How to Make a Nature Treasure Bowl

Mother nature is absolutely beautiful….. just breathtaking.  Did you ever wish you could hold some of nature in a jar so you can look at it whenever you want?  Well, today I’m going to show you how to do just that.  In this post I’m going to show you how to make a Nature Treasure Bowl.  Simply take a walk in a park or in the woods and collect some of the things you find along the way like acorns, stones, pine cones…. whatever you want to place in a jar.  So, let’s get started.

Laura from Dacian Moon Handmade will show you how to make this decorative bowl step by step.


Materials Needed

– transparent bowl
– moss – or you can use decorative green scented sand from the store, like me.
– 2 acorns
– 2 stones
– 1 pine cone
– 1 little twig


Step 1

Take the transparent bowl …

… and place the moss / green sand in it (about a half of bowl)



Step 2

Let’s start with the twig.

It should be in the middle and we’ll decorate around it.


Step 3

Place the stones on the sides of the twig.


Step 4

Add the acorns…

And in the middle of it place the pine cone.

Now it looks complete. You have a little piece of the woods in your home.

Feel free to use your own creativity to make your Nature Treasure Bowl how you see fit.  You can even do this project using normal sand, shells, starfish… to bring the sea home to you.

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How to Make an Organizer out of Old Plastic Bottles

Today I have a super easy craft that is very useful.  I’m going to show you how to make an Organizer out of Old Plastic Bottles or Jars.  This craft is a great way to recycle those old plastic bottles and jars.  And, the outcome is a beautiful organizer.  You will need a little bit of adult help as you will need to use a cutter to cut the plastic bottles all different sizes.  So, grab the materials needed and let’s get this craft started.

Check out our other Plastic Bottle Crafts.


Materials Needed

Old plastic bottles and jars



Scissors, cutters (Adult Help)



Step 1

Collect a few jars and cut them in different heights as shown.



Step 2

Cover the jars with fabric and glue it in place as shown. Place the jars together and glue them on a piece of cardboard.


Step 3

Draw around the jars and cut it out so that the base looks like it is shown


Step 4

Add a ribbon and your Organizer is finished.

And, that is it…. you have a beautiful organizer made simply out of old Plastic Bottles and Jars.  Now, the question is….. what are you going to organize?  What are you waiting for… get started.

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How To Make a Craft Box With a Used Gift/Shoe Box

A sturdy shoe or gift box can be transformed into a pretty craft box where you can store your art and craft materials and accessories. A few easy steps to follow, but feel free to use your own creativity.  No need to follow this craft step by step.  Each craft box made will look differently than anybody else’s craft box…. that’s how it should be.  So, grab the materials you need to make your craft box and let’s get started.











Materials Needed

Used cardboard box (gift/shoe)
Wrapping Papers
Colored Scratch Papers
Glue/Glue Gun











Step 1

Prepare materials needed. Choose papers and ribbons to use.



Step 2

Place wrapping paper on the bottom and gently press it against the box to create the side’s dimension. With a pair of scissors, cut the paper giving about a half inch more on one side, and the exact measurement on the other side.


Step 3

Glue paper onto the box, folding the extra side to overlap the other side. Continue the same steps until all sides are covered. If your box has a hole handle, you may leave the wrapper until just below the handle.


Step 4

Be more creative when wrapping the box cover. You can partially cover one side and have your kid glue shaped pieces of papers and wrappers. Add a ribbon or two.

And that’s it! Your box is now ready for storing your craft accessories.  Now, you have all your craft supplies in one place so you can find them easily.

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How to Make a Leprechaun Finger Puppet for St. Patrick’s Day

Oh boy, do I have a fun craft for you today!!  I don’t know if the craft is more fun or the playing with the finished craft once it is done.  Today I’m going to show you how to make a Leprechaun Finger Puppet.  We give you the template… you just simply print it off and your craft is halfway done.  You can choose to print off the black & white template and color the Leprechaun yourself…. or, if you would prefer, you could print off the color template and continue with the craft from there.  The choice is yours.  So, let’s get started.

Check out our other St. Patrick’s Day Crafts.

How to Make a Leprechaun Finger Puppet


Materials Needed

Printer & Paper





Click on the template image to make larger and to print.

Black & White Template

Black & White Template


Color Template

Color Leprechaun Template


Step 1

Print out template.

Print out template.


Step 2

Cut out Leprechaun.

Cut out Leprechaun.


Step 3

Glue him to cardboard.

Glue him to cardboard.


Step 4

Let dry.... then cut out.

Let dry…. then cut out.


