How to Weave Mary and Joseph for a Nativity Scene

For the past few days I have been showing you how to weave different characters for a Nativity Scene.  First, I showed you how to Weave the 3 Wise Men.  Next, I showed you how to Weave a Baby Jesus.  Today I’m going to continue showing you how to weave a Nativity Scene by showing you how to Weave Mary and Joseph.  So, let’s get started.

Check out our other Christmas Crafts.

How to Weave Mary and Joseph for a Nativity Scene


Materials Needed

2 inch x 4 inch Piece of Cardboard





String or Yarn (different color yarn, make sure to have some skin color yarn like Peach, Tan, Brown, etc.)



Stones, Coins, or Something Else Heavy

Cotton or other Filling

Black Thread

Old Piece of Fabric

4 Hand Shaped Beads


Step 1

Cut out 2" x 4" piece of cardboard.

Cut out 2″ x 4″ piece of cardboard.


Step 2

Mark sides with lines about 1/8 inch apart

Mark sides with lines about 1/8 inch apart… so every two lines on the inches side of the ruler.


Step 3

start cutting slits on lines that we drew in the previous step.

If you think your cardboard will fall apart by cutting slits… firstly, cover with clear tape.  Otherwise, just start cutting slits on lines that we drew in the previous step.


Step 4

Put string in the notch that is alone on one side.

Put string in the notch that is alone on one side.  Tape it down.  Then pull the string all the way up the back of the cardboard.


Step 5

pull the yarn through the first notch

In the last step you brought the yarn up to the top left side notch from behind the cardboard.  Now, pull the yarn through the first notch… now the yarn is in the front again.


Step 6

bring yarn over the next notch and pull down back again

Now, bring yarn over the next notch and pull down back again.


Step 7

Bring the string all the way down to the bottom.

Bring the string all the way down to the bottom.


Step 8

Bring string over from back and up thru the first notch again

Bring string over from back and up thru the first notch again.


Step 9

pull the yarn behind and thru the 2nd tab

Now, pull the yarn behind and thru the 2nd tab so that there is now a loop in front and behind the first tab.


Step 10

bring the yarn down behind cardboard and up thru the next slit.

Now, bring the yarn down behind cardboard and up thru the next slit.  Make loop in front of tab and bring down back of cardboard again.


Step 11

bring yarn down back and up bottom and thru the slit and make a loop in back and down next slit and down front again

Now, bring yarn down back and up bottom and thru the slit and make a loop in back and down next slit and down front again… continue this pattern.


Step 12

When done... tape string down

When done… tape string down.


Step 13

Thread a needle with yarn or string.

Thread a needle with yarn or string.


Step 14

Pull the yarn over and under each piece of yarn and leave a short tail

Make your yarn as long as you want it to be.  Pull the yarn over and under each piece of yarn and leave a short tail.


Step 15

turn the cardboard over and you will weave on this side too

Now, turn the cardboard over and you will weave on this side too.  On the other side you went UNDER the last thread… so here go OVER the first thread.  ***Don’t go under the taped string.


Step 16

Every few times or so, take a fork and push the threads down

Keep weaving on both sides of the cardboard.  Every few times or so, take a fork and push the threads down.


Step 17

When the thread is nearing an end, then push the needle down thru loops in past rows

When the thread is nearing an end, push the needle down thru loops in past rows.

How to start a new string

To start a new piece of yarn… just put the string in where you left off… like you see in the above image.


Step 18

Weave back and forth with skin color only in center strings

Weave back and forth with skin color (tan, brown, peach, etc.) only in the center strings.  So, you will NOT be turning cardboard over and weave along back.

start by pushing the yarn through the same loop that the bottom left side of the face used

Choose the color that will be around face.  You will be using this yarn to weave around the face for a hood.  We start by pushing the yarn through the same loop that the bottom left side of the face used.

weave around back.

Now, weave around back.

come over on the right side of the face.

Now, come over on the right side of the face.  Loop thru the string on the right side of the face and then go over it and weave around back again.

Keep going.

Keep going.  At the top of the figure you can weave all around it again.

This is what your figure should look like now

This is what your figure should look like now.


Step 19

Use your needle to pull loops off of cardboard.

Use your needle to pull loops off of cardboard.


Step 20

pull the woven fabric off of the cardboard

Now, loops are off… You can now pull the woven fabric off of the cardboard.


Step 21

Tie any loose threads into a knot.

Tie any loose threads into a knot.


Step 22

You should now stuff with stones, coins or something else heavy.

You should now stuff with stones, coins or something else heavy.  Only fill enough to look like she is kneeling.  Then fill the rest of the figure with cotton.


Step 23

Use black thread to sew on hair and eyes

Use black thread to sew on hair and eyes.


Step 24

For Joseph.... sew on a beard.

For Joseph…. sew on a beard.


Step 25

Bend figures into an L shape

Bend figures into an L shape like above.  Sew them in this position with same color yarn as shirt.


Step 26

Somehow I lost the pictures of the last few steps....

Somehow I lost the pictures of the last few steps…. Basically, just cut a bit of fabric and wrap around (like in image) and sew to head (just a few stitches will do).  Then just glue two hand shaped beads to the bottom of their face to look like praying hands.


Step 27

Sit Joseph and Mary around Baby Jesus

Sit Joseph and Mary around Baby Jesus from our Baby Jesus craft tutorial.

Awesome job…. you just finished weaving Mary and Joseph for a Nativity Scene.  How did they turn out for you?  Let me know in the comments below.  And, if you haven’t already done so…. make sure to complete the entire Nativity Scene by weaving the 3 Wise Men, Baby Jesus, Clothespin Donkey and the Clothespin Sheep.

