Today we will show you how to make this cute little fabric snowman. He is a lot of fun to make and even more fun to play with. On this cold Winter day, I thought this would be a great craft to share with you.
How to Make Cool Stuff
When you think of winter time what do you think of? Snow, of course. Well, what is the one thing that children love to make in the snow? A snowman. Today I’m going to show you how to make a snowman from socks. This is an adorable snowman stuffed toy that any child will love to snuggle with. And, if the child helped your make it…. they will enjoy it even more. This is a great winter time craft that can be enjoyed by children young and old.
Crafts come in all different kinds of forms. Today I’m going to write about Edible Crafts. And, not just any edible crafts, but Edible Christmas Crafts. YUMMY!! Whether you are planning a Christmas party, Christmas decorations or just want to have fun with your kids…. Edible Christmas Crafts will be enjoyed by all. I scoured the internet looking for yummy edible crafts and I came up with 16 awesome ones that will get your stomach growling. So, without further ado here is a collection of awesomely yummy edible Christmas crafts for your enjoyment.
When you think of winter what do you think of? I know what I think of….. snow. Today I’m going to show you how to make circle paper snowflakes. And, not just one type…. I will show you four different patterns. These snowflakes are a lot of fun to make. But, what is really cool about paper snowflakes…. they look great as winter decorations around your house. Put them up in your windows to add to your Winter Holiday decorations. So, let’s get started.
It is Winter time and since we just had a big snowfall, I thought it would be a good idea to show you how to make these fancy 6-pointed snowflakes that look like fancy stars. These can are a bit more complex than the normal stars / snowflakes. I have tried to simplify it for you below by showing you every single step of the process in an illustrated fashion. Have fun.