Here’s a Father’s day gift that guarantees hours of fun. Make a set of thumb puppets for your dad and yourself, and play thumb wrestling. The simple illustrated instructions to make the thumb puppets follow
How to Make Cool Stuff
Pilgrims are an important part of Thanksgiving. After all, if it wasn’t for the Pilgrims we would have no Thanksgiving at all. Today I will show you how to make a Pilgrim Girl Puppet perfect for the Thanksgiving Holiday. It is a fun craft that you can make out of things that you probably already have in your home…. such as a shirt sleeve, sock and glove. So, let’s get started.
Today I have a fun craft for you. I am going to show you how to make a spooky Spider Glove Puppet. It’s going to be so much fun. Plus, this spooky spider is so cute. I know a spooky spider shouldn’t be cute. But, it just is. Something about seeing a spider as a puppet that makes it so cute. So, find an old glove and grab your kids because they are going to love this craft…. and for sure playing with the finished puppet.