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How to Make a Set of Christmas Napkins

I have an easy craft for you today since the last two crafts I posted were a bit more complicated.  Today I’m going to show you how to Make a Set of Christmas Napkins perfect for the Holiday Season.  You can choose to use them to decorate your Holiday table or give them as a gift.  The choice is yours.  So, let’s get started.

Check out our other Christmas Crafts.



Materials Needed

Acrylic Glitter Glue – gold, green

Plain Red Napkins




Step 1

Wash, dry and iron the red napkin (you don’t want it to shrink after you write on it).




Step 2

Write or draw the design you want with crayon. Be as creative as you like.



Step 3

Go over the crayon writing with acrylic glitter glue.  Do it slowly and make sure you do not spread it over any other part of the napkin.



Step 4

Allow it to dry overnight. Iron on the back of the napkin. Your napkin can now be packed and gifted or used by you for the Holiday Season.

Feel free to eat wildly from now thru the entire Christmas Season because washing it gently with water and soap will not ruin the design.  So, did you decide to give these Christmas Napkins as a gift or did you keep them for yourself?  Let me know in the comments below.  Also, let me know how your Christmas Napkins turned out by taking a picture of them and posting them with your comment.

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How to Weave a Baby Jesus and Cradle for a Nativity Scene

Yesterday I showed you how to Weave the 3 Wise Men for a Nativity Scene…. well, today I’m going to continue the weaving fun by showing you how to Weave a Baby Jesus and Cradle.  Imagine how proud you will be to have made an entire Nativity Scene yourself… so proud!!  So, let’s get started.

Check out our other Christmas Crafts.

How to Weave a Baby Jesus and Cradle for a Nativity Scene


Materials Needed

2 Pieces of Cardboard Measuring 3 inch x 1 1/2 inch




String or Yarn (Brown, Yellow & Skin Color Yarn like Pink, Tan, Brown, etc.)


Black String or Thread

Cotton or other Filler

Burp Cloth or Similar Fabric



Step 1

Cut a piece of cardboard about 3 inches x 1.5 inches.

We will start by making a cardboard loom to weave the basket with. Cut a piece of cardboard about 3 inches x 1.5 inches.


Step 2

Cut slits about 1/4 inch apart on one of the long sides.

Cut slits about 1/4 inch apart on one of the long sides.  Cut one slit on the other side.


Step 3

Put string in slit that is alone.

Put string in slit that is alone.  Tape down.


Step 4

Pull string around back and down thru top slit.

Pull string around back and down thru top slit.


Step 5

Wrap string around front of tab to the next slit.

Wrap string around front of tab to the next slit.  The string will now be hanging down back of cardboard.


Step 6

Bring string down back of cardboard and up around to the front

Bring string down back of cardboard and up around to the front and slide thru the first slit.


Step 7

Bring string around back and thru second slit.

Bring string around back and thru second slit.


Step 8

Bring string around back and then thru next slit

Bring string around back and then thru next slit… now it’s hanging down front again.


Step 9

Put string into next slit so string hanging down back to make loop in front.

Put string into next slit so string hanging down back to make loop in front.


Step 10

Bring down back of cardboard and then up around the front.

Bring down back of cardboard and then up around the front.  Place in the slit and make a loop in back by putting in 2nd slit.


Step 11

When done winding... tape last string down.

When done winding… tape last string down.


Step 12

Thread some yarn or string.

Thread some yarn or string.


Step 13

Basics of Weaving

We will now start weaving. Above in the illustration, O is over and U is under. Basically, put the needle under and over the strings. For the first string, you can pull the yarn all the way through, leaving just a bit of yarn left under the first string. When you get to the edge of cardboard, turn over the cardboard. Then start weaving again. if you ending going under the last string on the other side, then this time go over.

Stick needle with yarn under and over strings.

Stick needle with yarn under and over strings.

You can leave a bit of a tail on the yarn you are weaving with.

You can leave a bit of a tail on the yarn you are weaving with.


Step 14

go under the first string on the other side.

Turn over the cardboard… we ended by going over the last string, so go under the first string on the other side.  Make sure to skip taped down string.  ***Always weave on the side with OUT the loops… as seen above.


Step 15

take a fork and push the threads down.

Keep weaving on both sides of the cardboard.  Every few times or so take a fork and push the threads down.


Step 16

When the thread is nearing the end, then push the needle down thru loops in past row.

When the thread is nearing the end, then push the needle down thru loops in past row.


Step 17

To start a new piece of yarn... just put the string in where you left off

To start a new piece of yarn… just put the string in where you left off… like you see in the image above.


Step 18

Fill up the entire piece of cardboard with brown yarn.

Fill up the entire piece of cardboard with brown yarn.


Step 19

Use your needle to pull loops off of cardboard.

Use your needle to pull loops off of cardboard…

pull the weaved fabric off of cardboard

… Now the loops are off like this and you can pull the weaved fabric off of cardboard.


Step 20

You now have a little basket.

Take the woven fabric off the cardboard.  Tie any loose threads.  You now have a little basket.


Step 21

Cut a piece of cardboard that is about 1.5 inches by 3 inches

Cut a piece of cardboard that is about 1.5 inches by 3 inches.


Step 22

Wind string around it like you did with the other cardboard loom.

Cut slits on one of the short ends.  Then cut one slit on the other side.  Wind string around it like you did with the other cardboard loom.  Make skin color such as pink, tan, brown, etc.


Step 23

Then weave with the skin color you chose when winding string.

