How to Make a George Washington Wig for President’s Day

Lately I have been showing you some crafts to do for President’s Day.  Well, I’m going to continue with the President’s Day crafting fun by showing you how to make a George Washington Wig.  Made from cotton balls and a large paper shopping bag…. this craft turns out awesome.  Plus, the craft is a lot of fun…. almost as much fun as the child will have running around wearing the George Washington Wig he/she just made.  So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started with this crafting fun.

Check out our other President’s Day Crafts.

How to Make a George Washington Wig


Materials Needed

Large Paper Bag

Pen or Marker


Cotton Balls


Blue Ribbon


Step 1

Draw a number 5 like shape on large bag.

Draw a number 5 like shape on large bag.


Step 2

Now, cut out the shape you drew in last step

Close the bag so it is not open.  Now, cut out the shape you drew in last step so you cut thru both sides.


Step 3

This is the part that will go over your head.

This is the part that will go over your head.


Step 4

Glue cotton balls over the outside of bag.

Glue cotton balls over the outside of bag.


Step 5

Tie ribbon around back for ponytail.

Tie ribbon around back for ponytail.


Finished George Washington Wig

Awesome job… you just finished making your George Washington Wig for President’s Day.  Wasn’t it fun to make?!  Now, put on your wig and act like George Washington.  Fun stuff!!

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How to Make an Abe Lincoln Top Hat for President’s Day

Yesterday I showed you how to make a an Easy George Washington Hat for President’s Day.  Well, it wouldn’t be right to make a hat and celebrate George Washington’s special day if we don’t do the same thing for Abraham Lincoln.  So, today I will show you how to make an Abe Lincoln Top Hat for President’s Day.  After all, President’s Day is about honoring both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.  And, what better way to honor Abraham Lincoln than to make his top hat.  So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.

Check out our other President’s Day Crafts.

How to Make an Abe Lincoln Top Hat for President's Day


Materials Needed

Oatmeal Container

Black Felt, Paper or Foam

Paper Plate

Black Paint

Pen or Pencil




Step 1

Grab an Oatmeal Container.

Grab an Oatmeal Container.


Step 2

Take the cap of the rolled oats container and cover with black felt

Take the cap of the rolled oats container and cover with black felt, paper or foam.


Step 3

Put the cap on the box and then wrap black paper, felt or craft foam around the box

Put the cap on the box and then wrap black paper, felt or craft foam around the box.  Leave opening unwrapped.


Step 4

Paint a plate black.

Paint a plate black.


Step 5

Trace the oatmeal box on the center of plate.

Trace the oatmeal box on the center of plate.


Step 6

Draw tabs into circles and then cut out.

Draw tabs into circles and then cut out.


Step 7

Cut out and it will look like this.  Fold tabs inwards.

Cut out and it will look like this.  Fold tabs inwards.


Step 8

Put glue on tabs and glue to inside of box.

Put glue on tabs and glue to inside of box.


Step 9

Let glue dry.

Let glue dry.

And, there you have it…. you just finished your Abe Lincoln Top Hat for President’s Day.  How did it turn out for you?  Let me know in the comments below.  Now, go wear it proudly.

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How to Make an “I Don’t Want to Stay Down” Doll

Today I’m going to show you how to make a traditional Romanian Toy.  It is called a “Hopa Mitica” Doll.  But, we will call it an “I Don’t Want to Stay Down” Doll because this doll will not stay down.  When you try to lay it down it will pop right back up.  It’s a cute, funny toy that will be a ton of fun to make…. almost as much fun as it will be playing with the Doll.  So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started with the crafting fun.

Check out our other Doll Making Crafts.

Laura from Dacian Moon Handmade will show you this craft step-by-step.

Our doll will not be made of wood, so …


Materials Needed

– round top (I use a round top from a roll-on)
– scissors
– a red marker and a black one
– 2 cloth pieces – one white or light pink for the face and one colored for the dress
– anti-shock wrap (bubble wrap)
– yarn (whatever color you want her hair to be) and needle
– 1 toothpick
– weights (could be anything heavy but small, it should stay on the bottom of the round top.)
– one piece of ribbon


Step 1

Make a ball (not perfect, of course) from the bubble wrap…

… roll up the white cloth around it…

… and tie it with a piece of yarn. This will be the head.