Step 5

Finished Leprechaun

Now put your fingers thru the finger holes.  Your fingers are the little guy’s legs.  Have fun playing.

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How to Make a Button Leprechaun for St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is coming up in less than 2 weeks.  So, with that being said…. I thought that we could work on a fun craft in honor of St. Patrick’s Day.  In this post I will show you how to make a Button Leprechaun.  A Leprechaun is supposed to be a fairy type of being that takes the shape of an old man…. he usually wears a green jacket.  a Leprechaun is popular in Irish folklore.  So, in preparation of the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day Holiday let’s get this craft started.

Check out our other St. Patrick’s Day Crafts.

How to Make a Button Leprechaun


Materials Needed

Pipe Cleaner

4 Small Black Buttons

1 Large Black Button

2 Medium Black Buttons

6 Green Buttons

3 Pink Buttons

1 Large Orange Button

Black Marker or Paint


Step 1

Get a pipe cleaner.

Get a pipe cleaner.


Step 2

Start placing buttons on pipe cleaner.

Start placing buttons on pipe cleaner.


Step 3

Lace buttons on pipe cleaner in the following order

Lace buttons on pipe cleaner in the following order:  1 Black, 3 Greens, 1 Black, 3 Greens, 1 Large Orange, 3 Pinks, 1 Big Black, 4 Small Black.


Step 4

Push pipe cleaner down into hole diagonal to the hole that the pipe cleaner is coming out of.

Push pipe cleaner down into hole diagonal to the hole that the pipe cleaner is coming out of.


Step 5

Twist pipe cleaner at bottom.... cut.

Twist pipe cleaner at bottom…. cut.


Step 6

Draw eyes on the pink buttons.

Draw eyes on the pink buttons.


Finished Button Leprechaun

Check out the finished Button Leprechaun.  Isn’t he cute?  How did your Button Leprechaun turn out?  Let me know in the comments below.  And, make sure to take a picture of your finished craft and leave that in the comment as well…. I’d love to see it.

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How to Make a Personalized Journal

Spring and summer is coming up.  And, one of the best parts of Spring and Summer is that the weather is usually beautiful enough to get outside and have adventures.  Why not record your adventures so you are able to look back at them and relive your adventures for years to come.  How do you do that?  With a Journal, of course.  A journal is like a diary…. it is a place to record your daily doings so that you can read them later and remember those times.  Today I’m going to show you how to make a Personalized Journal.  So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.

Check out our other Keepsake Craft Ideas.

Laura from Dacian Moon Handmade will show you how to make this journal step-by-step.


Materials Needed

– blank journal / notebook
– dried plants (you can gather yourself or buy a potpourri – I used orange, brown and yellow plants)
– 1 polymer flower (or plastic, glass…)
– one auto-adhesive crystal
– colored pens
– one pencil
– glue


Step 1

Using the pencil make a sketch of how you want the journal to look like.


Step 2

Use the appropriate colors to give life to the sketch. I used red for the contour…

… and for the lace style drawing.


Step 3

Use green to make twigs and leaves.


Step 4

In the middle you may want to write “Summer Journal” like I did…. or whatever title you would like.


Step 5

Let’s place the auto-adhesive crystal under the title.


Step 6

Add a layer of glue on the polymer / plastic / glass flower…

… and place it on one exterior corner.

I added glue on two orange dried leaves…

… and placed them beside the flower.


Step 7

Take the brown dried plants,  glue them…

… and place them on the next corners.


Step 8

In the opposite corner glue another orange leaf.

You can add the yellow one beside the crystal.

Or you can make a completely different design as long as you have fun.  How did your Personalized Journal turn out?  Did you make it like my design or do something different?  Let me know in the comments below.  Make sure to take a picture of the journal too and add it to the comment….. I’d love to see it.

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How to Make a Patriotic Fan

Today I’m going to show you how to make a Patriotic Fan.  Made from a printed-off template, some glue and a flexible straw…. it makes for an excellent decoration to be used on any Patriotic day.  Rather make a fan that is not patriotic?  Not a problem.  Simply print of a template of your choosing and follow the rest of the directions to complete the fan.  Sound good?  Awesome!!  So, grab the materials you need to make the craft and let’s get started.

Check out our other Drinking Straw Crafts.


Materials Needed

– template (found here)
– scissors
– glue
– 1 flexible straw (it is not important that it’s flexible)
– pencil
– stapler


Step 1

Print the template from here.   Cut off the white margins.



Step 2

With your pencil, make markings on the long sides at 1 cm of one another.