Then weave with the skin color you chose when winding string.  Weave all the way to the top.  Use needle to take the loops off of top.  Take woven fabric off of cardboard.


Step 24

Tie loose threads into knots.

Tie loose threads into knots.


Step 25

Get some black string or thread and tie a knot.

Get some black string or thread and tie a knot.


step 26

Start sewing the eyes.

Bring the needle up thru unclosed end and pull it out where you want one of the eyes to be.


Step 27

Sew second eye.

Then just push the needle back down where you want the eyes shape to end.  From underneath push up where you want 2nd eye to be.


Step 28

Fill with cotton or other filler.

Fill with cotton or other filler. Then sew the bottom of the figure shut with skin colored yarn that you used previously.


Step 29

Cut a piece of burp cloth or other similar fabric.

Cut a piece of burp cloth (ask Mom or Dad if they saved any from when you were a baby) or other similar fabric.  Make it a rectangle.  Fold down a triangle on the left top corner.


Step 30

Place woven baby on it with head all the way to top of triangle.

Place woven baby on it with head all the way to top of triangle.


Step 31

Push bottom of fabric up to below eyes.

Push bottom of fabric up to below eyes.


Step 32

Push the left side of fabric over the baby.

Push the left side of fabric over the baby.  The push it under right side of baby.


Step 33

Bring right side of fabric over the baby

Bring right side of fabric over the baby and push it down under the left side of baby.


Step 34

Baby should look like this now.

Baby should look like this now.


Step 35

Place baby in cradle.

Place baby in cradle.  Cut up some yellow yarn and stick in basket if you want to.


Finished Baby Jesus in Cradle Craft.

And, there you have it…. you finished weaving a Baby Jesus and Cradle for a Nativity Scene.  Awesome job!!  This woven Baby Jesus goes perfectly with the woven 3 Wise Men we made yesterday. Make sure to also do the Mary & Joseph craft, Yarn Clothespin Sheep craft  and the Yarn Clothespin Donkey craft to complete your Nativity Scene.

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How to Weave the 3 Wise Men for a Nativity Scene

Today I have a great craft perfect for the Christmas Holiday Season.  I am going to show you how to Weave the 3 Wise Men for a Nativity Scene.  There are a lot of steps to this craft, but I don’t want you to be intimidated by that.  The craft isn’t too complicated…. there are just a lot of steps because I wanted to be detailed in my instructions for you.  And, keep an eye out… I will be showing you how to Weave a Baby Jesus for this Nativity Scene in the next day or so too.

Check out our other Christmas Crafts.

How to Weave the 3 Wise Men for a Nativity Scene


Materials Needed

2″ x 4″ Piece of Cardboard




Yarn or String  (Different colors for skin, beard, hair, clothes and crowns)



Black and Gold String or Thread

Rock, Stones, or Coins (something heavy)

Cotton for Filling

Safety Pin

Fabric from Old Clothes or Baby Clothes


Twist Tie

Sturdy Cardboard Box

Small Beads


Step 1

Cut out 2" x 4" piece of cardboard

Cut out 2″ x 4″ piece of cardboard.


Step 2

Mark sides with lines about 1/8 inch apart

Mark sides with lines about 1/8 inch apart… so every two lines on the inches side of the ruler.


Step 3

start cutting slits on lines that we drew in the previous step.

If you think that your cardboard will fall apart by cutting slits… firstly cover with clear tape.  Otherwise, just start cutting slits on lines that we drew in the previous step.


Step 4

Put string in the notch that is alone on one side

Put string in the notch that is alone on one side.  Tape it down.  Then pull the string all the way up the back of the cardboard.


Step 5

pull the yarn thru the first notch

In the last step you brought the yarn up to the top left side notch from behind the cardboard.  Now, pull the yarn thru the first notch… now yarn is in front again.


Step 6

bring the yarn over the next notch and pull down back again

Now, bring the yarn over the next notch and pull down back again.


Step 7

Bring the string all the way down to the bottom.

Bring the string all the way down to the bottom.


Step 8

Bring string over from back and up thru the first notch again

Bring string over from back and up thru the first notch again.


Step 9

pull the yarn behind and thru the 2nd tab

Now, pull the yarn behind and thru the 2nd tab so that there is now a loop in front and behind the first tab.


Step 10

bring yarn down behind cardboard and up thru next slit.

Now, bring yarn down behind cardboard and up thru next slit.  Make loop in front of tab and bring down back of cardboard again.


Step 11

bring yarn down back and up bottom and thru the slit and make a loop in back and down next slit and down front again

Now, bring yarn down back and up bottom and thru the slit and make a loop in back and down next slit and down front again… continue this pattern.


Step 12

When done... tape string down.

When done… tape string down.


Step 13

Thread a needle

Thread a needle with yarn or string.


Step 14

Pull the yarn over and under each piece of yarn and leave a short tail.

Make your yarn as long as you want it to be.  Pull the yarn over and under each piece of yarn and leave a short tail.  ***Notice that you start weaving on the side that does not have loops.


Step 15

go OVER the first thread

Now, turn the cardboard over and you will weave on this side too.  On the other side, you went UNDER the last thread…. so here go OVER the first thread.


Step 16

Keep weaving on both sides of the cardboard

Keep weaving on both sides of the cardboard.  Every few times or so, take the fork and push the threads down.


Step 17

push the needle down thru loops in past rows

When the thread is nearing the end, then push the needle down thru loops in past rows….

To start a new piece of yarn... just put the string in where you left off

… To start a new piece of yarn… just put the string in where you left off… like you see above.


