One thing you see at most houses at Christmas time is a Nativity Scene. But, the problem with the store bought Nativity Scenes is that they are usually very delicate…. too delicate for the children to actually play with. And, the thing about that is…. children love to play with the Nativity Scenes. I mean, what’s not to want to touch…. there are small people, animals and a manger. There is an entire scene for the kids to want to act out with the characters. Well, why not make a Nativity Scene craft ….. put together a Nativity Scene of your very own that the children can actually play with. So, today I have put together a bunch of Fun Nativity Scene Crafts that I have found around the internet. All are a ton of fun…. and they are all meant to be played with.
Check out our other Christmas Crafts.
A Collection of Fun Nativity Scene Crafts for Kids
(1) Pipe Cleaners & Yarn Nativity Scene

Here Spoonful shows us how to make an entire Nativity Scene using such materials as yarn and pipe cleaners. She is very detailed, so this nativity craft is very enjoyable. This Nativity Scene would look wonderful as a Christmas decoration and it surely will be so much fun to make.
(2) Printable Nativity Scene

I love this idea. I found this Nativity Scene Craft at Catholic Icing and it is so cute. Here you will be able to print off about 8 pages of templates. Cut them out, decorate them and glue them to toilet paper tubes. It’s so much fun. check it out.
(3) Flower Pot Nativity Scene

Ok, this is really cute, right?! Suite 101 shows us how to transform 3 terra cotta flower pots (along with some other materials) into a ridiculously cute Nativity Scene. The craft promises to be a lot of fun. Plus, no doubt, you will be tempted to keep this Nativity Scene out year round.
(4) Basket Nativity Scene

This Nativity Scene craft is one of ours from last Christmas. This Nativity surely will be one that you will keep for years to come. We show you how to make each of the figures in great detail including the Three Wise Men, Baby Jesus & Cradle, Mary & Joseph, sheep and the donkey. It’s so much fun. Check it out for yourself.
(5) Rock Nativity Scene

Here is another super cute and original Nativity Scene Craft. Here Roper 5 shows us how to make this fantastic Nativity Scene completely out of backyard rocks and markers. So, no need to buy any craft materials…. you can have fun with the kids hunting in the backyard for the perfect rocks.
(6) Wooden Block Nativity Scene

Here is an awesome Nativity Scene craft you can make with your kids with some wooden blocks, felt, glue and a few embellishments. Imagine the fun you will have putting this craft together with your kids. Fun part is that they are durable enough the kids can even play with this Nativity Scene. Check out The Pioneer Woman for all the details.
(7) Lego Nativity Scene

This is such a clever idea for all you Lego fans. Here Johan van Benthem shows us all how to make an entire Nativity Scene out of Legos. Imagine the excitement of your kids as well as anyone who sees your Nativity Scene made completely out of Legos. They will absolutely love it!!
(8) Nativity Hand Puppets

What child doesn’t love hand puppets? They all love them. Here eHow shows us how you and your children can make these Nativity Hand Puppets for yourself. Imagine the fun Christmas show your kids can put on with these hand puppets? They will love using their imaginations to put on their very own program.
(9) Nativity Blocks

These blocks are just simply adorable. I am a Momma – Hear Me Roar came up with this idea and I love it!! She used homemade blocks, stickers and modge podge to make her Nativity Scene, but you can also print off Nativity Scene characters from the computer and do it that way as well.
(10) Sun Catcher Nativity Scene

Here is a clever idea by Peace Creek on the Prairie. She uses wax paper, crayon shavings and an iron to make this beautiful Sun Catcher Nativity Scene. Because of some of the materials used in this craft it does require some adult help. You will have so much fun doing this Nativity Scene with your kids.
(11) Gingerbread Nativity Scene

This Nativity Scene is absolutely delicious!! Made from some of my most favorite treats this Nativity Scene craft is sure to be a big hit with the kids. I found this craft at AOK Corral and it looks like so much fun. You and your kids will surely enjoy putting this together.
(12) Cardboard Tubes Nativity Scene

Here is a simple yet fun Nativity Scene craft that all children will love putting together…. plus they can even play with this Nativity Scene once they are done. Nurture Store shows us how to make this Nativity Scene out of toilet paper rolls. How fun is that?!
(13) Clothespin Nativity Scene

This is truly a clever idea and almost all the materials used in this Nativity Scene craft can already be found in your home. Our Dish shows us how to use a cardboard box, sharpie and a couple of clothespins (as well as a few other things) to put together this fun Nativity Scene craft.
(14) Foam Nativity Craft

Craft foam is a wonderful material that children love working with. And, this Nativity Scene craft will be no exception. Piggy Giggles shows us how to make a unique Nativity Scene out of craft foam. The craft is wonderfully detailed, so believe me when I say they have covered everything.
(15) Egg Carton Nativity Scene

Made from egg carton bottoms and beads this Nativity Scene is really cute. Plus, the great thing about it is the kids will have just as much fun playing with this Nativity Scene as they had making it. I found this craft at April Showers. Check it out for all the craft details.
Technorati Tags: Christmas crafts, xmas crafts, Christmas activities, xmas activities, December crafts, Holiday crafts, Holiday activities, decorations, Christmas decorations, Christmas decoration crafts, nativity scene, nativity scene crafts, Baby Jesus Crafts, Jesus Crafts, nativity activities, nativity scene activities, nativity crafts