Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > Puppets > Stick Puppets for Puppet Shows and Plays
These stick puppets are perfect for kids puppet shows. Learsn how easy they are to make with the instructions below. These are just the basic instructions for makign stick puppets.
Making Stick Puppets
Read The Instructions Below.
You will need some of the following materials
Stiff papercardboard
rubber bands
fur or vinyl or leather or felt
assorted sizes paper bags
depending upon puppet desired - 2", 4" and 14" sticks about ¼” square (or doweling)
Instructions for Making Stick Puppets
Nearly any sort of puppet desired can be made with the basics of a stick puppet. Birds may be cut from paper, decorated with feathers and tacked on a stick. An alligator may be cut from a piece of felt, vinyl, or leather and then tacked to a stick as well.. Animals may be made from fur scraps.
Basically, just tie a smaller stick to a longer stick to make a crossbar. Just use string or twine to do this. Then just make a puppet figures and then attach to the to cross section sticks by tying it or gluing it on.
To make the doll puppet figures...just use your imagination and creativity. In the picture above, a 4" crossbar and extends for arms. People Characters may be made from paper bags, all fastened to the sticks. You can stuff the paper bags with stuffin, dryer lint, or cotton....and tie the bottoms of the bag with strings or rubber bands. You can decorate the face any way you like, with paint, googly eyes, etc. For the dress or other clothing ...you can use another decorated paper bag or felt...attached to the first bag, again with rubber bands or string. .Operator manipulates stick from behind a screen (overturned table). Write a script.
Email us the stick puppets that you make and we will post them here.