Step 3

Accordion fold on the markings…

… like this.

Fold the whole paper.


Step 4

Cut off one corner…

… like this.

Do the same with the other corner.


Step 5

Bring together the two corners of one side…

… and staple them.

Do the same on the other side.


Step 6

Apply a layer of glue on the straw…

… and place it on one crease (on the back side, of course)

And, that’s it. A cute patriotic fan that can be used as a decoration for any Patriotic Day.

Isn’t that an awesome Patriotic Fan?  It’s make for an excellent decoration for any day that you are feeling especially Patriotic.

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How to make a Tricorn Hat Badge

Today I’m going to be showing you how to make a Tricorn Hat Badge.   The Tricorn Hat was a very popular hat in the 18th Century.  The turned-up portions of the brim formed gutters that directed rainwater away from the wearer’s face, depositing most of it over his shoulders.  Well, in this post I’m going to show you had to make this style Hat into a brooch that you can wear.  Because we’ll use oven-hardening polymer clay you’ll need a little help from an adult.

Check out our other Jewelry Pin Crafts.

Laura from Dacian Moon Handmade will show you, step by step how to make this tricorn hat badge.


Materials Needed

– toothpick
– black and blue polymer clay
– roll (you can use anything tubular – I used a vitamins container)
– baking paper
– baking tray
– cutter
– brooch base
– craft glue


Step 1

Cut a piece of black clay.

Condition it by hand, simply mix it and squish it with your fingers. You may want to roll it into a log between your palms, fold it in half, and then roll again.
Finally, make a ball with it.



Step 2

Cut another piece (about the same size as the first).

Condition it too and make another ball.

Place it on a piece of baking paper and flatten it.

Use the roll to flatten it well, until is thin enough.

Like this.


Step 3

Place the ball on the flatten one, in the center.


Step 4

Lift the margins around the ball to form three corners.


Step 5

Take the blue polymer clay…

… and condition it.

Make a roll from it, moving your fingers forward and backward, as in the picture.

Do that until your roll is as thin as the toothpick.


Step 6

Gently, place the blue roll on the edge of the hat, pressing a little bit.

It will look like that.

Cut the extra blue clay…

… and with it make another roll, thinner than the first.


Step 7

Cut the new roll in 6 pieces.


Step 8

Place them two by two into “x’s” on the hat’s sides.

It will look like that.


Step 9

Now you’ll need the help of an adult.
Place the hat (with it’s piece of baking paper) on the baking tray, and bake it according to the instructions on the polymer clay package (they depend on the brand you use: fimo, cernit, sculpey…, but usually it is one half of hour at 230 F or 110 C)


Step 10

Let it cool down.


Step 11

Apply a layer of craft glue on the brooch base…

… place it on the back side of the hat. Let it dry well, and…

… the badge is ready !

And, there you have it…. you just finished making your Tricorn Hat Badge.  How did your badge turn out?  Let me know in the comments below.  And, make sure to take a picture of it too and add it to the comment…. I’d love to see it.  Now, go wear your Tricorn Hat Badge proudly.

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How To Make a Fresh Flower Bracelet

Spring is so close you could almost taste it.  And, with that being said I thought we would celebrate Spring with doing a craft that is totally about flowers.  Today I’m going to show you how to make a Fresh Flower Bracelet.  If you would prefer you could make this into a garland by making the Fresh Flower bracelet even longer.  The choice is yours.  I used the Temple Flower for this craft.  Fresh flowers look best.  So, let’s get started.

Check out our other Spring Crafts.










Materials Needed

8-10 pieces of fresh flowers (per bracelet, more for garland)
needle (medium hole)


Step 1

Clean flowers, make sure bugs or insects are not present. You do not necessarily need to wash them.


Step 2

Place string inside the needle hole and poke it inside the flower, with its petals facing towards you.


Step 3

With the needle point slightly out on the back, gently pull it out and do the same procedure until the desired length.


Step 4

Check length if it is enough to cover the wrist. With a scissors, cut the string.


Step 5

Make a knot to securely tie both ends. Adjust accordingly.

And, your gorgeous Fresh Flower Bracelet is complete.  Doesn’t it look absolutely beautiful…. and if you used fresh flowers like I did it should smell equally lovely.  Enjoy!!

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How to Make a Sunflower Full of Seeds

Spring is literally right around the corner.  And, I thought since Spring is almost here that we could make a beautiful sunflower full of seeds to hang up in your house to get you in the Spring spirit.  If you are feeling a bit of the early spring blah’s, or simply want an easy craft to do with your children, then this is the perfect craft for you.  The finished sunflower was made by a 4 year old so this is an excellent preschool craft.  So, grab the materials needed and let’s get this fun Spring craft started.