Step 18

When you get to about the half way point... change the yarn to skin color - which could be brown, tan, pink, cream, etc.

When you get to about the half way point… change the yarn to skin color – which could be brown, tan, pink, cream, etc.  Go as far to the top as you can.


Alternative Way to Make the Face

Step A

Weave back and forth on center strings if you want to make skin only in the center.

An alternative way to make these figures are to make the face only in the center (like small image above).  Weave back and forth on center strings if you want to make skin only in the center.  So, don’t go around the back for making the face.


Step B

We start by pushing the yarn through the same loop that the bottom left side of the face used.

Choose the color that will be around the face.  You will be using this yarn to weave around the face for a hood.  We start by pushing the yarn through the same loop that the bottom left side of the face used.


Step C

weave around back.

Now, weave around back.


Step D

Loop thru the string on the right side of the face

Now, come over on the right side of the face.  Loop thru the string on the right side of the face and then go over it and weave around back again.


Step E

Keep going

Keep going.  At the top of the figure you can weave all around it again.


Step 19

Use your needle to pull the loops off of cardboard.

Use your needle to pull the loops off of cardboard.


Step 20

you can now pull the weaved fabric off of cardboard

The loops are now off like this… you can now pull the weaved fabric off of cardboard.


Step 21

Take fabric off of cardboard

Take fabric off of cardboard…. it now looks like above image.


Step 22

Fold inside out and then tie loose threads into knots.

Fold inside out and then tie loose threads (the ones that were taped down in the beginning) into knots.  Turn back to right side.


Step 23

Get some black string or thread.

Get some black string or thread.  Tie a knot at one end.


Step 24

Make the eye.

Put needle inside of hole on top of the head… and then put the needle where the eye should be and pull it out the front of the face.  This way the knot is inside the figure and can’t be seen.


Step 25

just sew in eyes by pulling string in and out of the fabric until they look like eyes.

Then just sew in eyes by pulling string in and out of the fabric until they look like eyes.  To sew in the 2nd eye… pull needle under fabric and up in the spot where the 2nd eye should be.


Step 26

Tie a knot inside of figure.

Tie a knot inside of figure.


Step 27

Place a rock, coins or something else heavy in the bottom and make sure figure stands.

Place a rock, coins or something else heavy in the bottom and make sure figure stands.  Then fill the rest of the figure with cotton or something soft.


Step 28

Sew top of head closed

Sew top of head closed… with knot on the inside.


Step 29

To make belt... tie 3 pieces of string together and braid them.

To make belt… tie 3 pieces of string together and braid them.  Pin it to your pants to keep it down while you braid.  Tie knot when done with belt.


Step 30

Cut a piece of fabric from old shirt or baby clothes

Cut a piece of fabric from old shirt or baby clothes (ask Mom or Dad first).  Then wrap around figure and tie shut with belt.


Step 31

Use cardboard loom to make the beard.

Use cardboard loom to make the beard.  Wrap string around the short side of the loom.


Step 32

push a 2nd string under all the wrapped strings

When done wrapping string around side of loom… push a 2nd string under all the wrapped strings… like so.


Step 33

Take it off of cardboard.

Take it off of cardboard.


Step 34

Fold it in half and then sew it on below the eyes.

Fold it in half and then sew it on below the eyes.


Step 35

To make hair, push needle thru top of head

To make hair, push needle thru top of head, until just a bit of string is sticking out.


Step 36

with tail of string still out, push the needle back into the head somewhere else.

Then, with tail of string still out, push the needle back into the head somewhere else.


Step 37

When you have a loop of string... don't pull any further.  You just made a curl.

When you have a loop of string… don’t pull any further.  You just made a curl.  Now, stick the needle thru again… and the curl will stay now.


Step 38

When your figure has enough curls... then tie a knot and you are finished with the hair.

When your figure has enough curls… then tie a knot and you are finished with the hair.


Step 39

Tie a twist tie and wrap colored thread around it.

Tie a twist tie and wrap colored thread around it.  I used gold thread… you can use any color you wish.


Step 40

Fold ends of twist tie over to keep threads on and then push it onto your figure's head.

Fold ends of twist tie over to keep threads on and then push it onto your figure’s head.


Step 41

The 2nd crown is beaded on a cardboard loom.

The 2nd crown is beaded on a cardboard loom.  Just make slits 1/2 inch apart on both sides of a sturdy box.  The loom is threaded by putting string in first notch… taping it down.  Then just pull over to other side and put thru that notch.  Then put thru 2nd notch and pull to other side and continue.  When done… wrap around extra notches to keep in place.


Step 42

Tie thread to first string.

Tie thread to first string. ***Make sure to leave extra room on strings so you can tie knots at end.


Step 43

Put some small beads onto the needle and thread.

Put some small beads onto the needle and thread.  If you have 6 strings, you need 5 beads…. If you have 5 strings, you need 4 beads.


Step 44

Pull threads and beads under all 6 strings

Pull threads and beads under all 6 strings, so they are on the opposite side now.


Step 45

Push all the beads so that each bead is in between 2 strings.

The first row is the trickiest… and then each row gets easier.  Push all the beads so that each bead is in between 2 strings.


Step 46

push the needle thru all of them so that the needle is now on the opposite side again.

Then, while beads are up above the strings (because you are pushing below them)… push the needle thru all of them so that the needle is now on the opposite side again.


Step 47

Now, do this for all the rows.

Now, do this for all the rows.  Make as many as you feel fit.


Step 48

I took some gold thread and wove it over and under all of the strings a few times

Optionally, as an added touch… I took some gold thread and wove it over and under all of the strings a few times to make the crown surrounded in gold.