Step 2

Use the needle to add hair to the head, like in the picture.

Cut the yarn near the needle…

… and make a knot (or two) with the two parts of yarn.

Add as many yarn pieces until you are happy with the result. An alternate method is to glue the yarn to the head of the doll.


Step 3

Now we will place the weights in the round top. They should stay on the bottom of it. You can place there just enough weights to keep the round top up. If you will add more, the doll will not work.


Step 4

Make another ball of bubble wrap …

… and stuff it in the round top, in order to keep the weights in place.


Step 5

Place the toothpick on the lower part of the head, like in the picture.


Step 6

Roll up the rest of the bubble wrap around the toothpick…

… and fix it on top of the other bubble wrap, on the round top.


Step 7

Take the colored cloth …

… and wrap it around the doll, keeping out the head.


Step 8

Tie the cloth with the ribbon, at the base of the head. Take care to let her hair out too.

The doll will look like that.


Step 9

Using the markers, draw eyes and mouth.

And that’s it.

Now try to put her down.

She will jump up …

… waiting to play with you.

And that is how you make your “I Don’t Want to Stay Down” Doll.  Try and knock her over and see what happens…. she pops right back up again ready to play some more.  Have fun!!

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How to Make Velcro Bullseye Game Rings

Oh boy….. do I have a fun craft for you today!!  I’m going to show you how to make Velcro Bullseye Game Rings.  The ring is made with felt and when you throw a small little Velcro ball at it the ball actually sticks.  The craft is a fun one…. almost as much fun as it is to wear this adorable ring.   This ring craft would be an awesome craft to make party favors for a birthday party.  Imagine the excitement of the kids attending the party when they see they get Velcro Bullseye Game Rings to take home with them.  They’d love it!!

Check out our other Jewelry Crafts.

How to Make Bullseye Game Rings


Materials Needed

Pull Tabs for Juice or Milk Cartons

4 Different Size & Colors of Felt



Small Ball


Step 1

Juice and some milk cartons have pull tabs for when first opened.

Juice and some milk cartons have pull tabs for when first opened.  Grab one of these.


Step 2

Flatten it a bit.

Flatten it a bit.


Step 3

It should now stand like this.

It should now stand like this.


Step 4

Cut out 4 different sized colors of felt.

Cut out 4 different sized colors of felt.


Step 5

Glue 4 pieces of felt together.

Glue 4 pieces of felt together.


Step 6

Glue felt onto front of pull tab.

Glue felt onto front of pull tab.


Step 7

You can stand it up to play.

You can stand it up to play.


Step 8

You can glue a piece of Velcro onto a small ball.

You can glue a piece of Velcro onto a small ball.


Finished Velcro Bullseye Game Ring

Awesome…. you just finished making your Velcro Bullseye Game Ring.  Isn’t it simply adorable?  Plus, you can take off the ring and play the Bullseye Game anytime you want.  Or simply wear the ring and play the game with the ring still on your finger…. So much fun!!

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How to Make an Easy George Washington Hat for President’s Day

President’s Day is coming up later this month…. specifically on February 20th.  On President’s Day we celebrate George Washington’s Birthday.  So, in honor of our first President’s birthday I’m going to show you how to make an easy George Washington Hat.  Your youngest of crafters will love making this George Washington Hat…. almost as much as they love wearing it.  You don’t need many materials for this craft.  As a matter of fact, you probably have most of the materials at home already.  So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.

Check out our other President’s Day Crafts.

How to Make an Easy George Washington Hat


Materials Needed


Pen or Marker



Step 1

Fold paper in half like picture.

Fold paper in half like picture.


Step 2

Draw a letter 'S' like shape on the paper.

Draw a letter ‘S’ like shape on the paper.


Step 3

Cut out the letter 'S' shape.

Cut out the letter ‘S’ shape.


Step 4

Cut a slit partially thru fold.

Cut a slit partially thru fold.


