This is an adorable craft idea for little girls and teenage girls on the Fourth of July. By using mailing labels, you can make very patriotic nail art that can be taken off easily after the celebrations have finished.
How to Make Cool Stuff
Today we are making a woven yarn Leprechaun beard and we are doing it with a simple cardboard loom. I have seen some crafts online for making crocheted or knitted bears and I figured I would show you a way that you, as a child, can make a fabric beard. This is something you can do, just by making a cardboard loom. This will be a great homemade Saint Patrick’s Day craft that I know you will have fun making.
Girls love pretending to be Fairys. They can pretend to be Fairys on any day of the year, but they especially love dressing up as a Fairy on Halloween. Well, a fairy just can’t truly be a fairy without their Fairy Crown. In this post I will show you how to make a Fairy Crown for Halloween. Add this to your Fairy Skirt and Fairy Mask to have the most perfect Fairy Costume this Halloween. Or, use the Fairy Costume to play dress-up all year long. Let’s get started with the craft.
Earlier today I showed you How to Make a Fairy Mask for Halloween. But your Fairy Costume wouldn’t be complete if you didn’t have a Fairy Skirt to wear along with it. I have an easy craft to show you how to make a Fairy Skirt using some green and cream tulle. Tulle is a wonderfully light material perfect for Fairys. After all, how else could a Fairy fly around like she does if she wasn’t wearing something light like Tulle. Your little girl will love this fairy skirt…. she will surely use it well after Halloween is over for dress-up fun. So, let’s get started.
Little girls love to be Fairys. They just do. But, sometimes those store bought Fairy Masks can be a real nuisance to wear during Trick-or-Treating. Well, I have a treat for you today. I’m going to show you how to Make a Fairy Mask for Halloween. This Fairy Mask is made with Tulle so it is wonderfully light. Not like those plastic or vinyl store bought Fairy Masks…. this mask is simply beautiful. Plus, your little girl will have a blast making her mask too…. almost as much as wearing it. Keep an eye out as I will show you How to Make a Fairy Skirt Costume later today.
Did you ever notice how by just moving your eyebrows it changes your entire expression on your face? It’s true. Eyebrows can make you look happy, sad, mean, angry or mystified. Well, today I’m going to show you how to make Leather or Vinyl Eyebrows for Halloween. These eyebrows can change any Halloween Costume to give it that extra special “Wow” factor. If you want to look mystifying…. it can do that. If you want to look mean…. eyebrows can do that. I think you get the idea. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.
Do you have the Halloween costume and the only thing you need are the horns? Not a problem…. in this post I’m going to show you how to Make Horns for your Halloween Costume. These horns will add the extra bit of creepiness you are looking for to your costume. You could have a scary costume all ready, but you add some horns and you just took your Halloween costume to the next level. Isn’t that what Halloween is all about…. adding a little bit of creepy and scary? So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.
Are you still trying to figure out how to add an extra scary effect to your Halloween costume this year? Well, I just might have the perfect idea for you. Why not make these Gloves with Claws for Halloween? They are sure to make any costume you are planning to wear even more scary. Even if you are planning to be a cat this year…. you can’t do it without claws or your costume is just not finished. Add these scary Gloves with Claws for a truly scary effect this Halloween. Let’s get started.
I had no idea how many super cool crafts are out their for Halloween using Milk Jugs. There are just so many…. and they all are just so cool. I was searching the internet for some awesomely creepy Halloween crafts and I found some doozies for you. In this post I have listed 14 spooky Halloween crafts using Milk Jugs. What’s so wonderful about these Halloween crafts is that they all use milk jugs…. an item that most of us use every day. So, you are sure to at least have the most important material for these crafts. Scroll through all 14 of these Halloween milk jug crafts to find some to do with your kids at home. They will love it.
Costume hats are so much fun to make. There are so many different hats you can make. You can make a Medieval Hat or a Nurses Hat…. or maybe even a Pirates Hat. If you are looking for different costume hats to make then you are going to love today’s post. Today I have a printable diagram of many, many different Costume Hats you can make. No matter what mood you are in you are sure to find a hat to fit your taste. So, print of the printable diagram and get started making your hat today.
I don’t know about you, but when I think of a Leprechaun I think of the big, green hat he wears. Today I’m going to show you how to make your very own Leprechaun Hat for St. Patrick’s Day. After all, St. Patrick’s Day is only a little over a week away. Now is the time to get started making and displaying your St. Patrick’s Day crafts. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started with this fun St. Patrick’s Day craft.
Purim is coming up quickly….. it will be here this year on the evening of March 7th. So, since Purim is all about hiding ones identity I thought we should make a mask perfect for celebrating Purim. So, today I will be showing you how to make an Elegant Mask for Purim. Made from paper and whatever you would like to use to decorate the mask…. the outcome is a Mask that you would be proud to wear. So, grab the materials you will need and let’s get started.
Lately I have been showing you some crafts to do for President’s Day. Well, I’m going to continue with the President’s Day crafting fun by showing you how to make a George Washington Wig. Made from cotton balls and a large paper shopping bag…. this craft turns out awesome. Plus, the craft is a lot of fun…. almost as much fun as the child will have running around wearing the George Washington Wig he/she just made. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started with this crafting fun.
Yesterday I showed you how to make a an Easy George Washington Hat for President’s Day. Well, it wouldn’t be right to make a hat and celebrate George Washington’s special day if we don’t do the same thing for Abraham Lincoln. So, today I will show you how to make an Abe Lincoln Top Hat for President’s Day. After all, President’s Day is about honoring both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. And, what better way to honor Abraham Lincoln than to make his top hat. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.