Do you want to make your Plain Jane notebooks look awesome?! This is a great craft for teens (boys and girls – it doesn’t have to be flowers) who want to have the coolest notebooks in school. Find out how to decorate your spiral notebooks here.
How to Make Cool Stuff
Today we will show you how to make stuffed puppy dogs out of socks and rubber bands. This craft will probably take less than 10 minutes for you…it is that easy. These are no-sew stuffed animals…that is right…no sewing necessary at all. If you like sock monkeys, but you were too lazy to make them, then this arts and crafts project is for you. Have fun.
This is a great project for kids who are interested in nature and bugs. This is an easy project for kids of any age and you get to watch ants build an underground city…so it is pretty cool. This ant farm has no openings, so you don’t have to worry about the ants escaping. You can open the jar outside to feed the ants, and then close it back up and bring it inside to observe.
Today I will show you how to make a really cool Memory game that is great for any age child, but especially good for preschoolers and Kindergarteners who are still working on Alphabet Letters recognition. If you don’t have enough caps, you could also use coins, checkers, cardboard, or whatever else you have lying around the house.
Today we will show you how to make a rubber band motored dump truck, cars, or other vehicles. It is much easier than you think it would be and it is a lot of fun figuring out ways to make it roll faster or just smoother. If you like a challenge, then go on and find out how to make this rubber band powered vehicle.
Today we will show you how to make a very sturdy tote bag out of nothing other than duct tape. This duct tape bag is able to hold about 30 hard covered library books without tearing. You can also make these for grocery shopping so that you don’t have to waste plastic and paper bags. Learn how to make this cool duct tape bag with the following steps.