Today we will show you how to make a really great toy doll house out of shoe boxes and other materials. This little two-story doll house with its gabled roof can be made in less than a half hour by any handy boy or girl.
How to Make Cool Stuff
Any handy boy or girl can make this game that can be played with one or more friends, either indoors or outside as well. All that you will need to make this game of skill is a few things from around the house. This is a great arts and crafts project for rainy days or for days that there doesn’t seem to be anything else to do.
This is a great crafts project idea for kids and teen who want to display their trophies, nick nacks, pottery, and ornaments in these modern shadow boxes. You can make them from corrugated boxes that you find around your house. If you want to decorate your room, and at the same time de-clutter your desk or shelves, then shadow boxing if the crafts activity for you.
The previous arts and crafts project that we did was to make a cardboard doll house out of old cardboard boxes. Today we are going to show you how to make cardboard doll house furniture, decorations, and wall hangings. This is a great activity for a group of girls at a sleepover slumber party, for girl scouts, or for a boring rainy day.