Step 49

Cut off string on both sides.

Cut off string on both sides.


Step 50

Tie it shut to make a crown.

Tie it shut to make a crown.


Step 51

Place crown on figure.

Place crown on figure.


Step 52

For the 3rd crown, you can use the same loom that you used for beading.  Thread it the same way.

For the 3rd crown, you can use the same loom that you used for beading.  Thread it the same way.  Weave over and under.


Step 53

When you have woven a long strip, then take loops off.

When you have woven a long strip, then take loops off.


Step 54

Cut loops in half.

Cut loops in half.


Step 55

Tie these strings into knots.

Tie these strings into knots.


Step 56

Roll this woven fabric lengthwise

Roll this woven fabric lengthwise…. like above image.  Sew it so it stays like that.


Step 57

Then sew into donut shape and place on figure's head.

Then sew into donut shape and place on figure’s head.


Finished 3 wise men craft

You have just finished weaving the 3 Wise Men for a Nativity Scene…. How did they turn out?  Please let me know in the comments below.  Also, take a picture of your Wise Men and share them in the comment as well.  I’d love to see them.  Come back to check out how to Weave a Baby Jesus for a Nativity Scene as well the Mary & Joseph craft, Yarn Clothespin Sheep craft and the Yarn Clothespin Donkey craft to complete your Nativity Scene.

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How to Make Paper Circle Ornaments for Christmas

I have a fun craft for you today….I am going to show you how to make Paper Circle Ornaments for Christmas.  And, I’m not going to just show you one Paper Circle Ornament…. I’m going to show you four different ones.   They are so creative and beautiful…. you could even decorate an entire tree with these ornaments…. how fun would that be?  All of these ornaments are made of paper circles. To make drawing circles easy, you can use cups or tin cans or something like this. Draw around them, as illustrated. So, let’s get started.

Check out our other Christmas Crafts.

How to Make Paper Circle Ornaments


Materials Needed




Needle and Thread

Tin Cans (2 to 2 1/2 inches in diameter)





Paper Spiral Circles Ornaments

Spiral circles can be made out of any paper, as long as it is not too stiff to spiral downward gracefully. Foil covered paper makes an attractive spiral, because any little breeze will cause the ornament to swing around and show the colors alternately. Start cutting from the edge and work towards the centers, leaving enough paper in the middle for hanging.



Paper Chains of Bells Ornaments

Chains of bells are made with four or more half circles of lightweight paper, and as many short sections of drinking straws, threaded together alternately. Glue the bells, and assemble the ornament after these are dry. Work from the bottom up, first tying the end of the thread around a straw section, then a bell, and so forth. Make a loop at the top of the thread for hanging.



Paper Double Bells Ornaments

Double bells can be made of stiffer paper, and if paper with a contrasting reverse is not available, glue two sheets together and cut out the circle. Find the center point, then cut from the outer edge of the circle to center point. Then bend one end up and one end down, and glue the ends. Hold with the fingers a minute to give the glue a chance to set, otherwise the springiness of the paper will pull the ornament apart.



Paper Circle Ball Ornaments

Circle balls are made with at least six full circles, in two or more contrasting colors. More circles can be used, if the children want to take the time. Construction paper in bright colors is good for this ornament. Fold and crease each circle down the center. Glue together halves of two different circles, glue the next one on, and so forth. When all the circles are glued on, glue the last to the first, and include a looped thread for hanging.

There you go…. now you know how to make 5 different types of Paper Circle Ornaments for Christmas.  They are all very unique to one another that you could easily make a few of each to decorate your Christmas tree this Holiday season.

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How to Step Through a Playing Card – Trick your Friends

My son loves magic tricks…. he loves watching them almost as much as he loves doing them himself.  Today I’m going to show you how to do your very own Trick that will throw your friends for a loop.  I’m going to show you how to step through a playing card.  If you don’t want to use a playing card you can use a postcard or piece of paper the size of a playing card.  This is one of those stunts that Sounds like a “trick” until you prove that “seeing is believing” by actually showing that it can be done.  With some simple cuts in the card you will be able to actually step through a card.  Let me show you how.

Check out our other Puzzles & Tricks.

How to Step Through a Playing Card

Materials Needed

Playing Card (or postcard, sheet of paper, cardboard of similar dimensions)



Step 1

You state quite bluntly that you can step through a card

You state quite bluntly that you can step through a card, such as a playing card, a postal card, or a sheet of paper or cardboard of Similar dimensions.


Step 2

Cut a lengthwise slit in the center of the card

Cut a lengthwise slit in the center of the card, stopping just short of each end.


Step 3

Bend the card along the slit. Then cut crosswise slits, starting hom the center slit toward the sides

Bend the card along the slit. Then cut crosswise slits, starting from the center slit toward the sides; then from the sides toward the slit, in alternating manner. Space these equally and finish with a cut from the center slit toward the outer edges. But in doing this, take care never to cut completely through the card. The cuts should finally appear as in Fig. 3.


Step 4

You can then open the card into the form of an endless zigzag band

You can then open the card into the form of an endless zigzag band, large enough to step through and draw up to your waistline, even bringing it over your head, if you have made enough slits.

That’s pretty tricky, huh?!  I told you I would show you how to step through a playing card…. and that’s exactly what you did.  Good job!!  Now, go show your family and friends what you can do.  They will surely be amazed.

Here is our video using the same technique, but using an index card.