Step 5



And, there you have it…. you just finished making an Easy George Washington Hat.  How did your George Washington Hat turn out?  Let me know in the comments below.  And, don’t forget to take a picture too…. you can also post a picture with your comment.  I’d love to see it.

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How to Make a Paper Jumping Frog

I have a super duper fun craft for you today.  I’m going to show you how to make a Paper Jumping Frog.  That’s right, a Jumping Frog simply made out of paper.  Folded just the right way this Paper Frog will actually jump… and jump well.  And, the cool part…. you only need paper for this craft.  No other materials needed.  So, grab a green piece of paper (or whatever color paper you would like) and let’s get this fun craft started.

Check out our other Paper Folding Activities.

Laura from Dacian Moon Handmade will show you how to make this step-by-step.


Materials Needed

– green paper (can be white paper too, or any other color you want your frog to be)


Step 1

Bring one corner to the opposite side to form a triangle. Cut out the extra paper.

Unfold and you’ll have a square.



Step 2

Fold on the other diagonal…

… then unfold.


Step 3

Fold the paper in cross and unfold – we will need all those creases.


Step 4

Take the right edge…

… and bring it to the lower one. Press the new formed edge until you reach the center.

Do the same on the left side.

Then flatten the upper part…

… like this.


Step 5

Take the left corner…

… and bring it over the upper one.

Repeat with the right one. It will look like this.


Step 6

Fold the upper corners like in the picture.

Our paper will look like that.


Step 7

Turn the paper.

Bring the left side over the center crease.

Do the same with the right one.


Step 8

Now we will make the feet of the frog.  Fold the right triangle outward, taking care that the base is parallel with the body…

… like in the picture.

Do the same with the the left side.


Step 9

Fold the lower part of the frog over the upper part (almost in half).

Then fold it down again (in half)

Turn it over and the frog is ready.

To play with it simply press where it is shown in the picture and the frog will rise her head and jump.

Isn’t this Paper Jumping Frog a cutie patootie?  It is just simply cute.  It’s even cuter when it jumps.  How did your Paper Jumping Frog turn out?  Let me know in the comments below.

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How to Make a Kokeshi Doll

Kokeshi are Japanese dolls, originally from northern Japan. They are handmade from wood, have a simple trunk and an enlarged head with a few thin, painted lines to define the face. One characteristic of kokeshi Dolls is their lack of arms or legs.  So, with that being said…. today I’m going to show you how to make a Kokeshi Doll.  It will be a lot of fun…. almost as much fun as it will be showing to people the Kokeshi Doll you made yourself.  So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.

Check out our other Doll Making Crafts.

Laura from Dacian Moon Handmade will show you how to make a kokeshi doll step-by-step.


Materials Needed

– 1 cylinder wooden bead – I use a cork – this will be the body
– 1 round wooden bead – I use a walnut – this will be the head (she would be prettier if you’ll use a wooden ball in place of the walnut)
– a piece of paper with flowers
– a piece of white paper
– a piece of red paper (or a ribbon)
– craft glue
– paints (red and black)
– paintbrush


Step 1

Cut the paper with flowers a little bit (with 1 or 2 mm) shorter then the cylinder.

Apply a layer of glue on the back of this paper…

… and roll it around the cylinder.



Step 2

Take the white paper and cut it the same length as the first one, but shorter. Apply a layer of glue on it…

… and place it in the middle of the paper with flowers …

… like this.


Step 3

Apply a layer of glue on the red paper / ribbon too …

… and place it on the middle…

… like this.


Step 4

Now is the time to make the head.

Take the walnut / ball and, using the black paint, make her hair and eyes. Remember that her face should be made of simple, thin lines. Let it dry.


Step 5

Apply a layer of glue on the bottom of the head…

… and place it on top of the body.


Step 6

You can add blush and a mouth… and your doll is ready!

Isn’t this Kokeshi Doll just adorable?  Imagine how cute she would look sitting on your dresser.  How did your Kokeshi Doll turn out?  Let me know in the comments below.  And, make sure to take a picture of your Kokeshi Doll and post that in the comment as well… I’d love to see it.

