How to Make a Kokeshi Doll

Kokeshi are Japanese dolls, originally from northern Japan. They are handmade from wood, have a simple trunk and an enlarged head with a few thin, painted lines to define the face. One characteristic of kokeshi Dolls is their lack of arms or legs. So, with that being said…. today I’m going to show you how to make a Kokeshi Doll. It will be a lot of fun…. almost as much fun as it will be showing to people the Kokeshi Doll you made yourself. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.

How to Make a Kawaii Hair Clip

Kawaii means cuteness in Japanese culture (literally, adorable, precious, lovable, or innocent). So, in honor of that today we are going to make a Hair Clip that is totally Kawaii. The craft is an easy one, but the outcome is a hair clip that you will love to wear. Made from a piece of leather, a hair clip and a couple of other materials you’ll have this craft put together in no time. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.