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How to Make Paper Snowflakes – Many Snowflake Patterns

When I was a child I used to love making different paper snowflakes simply by cutting folded paper.  Around my bedroom would be the snowflakes I made…. causing my bedroom to look like a winter wonderland.  Today I’m going to show you how to make many different types of paper snowflakes.  I have given you five different snowflake patterns in this tutorial…. all starting from the Basic Snowflake Fold shown below.  Simply start with the basic snowflake fold and cut the folded paper as the patterns below show.  Let’s get started.

Check out our other Christmas Crafts.

How to Make Paper Snowflakes


Materials Needed




Basic Snowflake Fold

Step 1

Fold the left side of the paper over to the right

Use a large sheet of paper, in the shape of a square. This can consist of two or three pieces, plain, colored, or varicolored, which can be pasted in overlapping fashion to form the final square. With the paper square before you fold the left side of the paper over to the right, and crease along the central, vertical line.


Step 2

The next fold is from top to bottom

The next fold is from top to bottom, bringing the upper edge down to the lower and creasing it in place. This simply reduces the square to 1/2-size, with a folded edge at the left and another at the top.


Step 3

Now fold the lower left corner up to the upper right, forming a triangle

Now fold the lower left corner up to the upper right, forming a triangle. Note that the long side of the triangle forms the thickest fold.


Step 4

Fold the triangle that you created downward and forward

Fold the triangle that you created downward and forward until it meets the long side.  Crease the paper firmly, as this makes the final stage of the basic working fold.

You will note that the paper looks now like a half of an arrow, with a projecting tail. Both long edges should consist of folds (as indicated) with the single edges all at the end. The projecting tab (X) is entirely torn or cut away when making the specific snowflake designs, as it serves no purpose in the patterns. As a result, the single edges simply form the outside of the circular snowflake designs which follow.



Step 1

Make the cuts as shown in Fig. 1.

Make the cuts as shown in Fig. 1.


Step 2

When opened, the pattern shows the heavy "cog wheel" effect

When opened, the pattern shows the heavy “cog wheel” effect illustrated in Fig. 2. After making a nice one, it can be folded and traced for future use.



Step 1

Make the cuts as shown in Figure 1

Beginning with the curved lines shown in Fig. 1, a series of cuts will produce a design living up to its “filigree” title.


Step 2

Fig. 2 shows the filigree.

Fig. 2 shows the filigree. For best effect, the finished design should be placed or pinned against a sheet of paper of contrasting color such as red against green or white against black, or vice versa.



Step 1

Make the cuts as show in Figure 1

Make the cuts as show in Figure 1.  While all these folds result in what may technically be termed “geometric patterns”, the design cut from the outline shown in Fig. 1, particularly lives up to its geometric claims…


Step 2

The design is shown in Fig. 2.

…The reason is that it comes out in the form of a central star, surrounded by diamonds and a ring of circles outside of that. The design is shown in Fig. 2.



Step 1

Cut along the lines in Fig. 1.

This design is very much designed after a classic / common snowflake, as seen under a powered microscope. Start, as usual, by cutting along the lines in Fig. 1.


Step 2

Finished classic snowflake technique

When opened out, the pattern is interesting indeed, appearing like the illustration shown in Fig. 2. Here, again, placing it against a contrasting color to make it really pop. Since it is styled as “Snowflake” the logical thing would be from white paper; then place it against a black or very dark background.



Step 1

cut along the lines shown in Fig. 1.

Form your “arrow” cut along the lines shown in Fig. 1.


Step 2

After cutting, your Ship's Wheel design should turn out as in Fig. 2.

After cutting, your Ship’s Wheel design should turn out as in Fig. 2.

And, there you have it…. five different snowflake patterns for you to make paper snowflakes and use as your Holiday decorations.  Which snowflake pattern is your favorite?  Make sure to let me know in the comments below.

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How to Make Paper Star Ornaments

Today I’m going to show you how to make a Paper Star Ornament for Christmas.  This ornament is not any ordinary paper ornament…. the paper star ornament comes out looking crisp and beautiful.  Make a few to decorate your Christmas tree this Christmas season.  You can even use colored paper to make each ornament a different color.

Check out our other Christmas Crafts.

How to Make Paper Star Ornaments

This one looks a lot trickier than it is. This craft is for 9 years of age and up. The paper needs to be in perfect squares for this ornament, or it will turn out crooked. The paper can be any crisp paper that will fold in a sharp crease. The foil coated papers make beautiful stars, and the paper creases well. Stay away from construction paper and the like, because it folds in a crumbly fashion. For a starter, use squares 4 to 5 inches on a side, then graduate to smaller ones. Fold the paper wrong side up…meaning if you have a piece of paper with 2 different colors, then turn it to the wrong color facing up.


Materials Needed







Step 1

Make a perfect square

You need a square piece of paper for this craft. If you don’t have square paper, then use the above trick to create a square piece of paper.


Step 2

Fold the page down on its diaganols

Fold the page down on its diaganols…in the picture above, fold B to C and A to D. You should now have an X shaped crease.


Step 3

Now fold the paper in half twice

Now fold the paper in half twice…in the picture it is A to B and C to D.


Step 4

Fold each side in to the center of the page

Fold each side in to the center of the page and then…

draw pinch marks

…draw pinch marks.


Step 5

Cut each line that you see has a dashed pinch mark on it

Cut each line that you see has a dashed pinch mark on it. Only cut it up to the pinch mark.


Step 6

fold each pair of sides in to the center line

After you cut these lines…. fold each pair of sides in to the center line as you see in the illustration.


Step 7

glue the flaps together

After folding over the spikes of the star, glue the flaps together, with the edges flush. This gives the three-dimensional effect.


