Today we will show you how to make a very unique Valentines Day Lollipop Card. This card looks like your child is handing his or her friend a lollipop and it is very cute and personalized to your own child. Find out how to make it.
How to Make Cool Stuff
Valentine’s Day will be here before we know it. Kids love handing out Valentine’s Day Cards…. they just love it. Plus, they love receiving them as well. I don’t know about you, but every year I try to help my kids come up with different Valentine Card ideas than the year before. It gets difficult after a while to keep coming up with unique ideas. Well, I thought I would help you with that by showing you some really cool Candy Valentine’s Day Card Ideas for Kids. I found them all while scrounging the internet for you. Each are unique and a ton of fun to make. I’m sure you and your kids will find something here that they will enjoy making and giving to their friends and family. So, let’s get started.
Valentine’s Day is next month. Now is the time to start getting your Valentine’s Day Mailboxes ready for February. Valentine’s Day mailboxes are a great way to collect your Valentine’s Day cards from all your friends and family members. I have searched the internet and found some really wonderful and awesomely cool Valentine’s Day Mailboxes. Surely, out of all the Valentine’s Day mailbox crafts I have listed in this post you will find one that fits your needs…. plus, it promises to be tons of fun for you and the kids.
Today I will show you how to draw a fantasy style Valentine’s Day Card…. specifically a Valentine Dragoness Valentine’s Day card. You can use regular paper for this craft or if you would like something more durable feel free to use Card Stock. Whatever you have in your house is fine. I will show you how to make every detail of this Valentine Dragoness perfect for your someone special. So grab a paper and pencil and let’s get started.
I have a fun and easy craft for you today. I’m going to show you how to make Hearts and Arrows for Valentines Day. This Hearts and Arrows craft makes for the perfect card to give your special someone. Or, use this craft as a decoration for Valentines Day. Either way you are sure to get lots of compliments from anyone who sees this item. And, the cool part is you probably already have all the materials needed in your house. So, grab those materials and let’s get started.
Valentines Day is coming up in less than a week. If you don’t have a Mailbox to collect your Valentines Day Cards in then you are missing out. No worries…. in this post I’m going to show you how to make an Owl Mailbox for Valentines Day. This mailbox is perfect for collecting all your Valentines Day Cards. Don’t be stuck holding a brown paper bag to collect your Valentines in…. that’s just boring. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.
Today I’m going to continue with the Valentines Craft fun by showing you how to make a Valentines Bee Mailbox. This Valentines Mailbox will be perfect for collecting all your Valentines Cards this Valentines Day. Don’t just use a paper bag to collect your Valentines Cards…. that’s just boring. Make something that you can be proud of…. imagine the comments all of your friends will have when they are adding their Valentines Cards to your Mailbox. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.
Do you have someone special that you would love to give a Valentine’s Day Card too, but they aren’t crazy about the traditional Valentine’s Day Cards. Well, if so…. I have the perfect Valentine’s Day Card Craft for you. Today I’m going to show you how to make a Fantasy Style Valentine’s Day Card…. A Dragon Valentine to be specific. The craft is an easy one, but don’t worry… it’s fun too. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.
Today I have a fun craft for you. I’m going to show you how to make a Lollipop Holder Gift for Valentine’s Day. It is a perfect gift for a friend, family or even a secret admirer. Make several of these Lollipop Holder Gifts and give them to many people. Whatever you would like to do. The receiver is sure to love this gift. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.
Valentines Day will be here in just a few weeks. And, with Valentines Day comes Valentines Cards from family and friends. What better way to store these loving and wonderful Valentines Cards than to store them in a beautifully festive Valentine Box. Today I’m going to show you how to make a Paper Doily Heart Valentine Box. This box is a perfect way to keep your Valentines Cards for years to come. A perfect way to keep your memories from this special Valentines Day. Imagine how fun it would be to look back on this Valentines Day years later and read all your Valentines Cards. It would be wonderful. So, let’s get started.
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. And, with Valentine’s Day comes what? Valentines Cards, of course. Store bought Valentine’s Day cards can be expensive….. plus, they can be extremely boring. How about making your own Valentine’s Day Card. Imagine the surprise of the receiver to receive a handmade card from you. Plus this card is so cute…. no one can resist it. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.
Valentines Day is going to be here before you know it. And, with Valentines Day comes the Valentines Cards. We all love sending out Valentines Cards to our friends and loved ones, but we hate sending the same old cards we get every year from the store. Well, how about doing something different this Valentines Day…. make the Valentines Cards yourself. Today I’m going to show you how to make Cupid Valentines Day cards. You can choose to print off a colored template or print off the black and white version and color it yourself. Either way the receiver of this Cupid Valentines Day Card is sure to love it.
I made this heart with wings accidentally today so I thought that I would share with you how I made it. You start out doing a bit of paper folding and origami and then you start cutting a bit….what you turn up with is a valentines day card heart with wings. You can give this to somebody that you love on Valentines day.