I have another funny way to celebrate Chinese New Year : let’s make a pair of earrings (you’ll need a little help on step # 4). These will be made of paper and will have two very important Chinese symbols : the fan and the cherry blossom.
How to Make Cool Stuff
This is a great project to do while thinking about Martin Luther King Jr’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech. Specifically the quote “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” This craft can help remind us that all colors, whether they be the colors on a piece of paper, or the colors of our skin, can work well together and create wonderful things.
I noticed that there are 2 holidays / events coming up – The Chinese New Year and The 100th Day of School. I think that the Chinese Abacus could be a craft to tie both of these 2 celebrations together. The Abacus uses 100 beads and was created by the Chinese people who called this calculating instrument a Swan-Pan.
It is Winter time and since we just had a big snowfall, I thought it would be a good idea to show you how to make these fancy 6-pointed snowflakes that look like fancy stars. These can are a bit more complex than the normal stars / snowflakes. I have tried to simplify it for you below by showing you every single step of the process in an illustrated fashion. Have fun.
You can use this special fold-up, accordion pocketed book to hold all the memories of this year or next year … and then you can put it away as if it were a time capsule. Then you can try not to look at it for 10 years. You will be surprised at how much you have changed in that amount of time. Have fun.
Christmas is coming up soon so it is time to start decorating the house with your arts and crafts projects and activities. This mini Christmas tree will look great on your window sill, or on the table this Christmas. All you need is some paper, scissors and glue. So get started right now- the instructions follow.
Hanukkah starts tonight so forgive me for not putting up some crafts earlier. Make this adorable Hanukkah star with some Popsicle sticks and glitter glue. They’re so easy to make that you can make lots of them and hang them all over the house as you celebrate Hanukkah this year. Enjoy and have fun tonight and for the next week.