Get this Witch paper figure toy template to print, cut out, fold and then play with. This is a great Halloween decoration craft and very easy to make.
How to Make Cool Stuff
Halloween is just around the corner so I put together a bunch of Halloween characters that you can fold out of paper. These are Halloween figurines that are very easy to print out, fold, and paste together. This specific character is a black cat, however I decided to make the cat cute instead of scary. …
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Costume hats are so much fun to make. There are so many different hats you can make. You can make a Medieval Hat or a Nurses Hat…. or maybe even a Pirates Hat. If you are looking for different costume hats to make then you are going to love today’s post. Today I have a printable diagram of many, many different Costume Hats you can make. No matter what mood you are in you are sure to find a hat to fit your taste. So, print of the printable diagram and get started making your hat today.
Halloween is just days away. Soon all the kids in the neighborhood will be getting dressed up and going door to door trick or treating. It is such an exciting time. But, if you are like me and wait till the last minute it is very possible that you have no costumes ready at all. If so, that exciting time has now shifted to a very stressful time. Well, stop your worrying. I have compiled 11 Clever and Crafty Last Minute Costume Ideas. Surely, you will be able to find one that is perfect in there for you.
Today I have a fun craft for you. I am going to show you how to make a spooky Spider Glove Puppet. It’s going to be so much fun. Plus, this spooky spider is so cute. I know a spooky spider shouldn’t be cute. But, it just is. Something about seeing a spider as a puppet that makes it so cute. So, find an old glove and grab your kids because they are going to love this craft…. and for sure playing with the finished puppet.
I have a cute little craft for you today. I’m going to show you how to make Mini Pumpkins out of oranges. They come out looking adorable and they will be a great Halloween decoration. These Mini Pumpkins are a great craft for all ages…. even the youngest of kids. No knife needed…. just a simple sharpie. So, make a few and have fun decorating for Halloween.
Halloween is just about here and you know what Halloween brings? A night filled with tons and tons of ghosts. But, who says ghosts have to be just on the outside in the dark. Why couldn’t the inside of your house be filled with ghosts? Well, you can. Today I’m going to show you how to make Mini Ghosts with sheets. Why not make a bunch and fill your house with Ghost decorations perfect for the Halloween season. SPOOKY!!
Today I’m going to show you How to Make a Mummy Bowling Game for Halloween. This is an awesome craft if you have a group of kids or better yet…. at a Halloween Party. Made with water bottles and toilet paper its a fun craft that doesn’t end when the craft is finished. Once you finished making the Mummies it’s time to play… Roll the ball and knock over those Mummies.
Monsters can be scary, but some of them can be quite cute too. There is nothing to be frightened of with the cute ones…. actually, they are very friendly. In this post I will show you how to make a Monster Bookmark perfect for protecting over your spot when you are done reading. And, this monster might look quite cute, but he is plenty tough to make sure your reading spot stays safe.
Halloween is right around the corner and I bet you have your house decorated, costumes picked out and you have been wearing your Halloween jewelry for weeks… but what about your phone? Yes, I said your phone. Is it decorated for Halloween? How about carrying your phone in a Halloween decorated phone pouch. Today I will show you how to make an easy and wonderfully cute night glow ghost pouch for your phone. How cool is that?!