This tutorial will show you, step by step, how to make a paper boat with an American flag– a simple craft for 4th July.
How to Make Cool Stuff
I have a wonderfully fun craft for you today. And, you only need one material for this craft…. paper. I’m going to show you how to make a fast straight paper airplane. It’s so much fun and it will give you hours of enjoyment well after you are finished making it. Here I will show you step-by-step how to make this paper airplane. Also, if you scroll down to the bottom of the steps you will see there is a video on how to make this paper airplane. So, grab a piece of paper and let’s get started.
Today I’m going to show you how to make a very special greeting card for the Christmas Holiday. In particular I’m going to show you how to make a Pop-up Christmas card. Anyone receiving this Christmas card will love it… not only because it came from you, but also because of the 3-D effect of the card. In this post I will show you how to make a Pop-up Christmas tree that actually sticks out of the card when opened. Add a special note to your card and it is ready to send out for Christmas to a friend or family member.
Today I am going to show you how to make a Folded Paper Windmill. This windmill is so much fun to make and it is simply made from 4 sheets of paper. The majority of the craft supplies needed can be found in your home so you can get started with this craft right away. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.
Today I have a fun and easy craft for you. In this post I will be showing you how to make a Paper Rocking Horse Toy. If you have a printer, paper, scissors and crayons…. you are all set to make this craft. And, the cool part is when the craft is put together correctly….. the toy actually rocks. This craft is made from 2 simple templates so that even the youngest of crafters can enjoy making this craft. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.
St. Patrick’s Day is just days away. And, when you think of St. Patrick’s Day what do you think of? I know what I think of…. Shamrocks!! So, in honor of Shamrocks and St. Patrick’s Day I’m going to show you how to make an Origami Shamrock. This Origami Shamrock will be perfect to hang up for St. Patrick’s Day or even use as a bookmark. So, grab some Origami Paper and some glue and let’s get started with this craft.
I have a fun craft for you today. And, the cool part is it is just made with some standard paper and a pair of scissors. I am going to show you how to make a Paper Spinner. When made correctly you simply throw it up in the air and watch it spin gracefully the whole way down. I don’t know what’s more fun….. the making of the craft or playing with the craft once it is finished. So, grab some paper and a pair of scissors and let’s get started.
Today I’m going to show you how to make Origami Boats. When made with waterproof paper like waxed paper or cellophane these Origami Boats will actually float. Use them in the bathtub or in a puddle outside. Not only is this craft fun to make, but it is equally fun to play with the Origami Boat once made. You can even add toothpicks to the boat to give the illusion that the boat has oars. So, grab the materials needed for this craft and let’s get started.
Today I have a fun craft for you. I’m going to show you how to make a Paper Sculpture Bird. When made correctly the birds are 3 dimensional and look so cool hanging from a ceiling. These Paper Sculpture Birds can be used to decorate a classroom or child’s bedroom. A great number of birds and animals can be made by using this technique…. so feel free to use your imagination, Grab the materials needed and let’s get started.
In this post I’m going to show you an easy way to fold a 5 pointed star. The stars in the blue field of the American flag are five-pointed. It was Betsy Ross who convinced General Washington that it was a simple matter to cut a five-pointed star from a folded sheet of paper or cloth. These 5 pointed stars are great to use to not only make a flag, but to decorate Christmas trees, packages, boxes, cards, toy crowns, and play costumes. So, grab some paper and a pair of scissors and let’s get started.
If you are looking for more furniture for your dollhouse then I have the craft for you. Today I’m going to show you how to make Paper Furniture Foldables. The cool part is the majority of the paper furniture doesn’t even need glue or tape to hold them together…. simply cut and fold. We are going to make a Table, High Chair, Chair, Bed, Stool, Flower Box and even a Flower. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.
Valentines Day is just days away. Are you still looking for decorations for Valentines Day? If so, then I have the craft for you today. In this post I will show you how to make Paper Heart Flowers perfect for Valentines Day. This craft is really simple, but so much fun. In no time at all you can make a whole bunch of Paper Heart Flowers…. enough that you can decorate your house. The cool part is you probably have the materials needed for this craft at home already… no need to buy anything more. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.
If you love Origami and other paper folding activities then you are going to love this post. I’m going to show you how to make Origami Hearts. I felt today’s craft was fitting as Valentines Day is only a week away. You can use this Origami Heart for Valentines Day decorations, gift for someone special or perhaps use these Origami Hearts as the Valentines Day card itself. The only material you need for this craft is Origami paper…. that’s it. So, grab some paper and let’s get started.
I have a super duper fun craft for you today. I’m going to show you how to make a Paper Jumping Frog. That’s right, a Jumping Frog simply made out of paper. Folded just the right way this Paper Frog will actually jump… and jump well. And, the cool part…. you only need paper for this craft. No other materials needed. So, grab a green piece of paper (or whatever color paper you would like) and let’s get this fun craft started.
Today I’m going to show you how to make an Origami Dove. I thought since today is Martin Luther King Day that today would be a perfect time to make a dove craft. After all a Dove represents Peace and Tranquility and bottom line….. isn’t that what Martin Luther King wanted for everybody? Martin Luther King was a great man and today it is all about remembering how wonderful he was and what he represented….. equality for all. So, gather up the materials needed and let’s get started.
I have another Origami craft for you today. This time it is an Origami Santa Claus perfect for the Christmas Holiday. Origami and other paper folding crafts are challenging, but they are also a ton of fun. You don’t need much in the way of materials…. Simply grab a piece of red origami paper and you are good to go. You will also need some crayons or colored pencils if you want to give your Santa a face…. but that is it. So, let’s get started.