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How to Make a Kawaii Hair Clip

Kawaii means cuteness in Japanese culture (literally, adorable, precious, lovable, or innocent). So, in honor of that today we are going to make a Hair Clip that is totally Kawaii.  The craft is an easy one, but the outcome is a hair clip that you will love to wear.  Made from a piece of leather, a hair clip and a couple of other materials you’ll have this craft put together in no time.  So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.

Laura from Dacian Moon Handmade will show you this tutorial step-by-step.


Materials Needed

– a piece of red leather (about 3 cm x 3 cm)
– hair clip
– scissors
– craft glue
– black, thin marker


Step 1

Draw a cute figure on the leather (I chose a heart).



Step 2

Cut out the figure with the scissor…

… like this.


Step 3

Draw on a super kawaii face with the marker.


Step 4

Apply a layer of glue on the back of your figure.


Step 5

Place the figure on the hair clip and that’s all. Now, you have a kawaii hair clip.

Doesn’t this Kawaii Hair Clip turn out quite adorable.  I guess it should…. after all that is what Kawaii is all about.  How did you Kawaii Hair Clip turn out?  Let me know in the comments below.  And, make sure to take a picture of your hair clip and add it to the comment…. I’d love to take a peek at it.

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How to Make a “Beautiful Places” Key Chain

Do you have pictures you would love to remember?  For example, do you have pictures of Summer Camp, or School Trips, or perhaps a Vacation with your parents?  Aren’t these memories just wonderful and you would love to remember them for always?  Well, I have the craft for you today.  I’m going to show you how to make a “Beautiful Places” Key Chain…. perfect for holding your fondest memories close to your heart.  Or perhaps you would like to make this “Beautiful Places” Key Chain for your friend or family member who would too love to keep these memories close to them.  Either way… this key chain is sure to be loved.  So, let’s get started.

Check out our other Keepsake Crafts.

Laura from Dacian Moon Handmade will show you this craft step-by-step.


Materials Needed

– metal caps (as many as the places you want to remember)
– small pictures of those places (cut them round to enter in the cap – 2.5 cm)
– key chain accessory
– yarn
– duct tape
– glue


Step 1

Take the image…

… apply a layer of glue on it…

… and place it on the cap …

… like this.



Step 2

Repeat that for all the places you want to remember. I want to remember two castles and two ancient vestiges from Romania.


Step 3

Cut four pieces of yarn (as many as the places you have)…

… of different sizes.


Step 4

Cut a piece of duct tape…

… place a piece of yarn on it, like this…

… then place it on the exterior side of the cap.

Now we have a finished cap.


Step 5

Repeat step 4 for the other caps.


Step 6

Cut a bigger piece of yarn…

… put it through the loop …

… and knot it.


Step 7

Do that for the other caps too, taking care to let enough space between them.

That is it! Now you have a key chain with all the beautiful places you visited.

Doesn’t this “Beautiful Places” Key Chain turn out awesome?!  Imagine carrying your keys on this key chain…. it will be wonderful.  How did your key chain turn out?  Let me know in the comments below.  And, don’t forget…. take a picture of it and post it in the comment as well.  I’d love to see it.

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How to Make a Handprints T-Shirt

I have a fun keepsake memory craft for you today.  I’m going to show you how to make a Handprints T-shirt.  This Handprint T-shirt craft is perfect for the end of school, birthday party, summer camp or anything that you want to remember your friends from.  All you need are a bunch of friends, a fresh T-shirt and some paint and you are good to go.  So, grab a bunch of your best of friends and the rest of the materials needed and let’s get this craft started.

Check out our other Keepsake Crafts.

(tutorial offered by Laura from Dacian Moon Handmade)


Materials Needed

– white T-Shirt
– paints
– marker (permanent or paint marker)
– paintbrush
– friends


Step 1

Prepare your T-Shirt.



Step 2

You and your friends paint your hands – you can use the paintbrush for that.


Step 3

Place your hand over the T-Shirt and… go!

That is my handprint…

… and the handprints of my 5 friends.


Step 4

You can write a remembering quote on your handprints and, of course, you must sign them.

Let the T-Shirt dry then you can wear it.

