Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > Vehicles / Transportation Crafts > Train & Locomotive Crafts
A train is a form of rail transport consisting of a series of vehicles propelled along a rail track to transport cargo or passengers. Most children love trains. They are fascinated by big, load and powerful things.
If you are looking for project ideas on how to entertain your kids on a rainy afternoon, then making trains at home is the best and fun way to go. Your children can make a train from candy, its fun and kids can eat candy while they make it. They can also make a train from paper or an egg carton. You can also make a train from juice boxes too!
Below you will find Train & Locomotive Crafts Arts and Crafts Projects Ideas for your Kids. Find out how to make your own arts and crafts Choo Choo Trains & Locomotives projects with the following decorations, instructions, patterns, and activities for children
An entire traveling circus, carnival or zoo can be made if you have enough of these cages for all the animals. Remove the sliding drawer from a matchbox and throw away the matches as you will not need them. You may also discard the matchbox cover. Paint the matchbox drawer inside and out, and allow it to dry thoroughly. Glue a row of toothpicks inside the box on all 4 sides to make the bars of the cage. Cut out 4 tiny circles of thin cardboard for the wheels and paint them a bright color. Allow them to dry. Attach the wheels to the cage with straight pins. Push the pins through the center of the wheels and bend the pins inside the box so that the wheels won't slip off. Place a tiny toy animal in the cage. Cut a piece of white paper a little larger than the cage for an awning. Make stripes on the awning with paints or crayons. Place the awning over the toothpick bars, forcing the tips of the toothpicks through the paper. Add 2 toothpick handles and the cage is ready to roll.
Remove the covers from 3 or 4 shoe boxes. Punch a hole near the bottom of each of the box ends. Obtain a length of cord or string that is long enough to pass through the insides of the boxes and to provide a length for pulling the train. Then tie a clothespin on one end of the cord. Beginning on the outside of one box, run the cord through the hole so that it comes through into the inside of the box. The clothespin will prevent the cord from slipping out of the end of the box. Pull the cord along the bottom of the box and out the other end of the box, as seen in figure 1. Knot a second clothespin on the outside of this end of the box, as seen in figure 2. Then run the cord through the other boxes in the same way, as seen in figure 3. Be sure to knot a clothespin at the other end of the rope. This will make a handle. The shoe box train is now ready to be loaded with toys and pulled across the room by a toddler.
Find a bunch of big cardboard boxes. You can create your own cardboard trains or look at the picture above to help guide you towards creating a ride-on train. Use paper plates for wheels...glue them on the boxes. The first box isn't a sit-in box, it is just the front of the train. Make it face down and bring the side flap up and cut a window out of it. Attach a steering wheel paper plate to the box with glue or a brass paper fastener. The 2nd box car should have a rectangle portion cut out of it...this is the car that you can sit in. The remaining cars in the back could be whatever you want...but should be open at the top so that people or toys can sit in there. You can glue the boxes together or attach them with poked holes then strung with string and knotted together. It is all up to you and your creativity...have a train-ful of fun!
Use box-tops for the bases of all the cars for this train, and milk bottle tops or button moulds for their wheels. Attach the wheels to the bases with two-pronged paper fasteners. Fasten loosely enough to allow the wheels to turn easily. To make the tops of the cars use smaller boxes than those used to make the bases. Use an oatmeal box for the top part of the engine. Glue in place. Cut little slits in the box for the stacks and bell. Make the bell and stacks from black construction paper. Decorate each car according to its use.
Obtain a piece of paper. Fold it into 4 parts, as pictured in Figure 1. Cut a hole in center fold, as seen in Figure 2. Then hold the front fold against your lips and blow into it. You will be delighted with the first class whistle you have made for your train.
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to Make a Paper Train- Learn how you can make a paper train by following these instructions.
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