Get this Frankenstein paper figure toy template to print, cut out, fold and then play with. This is a great Halloween decoration craft and very easy to make.
How to Make Cool Stuff
Trick or Treat is right around the corner. The kids are super excited about it and just can’t wait to get out at night and celebrate Halloween with tons of Trick or Treating. But, before the kids step out the door make sure they have a flashlight in hand to help them not only see, but be seen by cars. Today I will show you how to make your very own Frankenstein Flashlight Cover perfect for this Halloween.
Halloween is coming up and what do the kids love about Halloween more than anything?! Trick or Treating, of course. Today we will be making a Frankenstein Trick or Treat Basket perfect for collecting candy. Made from a simple green bucket this Trick or Treat basket will be a huge hit this Halloween season.