Step 8

Make two of these four-pointed stars, and then glue together back to back, with the points alternating

Make two of these four-pointed stars, and then glue together back to back, with the points alternating. Run a thread through one spike for hanging on your Christmas tree or anywhere else that you want to decorate for Xmas.

How did you Paper Star Ornament turn out?  Did you use special paper like foil paper or colored paper?  Let me know in the comments below.  And, don’t forget to take a picture and post it with your comment…. I’d love to take a look at it.

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Creative Ideas to Wrap your Gifts

Creative Ideas to Wrap your Gifts

I was roaming the internet this morning and came across some of the most creative ideas to wrap your gifts.  If you are like me you wrap all your gifts basically the same.  Maybe you add a different color bow here and there…. but basically the gifts look the same.  Well, that can all change now.  I found 7 Unique Ways to Wrap a Gift…. and they are unique.   She tells you how even a basic coffee filter can change an ordinary gift to a  fantastic one.  Or, how about not wrapping a gift at all and just use decorative tape to tape the box creatively.  Want more?  She has it…. how about getting clothespins and doilys from the Dollar Store and jazz up your gifts to the next level.  I told you…. these give wrapping techniques are fabulous.  And, she has more…. so make sure to check it out.

Do you have some creative ideas to wrap your gifts?  Please let me know in the comments below.


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How to Make Egg Head Christmas People

I have a fun craft for you today.  I’m going to show you how to make Egg Head Christmas People out of eggshells.  You can even make an entire series of egg people…Use your creativity to make angels, shepherds, Mary and Joseph. These make great tabletop Christmas decorations…. so make a few.  Let’s get started.

Check out our other Christmas Crafts.



Craft materials required:

Thick purple paper

Thick brown colored paper (or any skin color shade)

Egg Shell

Glitter Glue

Gold Paper

Permanent Marker





Step 1

Take a square piece of purple paper.




Step 2

Roll it to make a cone and glue the end to hold it in place. Cut the edge to form a perfect cone that will stand as shown.



Step 3

Wash and dry an egg which has been broken from one end and emptied as shown.



Step 4

Cut a strip of gold paper and snip the edges to make a zigzag design as shown.



Step 5

Roll the strip and glue. Glue the crown to the top of the head as shown.



Step 6

Take a small strip of brown card paper and fold in the center as shown.



Step 7

Glue the ends of the paper strip to the cone as shown to form folded hands.



Step 8

Draw a face using a permanent marker.



Step 9

Decorate the clothes with glitter glue as shown


Isn’t it beautiful?  Who would have thought that this could have been started from an eggshell.  But, of course it was.  Please let me know in the comments below how your Egg Head Christmas People turned out.  And, don’t forget to share a picture in your comment…. I’d love to see them.

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How to Make a 3-D Christmas Tree Card

Christmas is just a few weeks away….. now is the time to send out Christmas cards so that your friends and family receive them well before Christmas.  Well, today I’m going to show you how to make your very own 3-D Christmas cards.  These are perfect for big families because there is plenty of room to write everyone’s names.  Not to mention, everyone will love receiving these cards ….. especially since you made them yourself.

Check out our other Christmas Crafts.



Materials required:

Green Paper

Green Paint






Step 1

Cut out a Christmas tree shape as shown below.  You can do this by folding a paper, drawing half a shape and cutting it out. Make sure that both sides are symmetrical.




Step 2

Cut out 3 more trees  of the exact size and shape.



Step 3

Fold all the trees. Glue one side of one tree to the side of another tree as shown.



Step 4

Glue a side of the second tree to the third tree as shown. Similarly, glue the end of the third tree to the first tree.



Step 5

The tree will look like this…



Step 6

Write a note on each side. Paint the borders green.



Your friends and family will love to receive this Christmas card.


How did your 3-D Christmas Tree Card turn out?  It’s really unique isn’t it?  Now, make a few more and send out to your family and friends this Christmas season.

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How to Make Paper Darts – Paper Airplanes

Have you ever wanted to know how to make a fast Paper Airplane?  Well, today I’m going to show you how to make one…. it’s fast enough that I even call them Paper Darts.  The traditional Paper Airplanes are pretty slow…. boring.  Make these Paper Darts and race them with your friends.  You can even be creative and color them to give them an original look.  So, let’s get started.

Check out our other Paper Folding Crafts.

How to Make Paper Darts - Paper Airplanes


Materials Needed



Step 1

Fold paper in half both ways.

Fold paper in half both ways so it has a + crease.


Step 2

Fold a corner into center crease.

Fold a corner into center crease.


Step 3

Fold other corner in.

Fold other corner in.


Step 4

Fold in

Fold in like the above picture.


Step 5

Fold in to center.

Fold in to center.


Step 6

Fold other side

Fold other side to look like the above picture.


Step 7

Fold side inwards.

Fold side inwards.


Step 8

Fold the other side in too.

Fold the other side in too.


Step 9

just fold in half like above.

Then, just fold in half like above.


Finished paper darts

Awesome job….. you just finished making a Paper Dart.  Make a few and have races with your friends.  Find out which dart is the fastest.

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How to Make a Joy Christmas Decoration

Believe it or not it is December already.  Now is the time to get in the Christmas spirit.  This craft will get you in the Christmas spirit for sure.  Today I’m going to show you how to make a Joy Christmas Decoration.  This Christmas decoration is perfect to hang on a door knob or even your Christmas tree.  You can even make other words like, Peace, Hope and Love too.  So, let’s get started.

Check out our other Christmas Crafts.