Doesn’t this Handprints T-shirt craft turn out amazing?  Imagine how wonderful it will be to wear the T-shirt that you and your friends help make together.  It is a wonderful way to remember your time with your friends.

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How to Make a Whistling Birdie Toy

I have a fun craft for you today.  I’m going to show you how to make a Whistling Birdie Toy.  This Whistling Birdie toy is a traditional toy from Romania.  It is common to see the children of Romania playing with a Whistling Birdie toy like the one I’m going to show you how to make today.  And, believe it or not…. it will actually whistle.  And, if you add a little water to the whistling birdie it will sound like it is a real bird.  Because you will be using polymer clay you will need a little help from an adult.  So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.

Check out our other Toy Crafts.

Laura from Dacian Moon Handmade will show you, step by step, how to make this toy.


Materials Needed

– toothpick
– a piece of polymer clay (the color you want your bird to be)
– two little tubes (I use two little pieces from a flexible straw)
– baking paper
– baking tray


Step 1

Take a small part of clay…

… and condition it by hand, simply mix it and squish it with your fingers.

Roll it into a log using your fingers, like that:

The log will look like that.

Make a circle with the roll, by pressing the ends together.



Step 2

Take a little less than half of the remaining clay, condition it by hand.

Make it a ball and flatten it.

Using your big finger press the center of the clay piece.

Place the piece on the circle, like in the picture.


Step 3

Take a half of the remaining clay, condition it …

… and make it the same.

Later we will place it on top of the other one, reverted, so it should fit there.


Step 4

Place the tubes near the edges of the top piece, taking care to get off the clay that will get on the tubes.


Step 5

Use a half of the remaining clay to cover one tube, taking care to be higher than the tube, like in the picture.

Completely cover the tube.

Use the toothpick to make a hole like in the picture (that’s the reason we need the covering to be higher than the tube)


Step 6

Use all remaining clay to cover the second straw.

Completely cover it (not on top, of course.)

Try to make it look, as much as possible, like a bird’s head with an open beak.


Step 7

Place the top on the bottom of the figure, like in the picture.


Step 8

***Now you’ll need the help of an adult.
Place the bird (with it’s piece of baking paper) on the baking tray, and bake it according to the instructions on the polymer clay package (they depend on the brand you use: fimo, cernit, sculpey…, but usually is one half of hour at 230 F or 110 C)


Step 9

Let it cool down.


Step 10

You can use paints to make the bird beautiful.  I used a toothpick and silver paint.

And… This is our bird.

You can fill it half with water…

… and whistle. Without water it will simply whistle, with water it will make sounds like real birds.

Have fun whistling with your Whistling Birdie Toy.  How did your Whistling Birdie Toy turn out?  Did you paint it differently than me?  Let me know in the comments below.  And, take a picture of your birdie too…. you can leave it in the comments as well.  I’d love to see it.

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How to Make a Cute Stuffed Owl

If you love stuffed animals then you are going to love today’s craft.  I’m going to show you how to make a Cute Stuffed Owl.  You can decide to keep in for yourself or give it to one of your best friends to love.  Either way you can guarantee that people are going to love this stuffed owl… especially when they find out that you made it yourself.  So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.

Laura from Dacian Moon Handmade will show you how to make this, step-by-step.


Materials Needed

– two different pieces of fabric (one smaller than the other) – in my case I used blue and grey.
– one small piece of red leather or felt
– scissors
– craft glue (optional)
– 2 white buttons
– stuffing material (I use some cotton pads)
– string and needles


Step 1

Draw a big triangle (with curved edges) on the blue fabric.

Draw a smaller triangle on the grey fabric.



Step 2

Cut the triangles out.

They should look like this.


Step 3

Place the right sides together…

… and stitch them.


Step 4

Force the left sides together and stitch them too.

This will cause the top of the body piece to come together …

… so sew that shut too.


Step 5

Turn the owl right-side-out …

… and fold down the top of the triangle. If you fold it lower, you’ll have a fatter and shorter owl. It will be taller and thinner if you fold it higher.  Secure this with a quick whip stitch.