Check out our other Spring Crafts.



Materials Needed

  • Construction paper (brown, yellow (I used light yellow), green)
  • Scissors
  • White Glue
  • Seeds (I used a mixed seed but you can use sunflower seeds only)
  • Small Plate (to create a circle)
  • Markers



Step 1

After you have gathered your supplies, place the plate on the brown construction paper.  If you have a compass, you can use that but many times, I find that people don’t have some things handy.  Using a marker, trace around the plate to make a circle.  Cut out the circle and set aside.




Step 2

With the yellow paper, cut out small finger shaped (or petal shaped) strips with a rounded edge on the top.  Cut about a dozen of the shapes and set aside for later. If your child is skilled at cutting, you can draw out the shapes and then have her cut them for you.

Sunflower Leaves


Step 3

Draw the stem and leaves in the green construction paper and either cut it out yourself or have your child cut it.



Step 4

Once you have everything cut out, it is time to assemble the sunflower.  Start by gluing the “petals” around the outer edge of the circle.  Once your child has placed all the petals, have them place a small dot of glue onto the front of the stem and then attach it to the back of the sunflower.



Step 5

Spread glue to the center of the sunflower on the front and then spread seeds across the glued surface.  Tap off the excess and then lay it flat to dry.


Once the artwork is dry, you can hang it on the wall or in a window to bring a bit of sunshine into your house…. even if it is raining outside.  Enjoy!!

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How To Make A Two-Tone Paper Bracelet

Today I’m going to show you how to make a Two-Tone Paper Bracelet.  This craft is a whole lot of fun…. it is even more fun if you grab some of your friends and have them make bracelets with you.  You simply need some colored papers of your choosing, a pair of scissors and glue… that’s it.  This bracelet craft is super simple, but trust me you will enjoy making it.  So, grab those craft materials and let’s get started.

Check out our other Jewelry Crafts.










Materials Needed

colored papers, 2 colors


Step 1

Using the two colored papers you have chosen, cut 4 inch-wide strips each.



Step 2

Glue ends to form 1 long strip for each color.


Step 3

In a 90 degree form, place strips on top of the other and glue.


Step 4

Fold the one strip on top of the other and alternate folding with the other strip. Continue doing so until the whole strip is used. You should come up with somewhat like a springy form.


Step 5

Put on bracelet and let somebody glue ends to lock the bracelet.

And, there you have it…. you just finished your Two-tone Paper Bracelet.  How did it turn out for you?  Let me know in the comments below.  And, take a picture of the bracelet and post that too…. I’d love to see it.

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How to Make a Leaf Print Picture

Spring will be here before you know it.  And this activity is a great excuse to spend some time outdoors.   With this activity you will need to go outdoors and collect leaves of different shapes and sizes.  You will paint them and use them as a stamp to create a picture of your choosing.  This craft is a lot of fun and the cool part is that no Leaf Print Picture will ever be the same.  Use your creativity to paint a bunch of different pictures.  So, grab some leaves and let’s get started.

Check out our other Garden & Plant Crafts.


Materials Needed


Tempera paints




Step 1

Collect leaves of different shapes and sizes.  Arrange them to form a design that you like.



Step 2

Apply paint on the underside of a leaf.


Step 3

Press it on the paper to form a print.


Step 4

Print more leaves similarly to form a design.


Step 5

Add a border and other details.

And, there you have it….. now, put it up on your wall and celebrate the coming of Spring!!  How did your Leaf Print Picture turn out?  Let me know in the comments below.  And, make sure to take a picture of it and add that to the comments as well…. I’d love to see it.

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How to Make a Cardboard Box Lantern

I have a fun and creative craft for you today.  In this post I will be showing you how to make a Cardboard Box Lantern.  That’s right…. it is a lantern that you can use outside that it made from a cardboard box.  The box is simply decorated with colored sheets of paper and the box is fitted over a light bulb.  This Cardboard Box Lantern will be a great addition to any light fixtures you use outside during a party.  It is sure to help get the festivities going.  So, let’s get started with the craft.

Check out our other Cardboard Box Crafts.


Materials Needed

A square box



butter paper

some wire

colored paper


Step 1

Draw lines as shown on two opposite flaps of the box.



Step 2

Cut the edges of the cardboard box equally on two opposite sides as shown.


Step 3

Now, when you bring all 4 flaps together, it will form a shape as shown below.


