Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > Animals Crafts > Raccoon Crafts Arts and Crafts Projects Ideas for your Kids
Raccoon crafts are some of my favorites. Why? you ask. Because racoons are like the most awesome animals in the universe. They are pretty much the closest thing in the whole animal kingdom to ninjas, that's why! They are like super villains prowling through the night. They even have built in masks to protect their villainous identity.
It is just too bad they seem to have been made to be the bad guys though. Maybe if you make a raccoon mask, you can be a raccoon that has turned to the good side. You hunt through the night for the other raccoon burglars who like to break into garbage cans and hunt them down to turn into the animal kingdom police. I'm not sure what kind of animal would be the animal police though, so you have quite a bit of imagination work to get down to if you are going to have any hope of filling in the gaps in my story idea and catching those ninja raccoons already. So get to it, and while your thinking of story lines, you can do some other raccoon crafts for kids to keep your hands busy. Stay safe mighty raccoon hero!
Below you will find Raccoon Crafts Arts and Crafts Projects Ideas for your Kids. Find out how to make your own arts and crafts Raccoons projects with the following decorations, instructions, patterns, and activities for children
This raccoon mask couldn't be any easier to make, just go to our printable raccon face mask page and then print it out and follow the easy-to-follow directions on that page.
How to Draw Cartoon Raccoons - How to Draw Comic Style Cartoon Raccoons.
Raccoon Paper Craft for Kids - -
Read a bit about DLTK's Grow With Me Craft Concept to get some ideas
on how this basic craft idea can be used with different materials to
make it appropriate for everyone from ages 2 thru 82!
Bag Puppets Craft for Toddlers & Preschoolers - - Very
simple puppets made from small paper lunch bags. You can make a
raccoon, dog, cat, rabbit, bunny, mouse, pig, panda, or frog.
Raccoon Craft Activity Idea for Children- - The
raccoon toilet paper roll craft is a fun and easy cut and paste craft
that uses a toilet paper roll as a base to give it a three
dimensional effect.
Crafts Making Instructions - - The
raccoon is a wild animal that is very curious, and adaptable to many
environments. Let's learn more!
the Raccoon - -
You may not want to see him in your backyard or by your garbage cans,
but this raccoon is awfully cute sitting on your table, shelf, or
mantle. Here's another craft to add to your collection plus some
other cute raccoons that you might be interested in!