Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > Fish & Underwater Creatures > Manatee Arts & Crafts for Kids
Hark! Tis that a mermaid in the distance flopping about near the rocks. Yikes, that would be one ugly mermaid! What is it then, a cow? A mercow maybe? No silly, it's a Manatee. A Manawhat? A Manatee, you know, a sea cow. They just swim around underwater eating plants, but from a distance sailors used to think they were mermaids.
I don't really get why, unless the sailors were hallucinating from drinking too much salt water but that's what all the books say. They are kind of cute in their own ugly way though. I bet every kid would love running around in a Manatee mask while doing manatee crafts for kids and learning how to draw manatees all over their note books. Well, maybe not every kid, but certainly the best ones.
If you want to make this manatee mask then just print out our paper manatee mask template and follow the directions on that page.
How to Draw a Cartoon Manatee - Learn How to Draw Cartoon Manatees with the following step by step drawing tutorial.
to Draw a Manatee - Learn how to draw a manatee by following a simple step by step tutorial.
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