 rubberbands together and tie it around the back wheel's axels by looping it around itself....electrical tape it to these markers as well. Then tie it to the front hole that you made. Now to make it work, just roll the back wheels towards you as you move backwards. Let go when it starts pulling really hard on the front of the car. Zoom.....put the finishing details on the truck. Click here to see the full instructions.
Straws Trucks to Make for Preschoolers & Toddlers - -
This was a collaborative effort, my son was watching a show about the
Three Little Pigs and the one pig with a straw house sparked his
interest in making something with drinking straws. So his first
request was a train, but we didn’t have enough straws so we
settled on a pick up truck. This does require some prep but I love
how it turned out. The placing of the straws is tricky but it’s
a great lesson in fine motor and patience!
Easy Fire Truck Crafts to Make- -
This simple fire truck craft requires a printer, a piece of paper,
some crayons (or paint or markers), scissors and glue. I always
prefer to use a heavy paper (like construction paper), but it isn't
Carton Fire Trucks for Youngsters - -
Thanks to Jodie for contributing this great craft! Don't you
just love it when they turn out better than you imagined...
Trip to the Fire Stations Craft for Kindergarteners & Preschoolers - -
Collect, organize, and graph data after a visit to a fire station.
Engine Making Cardboard Boxes Instructions - - What a fantastic use for a cardboard box! All
boys should have their own fire engine, and if they help to make it
they will enjoy playing with it even more.
Engine Posters to Make- - Let your little ones be fire-fighters! This
was a big hit with my boys and still graces our walls nearly a year
after we made it. While we made a very large version, the same idea
can be made smaller for a special card.
on the Go Pretty Pictures - -
Firemen play an important role in our community. This art project
fosters awareness on community roles and also reinforces shape
recognition and learning.
Truck Craft - -
fire truck craft does take some prep work but is a great lesson in
shapes and as your child gets older you can simply give them the
pieces and let them put them together like a puzzle.
Made Monster Truck - -
You will make a mess, but it was fun.
Dump Truck -
Have your kids make this dump truck with recycled materials found in
every house.
Truck Collage - - This
Monster Truck Collage will please any Monster Truck Fan. This is a
great craft for Birthday parties, or just for an every day fun craft
for the truck enthusiast!
Truck - - Have your kids make a truck using a variety
of shapes and colors.
at Work - - How
do juicy oranges arrive at a grocery store in winter? Cargo trucks
are on the road year-round. Create your own business fleet!
Some Love - - Try
Unloading Some Love on Valentines Day by having the kids make this
cute dump truck Valentine. Preschoolers will need help cutting the
shapes, but they can do all the gluing! This is a great Valentine for
boys or anyone you want to dump some love on!
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