Craft materials required:


Thick Colored Paper

Hole Punch





Step 1

Cut out 3  squares of about 5 cm wide each side, in different colors.

joy ornament



Step 2

Cut out letters J, O and Y (you can also use stickers instead).



Step 3

Stick the letters on the squares on contrasting colors.

JOY ornament2


Step 4

Punch one hole near every corner as shown.



Step 5

Take a piece of ribbon through the Y letter bottom hole as shown. (from back to front)



Step 6

Through the second hole on Y , take the ribbon back. Arrange all the other letters as shown and cut the ribbon length as required.



Step 7

Repeat the process of weaving the ribbon through O and J



Step 8

Complete the weaving as shown.  Turn to the back of the ornament and tape all the ribbons in place.  Your ornament is ready.

joy ornament3

What a beautiful Christmas decoration, huh?!  As I said above, you can use this tutorial to make more of these Christmas decorations with other words like Peace, Hope and Love…. wouldn’t that look festive hanging on all your door knobs?  It sure would.

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How to Make a Standing Paper Christmas Tree

Today is the first of December.  Now is the time to start decorating for the Christmas Holiday.  I have a fun and easy Christmas decoration craft for you….. a Standing Paper Christmas Tree.  And, guess what???… Not only is it easy, but it doesn’t need much in the way of materials.  Sounds like the perfect Christmas decoration craft, doesn’t it?  Let’s get started.

Check out our other Christmas Crafts.

How to Make a Standing Paper Christmas Tree


Materials Needed

Green Paper




Step 1

Fold green paper in half twice.

Fold green paper in half twice.


Step 2

Draw half of a tree along fold.

Draw half of a tree along fold.  Cut out along where you just drew.


Step 3

Open it up and it looks like this.

Open it up and it looks like this.


Step 4

Cut both trees apart between both of them.

Cut both trees apart between both of them.


Step 5

Cut down center

Cut down center… one slit on top of one tree and one slit at the bottom of the other tree.


Step 6

Now use the slits to slide the tree together

Now use the slits to slide the tree together to look like the tree above.

How did your Standing Paper Christmas Tree turn out?  Make a few and use them to decorate your house for Christmas.  And, don’t forget to check out our other Christmas Crafts.

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How to Make your Own Envelopes for Christmas

Today I’m going to show you three different ways to make your own Envelopes for the Christmas Holiday.  Everyone loves to receive homemade drawings and paper gifts for the Holidays.  But, instead of just handing them the drawings…. how about make your own envelopes to place them in.  You don’t have to stick to the ordinary white paper envelopes either… Instead make many different envelopes out of different color paper.

Check out our other Christmas Crafts.

How to Make your Own Envelopes for Christmas


Materials Needed



Glue (optional)


All three style envelopes require starting off with a square piece of paper.  If the only paper you have is rectangular…. that’s not a problem.  This is how you can take a rectangular piece of paper and make it a square…

This is how you can take a rectangular piece of paper and make it a square.

Fold corner A over until the side AB meets up with side BC.  Cut along the bottom.  Now, your paper is square.


Envelope 1

Step 1

Fold corners into the center.

Start with the square piece of paper.  Fold corners into the center.


Step 2

Close envelope with a sticker.

Close envelope with a sticker.


Envelope 2

Step 1

fold all corners to the center.

Start with the square piece of paper.  Again, with this envelope, fold all corners to the center.  But, then cut off part of the bottom triangle.


Step 2

fold the bottom tab up

Firstly, fold the bottom tab up… then fold each side triangle inwards.


Step 3

Fold the top triangle down over both of the others

Fold the top triangle down over both of the others.  Paste or use sticker to secure.


Envelope 3

Step 1

This envelope is a bit more complicated because of the odd shape

This envelope is a bit more complicated because of the odd shape…. but it doesn’t need to be perfect.


Step 2

Fold the side tabs in over the card

Fold the side tabs in over the card.  Then fold the bottom part up.  Then glue the top flap down or use a sticker.


How to Make your Own Envelopes for Christmas

There you have it…. 3 different ways to make envelopes yourself for Christmas or any Holiday.  Which envelope style are you going to use?  Let me know in the comments below.

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How to Make a Paper Christmas Ornament

Today I’m going to show you a simple craft to make a Christmas Ornament out of paper and ribbon.  And, keep in mind…. just because the craft is a simple one does not mean that the ornament will look simple when done.  As a matter of fact, the ornament turns out to be quite beautiful.  So, let’s get started.

Check out our other Christmas Crafts.

christmas ornament

Craft materials required:

Colored Paper



Hole Punch

Paper Clip



Step 1

Cut 5 strips of paper about 4 cm wide.




Step 2

Cut 2 of them to the length of 20 cm, 2 to the length of 16 cm and 1 to the length of 12 cm.



Step 3

Place them on top of each other in this order… 20 cm – 16 cm  – 12 cm – 16 cm – 20 cm.  Bring one end of all the strips together and punch a hole in it.



Step 4

Tie a piece of ribbon as shown.  Leave it long enough to be used to hang it up somewhere.



Step 5

Bring the other end of all the strips together as shown. You can hold it in place with a paper clip.  Punch a hole in this end too.



Step 6

Tie a small piece of ribbon through the bottom end.



Step 7

Hang up the paper ornament on your Christmas tree or use it as a Christmas decoration somewhere else in your house.

christmas ornament

And, that’s it.  I told you the craft is simple.  How did your Christmas Ornament turn out?  Let me know in the comments below.  And, don’t forget to take a picture of it as well…. you can include it in your comment, so I can take a look at it.

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