Step 6

Cut a small triangle (with curved edges) out of the red leather.

Sew it or glue it on top of the fold.


Step 7

Sew the buttons on the sides of the beak…

… like this.


Step 8

Do a nice running gather stitch along the bottom of the owl, but don’t tie it yet.


Step 9

Prepare the stuffing material – I tore the cotton pads in small fluffy pieces.

Stuff your little bird so that it has a wonderfully squishy and cuddly softness to it.

Tie off the gather threads….

…and now you have a new cute friend to play with.

Isn’t this Stuffed Owl just simply cute?!  And, the cool part is that you made it yourself.  How did your stuffed owl turn out?  Let me know in the comments below.  And, don’t forget to add a picture of your owl to the comment too…. I would love to see it.

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How to Make a Coffee Can Drum

I have a fun craft for the youngest of crafters.  Today I’m going to show you how to make a coffee can drum.  What child doesn’t love playing drums?  They all love playing the drums.  This drum is made from a coffee can, denim and some other materials you probably have at home.  Once you have made the drum simply grab a couple of pencils or any wooden sticks and your drums are good to go.  So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.

Check out our other Can Crafts.

Laura from Dacian Moon Handmade will show you how to make this, step by step.


Materials Needed

– aluminum coffee can with plastic lid
– colored paper
– denim
– yarn
– glue
– pencil
– scissors


Step 1

Cut the paper the same height as the can.



Step 2

Apply a layer of glue on the paper…

… and place it on the can.


Step 3

Cut a rectangle out of the denim.


Step 4

Take the plastic lid and add a layer of glue on it’s exterior side…

… then place it on the denim rectangle. Let the glue dry.


Step 5

Close the coffee can.


Step 6

Cut a generous piece of yarn…

… and spin it around the can, just under the lid.


Step 7

Do the same on the lower part of the can.


Step 8

Your drum is ready. You can use two pencils or any wooden sticks to play it.

Wasn’t that easy peasy?!  Now, your drum is all ready to play all day long.  How did your Coffee Can Drum turn out?  Let me know in the comments below.  Also, you can add a picture of your drum to the comments as well… that way I can see how it turned out.

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How to Make a Sailboat candle Holder

If you love candles then today’s craft is going to make you very happy.  I’m going to show you how to make a Sailboat  Candle Holder.  Made from a piece of cardboard and transparent paper this candle turns out beautifully.  The candle shimmers right through the transparent paper onto your wall.  You’ll gonna love it!!  Just keep in mind you will need some help from an adult to light the candle.  Never light it without adult supervision.  So, let’s get started.

Check out our other Candle Crafts.

Laura from Dacian Moon Handmade will show you how to make this Step-by-Step.



– cardboard
– transparent paper
– glue
– recycled jar
– pencil
– red and blue colored pencils
– decorative edge scissors
– scissors
– tea candle

Step 1

Measure on the cardboard the height of the jar plus 1 cm …

… and cut it out.



Step 2

Using the decorative scissors, cut along one long side.

It will look like that.


Step 3

Using the jar again, measure its width …

… and mark it on the cardboard. Place the transparent paper over it and draw the new markings on it…

… to help you cut out this rectangle.


Step 4

Fold the cardboard on the marked line…

… like this.

Continue folding around it until you have this.


Step 5

Fold the last side at 0.5 cm – you will use that to close it.


Step 6

Unfold it all.

On the second side draw a boat…

… like this.


Step 7

Using the scissors, cut out the drawing.

It will look like this.

Turn it to the other side and apply a layer of glue on the rectangle with the boat.

Place the transparent paper on it.

Turn it again.


Step 8

Use the red pencil to color the boat …

… like this.

You can place a textured paper under it to have a pattern on the boat.

And blue pencil to color the sail.


Step 9

Apply a layer of glue on the last folded part (the 0.5 cm one)…

… then glue it to  the edge of the first part, like this.


Step 10

Place the jar inside…. along with the candle.

… and have an adult light it.

Notice how beautiful the candle looks shimmering through the sailboat.  Isn’t it just breathtaking.  Don’t forget…. never leave a candle lit unattended.  If you are leaving the room…. blow it out.

