Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > Animals Crafts> Birds Crafts > Parrots & Macaws Crafts
Below you will find Parrot & Macaw Crafts Arts and Crafts Projects Ideas for your Kids. Find out how to make your own arts and crafts Macaws & Parrots projects with the following decorations, instructions, patterns, and activities for children
To make this really cool paper parrot, all you need is a printer, some paper, and a scissor. First print out a black and white or a color parrot diagram. Cut out hte parrot, cut out the slits and fold up the parrot and put the tabs in the slots. You know have a standing paper Parrot to put on your dresser or desk in your room.
These paper parrots aren't hard to make at all. Instead of using metal clasps, you use something called a spear point. A spear point is just a diamond / spear at the end of a leg (for example) or other moving part. You just fold the ennds of the diamond in so you can fit it in the slot of the body of the parrot, and then you open up the shape to be a diamond again so that they leg or other moving part, can't fall out of the body of the parrot. Look at the diagram to see how this works. Print out the Color Moving Parrot Diagram Right Here. Print out the Black and White Version if you don't have a color printer or if you want to colorize it on your own.
How to Make a Balancing on Your Finger Paper Parrot on a Perch Toy - Learn how to make this cool long-tailed parrot that balances on a ringed perch. This cut-out paper toy printable is one that will swing in a ring or perch on one’s finger or balance on a single toe. This is both fun to make and to play with. Find out how to make it below.
Chain of Birds & Parrots - Here is a craft to string birds, parrots, bunnies, and squirrels across your wall or window with paper clips.
How to Draw Cartoon Parrots - How to Draw Cartoon Parrots
Bird Parrot on your Hand - Draw a colorful peacock, parrot, or even a turkey for your
Thanksgiving table - all starting with your handprint. Fly with your
Parrot Arts & Crafts Activity for Children - Why
would you group the words Quaker, Hyacinth, and Umbrella together?
They are all names of types of parrots. Create colorful parrots
without any mess using Color Wonder™ Paints.
of the Rainforests Picture to Draw and Color - -
Details and descriptions of rainforest scenes come alive in narrative
stories, poems, and plays and in original oil pastel illustrations.
Toilet Paper Roll Crafts for Toddlers & Preschoolers - -
This craft was originally requested by "Dee" who commented
that it was the only thing she needed that hadn't been able to find
on the site so far... I just couldn't let her down (though it did
take me awhile to finally make it *blush*)!
Wind Chimes - -
Follow the instructions to make this beautiful parrot wind chime.
Parrot Decorative Chair - -
Explore the rainforest! Wildlife knowledge takes center stage when
students construct this animal- and plant-decorated chair.
Pretty Parrot Craft - -
Have you aways dreamed of having a pet parrot? The sitting pretty
parrot craft is perfect for you.
Roll Parrot - -
This TP Roll Parrot is a fun and colorful Bird Craft for Kids,
suitable for Preschoolers on up. This would also make a great Pirate
craft. After all, what's a Pirate without his companion!