Step 4

On the bottom of the box, cut out a small square as shown below.


Step 5

On every side of the box, draw and cut out a diamond shape as shown below.


Step 6

Cover the box with butter paper


Step 7

Cut out colored paper strips as shown below


Step 8

Fix some wire on the top as shown to hang the lantern.


Step 9

Cover the lantern with paper strips as shown.


Step 10

Put a bulb in the lantern and hang it up on your porch.  That’s it…. the Cardboard Box Lantern is finished.  Now, set it outside for your next party….. it is sure to be a conversation piece.

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How to Make a Mail Holder from a Wire Hanger

Today I’m going to show you a great craft that you can make from an old wire hanger.  That’s right…. I’m going to show you how to make a Mail Holder from an Old Wire Hanger.  This mail holder can be given to your parents so that they have a place to hold onto their bills, or save it for yourself to hang on your door so that you can receive notes from your siblings or parents.  Either way this Mail Holder is sure to be enjoyed.  So, let’s get started.

Check out our other Wire Hanger Crafts.


Materials Needed

wire Hanger

thick card paper






Step 1

Cut a piece of thick card paper as long and wide as desired, but the width should be less than that of the hanger.



Step 2

Fold about 2 inches from the edge of the paper as shown


Step 3

Tape or glue the end to fix it as shown.


Step 4

Cut another piece of paper, smaller than the first piece to hold the mail.


Step 5

Glue the two sides and the bottom on to the first piece of card as shown to form a pocket.


Step 6

Decorate the paper with paint.

And, that’s it….. you made a Mail Holder from an old Coat Hanger.  How did your mail holder turn out?  Now hang it on your door to receive mail from your siblings or give it to your parents for a place for them to save their bills.

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How to Make Crepe Paper Flowers

Crepe paper flowers are very beautiful, but usually require a lot of skill to make. But here’s a type of crepe paper flowers that are easy to make and look very pretty.   You don’t have to use the colors I did…. instead pick out a bunch of Spring colors to get in the Spring spirit.  After all, Spring will be here in just a couple of weeks.   These Crepe Paper Flowers are perfect for an upcoming party…. or better yet just decorate your child’s room with beautiful colors.  Either way…. let’s have fun making this craft.

Check out our other Crepe Paper Crafts.



Materials Needed




Crepe paper

Black color paper

Pipe cleaners- brown or green





Step 1

Cut out a piece of crepe paper about 15 inches  long and 10 inches wide. Make sure that the creases are from top to bottom along the width of the paper as shown.




Step 2

Fold the paper into half as shown.



Step 3

Cut out pieces of paper as shown (about 1 inch wide)



Step 4

Cut out a square of black paper, each side measuring about 1 inch. Place a small ball of paper inside it as shown.



Step 5

Use the paper to cover the ball and form a shape as shown.



Step 6

Arrange 5- 6  flower petals and black center like this. Hold it all together in your hand to arrange it. Make sure each petal is about 1.5 in long above the place you are holding it.



Step 7

Hold the bottom together and wind the pipe cleaner around it a few times as shown.



Step 8

Fold the pipe cleaner back to make a thick stem.

Fold each petal outwards.

Use your fingers to stretch the end of each petal, making it wider and curving it outward



Step 9

Make a bunch of flowers like this and use it to decorate your house this Spring.


And, there you have it….. you just completed making a bunch of crepe paper flowers.  Great job!!  Now, you are ready to decorate for a party this Spring…. or better yet just decorate the child’s bedroom with beautiful Spring color flowers…. it will be beautiful.

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How to Make Leaf Print Gift Wrap Paper

Celebrate spring by making this pretty wrapping paper with leaves from the garden. All you need is some paper, paint and a leaf.  It’s lots of fun to do, and it will be great to wrap your next birthday gift in.  I don’t know about you, but I never seem to have enough wrapping paper in the house.  Or, I have wrapping paper, but it is the same wrapping paper I use for everyone’s gift.  You can be rest assured that no one else will have this Leaf Print Gift Wrap.  So, let’s get started.


Materials Needed

Gold paint


Black chart paper



Step 1

Take a leaf with a pretty design and paint gold paint on the underside.



Step 2

Press the painted side on the black paper. You can use a piece of newspaper to press it on to the black paper.


Step 3

Repeat this process many times to make a beautiful pattern.


Step 4

Your gift paper is ready. Let it dry and store it for later use.  Imagine how impressed the receiver of this gift wrap will be?!  So impressed!!  The paper really turns out beautiful.

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