Learn how to make your very own Lego pinball machine as my son walks you thru using your on-hand Legos to build your own simple machine. Have fun.
How to Make Cool Stuff
Do you like the Sailor Moon cartoon? If so, then I have a fun craft for you today. In this post I will show you how to make a Sailor Moon Wand from the Sailor Moon cartoon. Isn’t that a treat? The craft is not complicated at all and it is a ton of fun. Made with Play Dough and a Crystal this craft turns out looking exactly like the Sailor Moon Wand on TV. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started on this fun craft!!
I have a fun craft for you today. I’m going to show you how to make a Whistling Birdie Toy. This Whistling Birdie toy is a traditional toy from Romania. It is common to see the children of Romania playing with a Whistling Birdie toy like the one I’m going to show you how to make today. And, believe it or not…. it will actually whistle. And, if you add a little water to the whistling birdie it will sound like it is a real bird. Because you will be using polymer clay you will need a little help from an adult. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.
Oh boy, do I have a fun craft for you today. I’m going to teach you how to make a Braided Jump Rope. And, don’t worry if you don’t know how to braid…. I will be teaching you that as well. Jumping rope is an excellent form of exercise… not to mention that it is extremely fun. Would you rather play Tug-of-War??? If so, this braided rope will be perfect for that too. So, let’s get started.
This is a good arts and crafts activity to teach kids about colors (and it is a lot of fun to play with). Kids will be so surprised when they find out that when they spin the toys, the colorful rainbow of colors turns into a charcoal gray. You can teach kids a little bit of science and lit bit of art with the use of this crafts project. Have fun.