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How to Make an Under the Sea Decoration

Do you like Under the Sea creatures?  If you do then I have a craft for you today that you will truly enjoy.  I’m going to show you how to make an Under the Sea Decoration that will look so wonderful hung up in your bedroom.  Imagine how lovely it will look hung up on your ceiling as your stare at it below from your bed.  Well, you don’t have to imagine anymore… let’s help it become a reality.  Today I’m going to show you how to make this Under the Sea Decoration step-by-step.  So, let’s get started.

Laura from Dacian Moon Handmade will show you, step by step, how to make this decoration.


Materials Needed

– “Under the Sea Friends” template: download here
– thick paper or card stock
– glue (transparent)
– thread and needle
– scissors


Step 1

Print the template on thick paper and cut out the drawings.

That is what you’ll have when you are finished.



Step 2

Take one fish and apply a layer of glue on it’s back.

… then place it’s pair on it.


Step 3

Repeat step 2 until every friend has the two sides glued.


Step 4

We will start with the last one saved. Take the rainbow colored fish and, with the needle make a hole on its top, like in the picture.

Let the thread go through the hole …

… and, when you have a little thread left, make a knot. That way, the fish won’t fall again.

Measure about 5 cm and make another knot.

This is where you will place the crab. With the needle make a hole in one jaw…

…and take him down until you reach the knot.

Make another hole in his other jaw…

That way, the little crab is secured with the rope. He will not fall again.

Do the same with the other friends.


Step 5

Make a knot around the seahorse’s tail and wrap around the rope once, take it just under his head – it is easier to use the needle here too.


Step 6

The final step: make a knot on the end of the thread.

And. look at that…. you just finished making the entire “Under the Sea” Decoration.  Isn’t it just adorable?!  Imagine how cute it will look hung up.  Enjoy it.

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How to Make Cute Fruit Pendants

If you were looking for a super fun craft that turns out equally super cute…. then I have the craft for you today.  I’m going to show you how to make Cute Fruit Pendants.  These pendants are made from Polymer Clay, so they turn out really durable…. another words, they will last.  Add a little paint and a couple of eye pins and you have the materials needed to do this craft.  Keep in mind that the polymer clay will need to be baked, so you will need an adult for this part.  So, grab the materials needed and let’s get this craft started.

Check out our other Jewelry Crafts.

Step-by-step tutorial offered by Laura from Dacian Moon Handmade.


Materials Needed

– toothpick
– polymer clay: blue and yellow – we will make a plum and a lemon
– cutter
– acrylic paints (white, black and red/pink)
– 2 eye-pins
– baking paper
– baking tray


Step 1

Let’s start with the plum. Take the blue clay.

Condition polymer clay by hand, simply mix it and squish it with your fingers. You may want to roll it into a log between your palms, fold it in half, and then roll again.



Step 2

Make a little egg with it by rubbing it gently between your hands.


Step 3

Take one pin…

… and fix it on top of the blue egg.

Press until only the eye stays outside.


Step 4

Because we don’t bake every piece separately, we must do the lemon too. So, take the yellow clay…

… and condition it.


Step 5

Repeat the 2nd and 3rd steps: make a yellow egg…

… and place the pin on top of it.


Step 6

With three fingers squish the head.

Now it looks like a lemon.


Step 7

Place the fruits on the baking tray, and bake them according to the instructions on the polymer clay package (they depend on the brand you use: fimo, cernit, sculpey…, but usually it is one half of hour at 230 F or 110 C) – this part you need a little help from an adult.

Let them cool down.


Step 8

Use the toothpick to paint them. Add two white circles…

… then two black smaller circles to complete the eyes

Draw the mouth – make them smile.

That is the plum.

Now take the lemon…

… and paint it too. Be creative.

You can add red cheeks, for a drop of color.

Now, you can attach them to a chain or a thread or a bracelet… even to a key chain. Either way it will be super cute.  What way did you decide to display your Cute Fruit Pendants?  Let me know in the comments below.  And, take a picture of your fruit pendants and share that in the comment at well… I’d love to see how they turned out.

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