School is about to start yet again and we thought you would love this craft to make a hand-sewn notebook cover. It is a super cute notebook cover that includes a stuffed bunny rabbit at the top. You love to write on it!
How to Make Cool Stuff
Here is a free printable template that you can use to make an adorable Easter Bunny that holds candy in his mouth. This could be used as an Easter decoration or to give candy to your friends. Either way, it is simple enough to make with a little effort. Find the free printable template below as well as the instructions for putting it together.
Instead of using an Easter Basket to give out Easter treats to people, have you thought of using a Treat Bag? Today I’m going to show you how to make a Bunny Rabbit Treat Bag for Easter. These are great if you have a bunch of people to hand out candy to. Instead of buying an Easter Basket for everyone…. why not just make these cute Bunny Rabbit Treat Bags. They are super easy and a ton of fun…. plus they are super cute. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.
Today I’m going to show you how to make a Handkerchief Bunny Cup Cover. If you don’t have a Handkerchief available…. you might have to ask one of your grandparents to borrow one for this craft. You are going to be folding the handkerchief to create an Easter Bunny. Once completed, this craft is perfect to use as an Easter decoration this Easter. It would look great on any tabletop. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.
I’m sure you have all heard of the edible Easter Bunnies you get for Easter…. they are usually milk chocolate bunnies or white chocolate bunnies. Well, today we are going to make an edible Easter Bunny, but it is going to be made with fruits and vegetables. That’s right…. I’m going to show you how to make a Bunny Rabbit with Food for Easter. When you are finished making the Easter Bunny you can display it proudly as an Easter decoration or eat it up… the choice is yours. So, let’s get started.
Today I’m going to show you how to make Easter Bunny Straws. This would be a great craft to present the kids that you are having over this Easter Holiday. Simply print off enough templates for the amount of Children you are having over… place them at the Children’s table and let them color and put the straws together. Not only will they be entertained by the craft, but also by drinking through the fun Easter straws. You can choose to print off the colored template or the black and white and let the children color them themselves. So, let’s get started.
I have a fun and creative craft for you in this post….. today I’m going to show you how to make a Cork Bunny. Made from a cork, toothpicks and a template this craft turns out really cute. It is a perfect craft for Easter. Make a few and decorate your house in time for Easter. You will need some help from an adult as there is a part in this craft that a knife is needed. An Adult should do this section of the craft. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.
Have you ever made a people chain with paper? If so, I have an Easter craft that is very similar to that. Today I’m going to show you how to make an Easter Bunny Chain out of paper. This craft can be made by the youngest of crafters. And, it is so much fun. Once you are done cutting out the Easter Bunny Chain decorate it and hang it up as an Easter Decoration. People will love it!! So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.
I have a fun and creative craft for you today. I am going to show you how to take a paper bag and make it into a bunny puppet. Sounds like fun, right? It really is. And, the timing of it couldn’t be any more perfect. After all, Easter is in just a few weeks. Made with string or yarn the arms and legs of the puppet actually move. When you aren’t using it as a puppet hang the Paper Bag Bunny up as an Easter decoration. People are sure to love it when they see it. So, let’s get started.
When you think of Easter what is one of the characters you think of? A bunny, of course. Well, today I’m going to show you how to make a Plush Bunny. This bunny is perfect for the upcoming Easter Holiday, but honestly can be made and enjoyed any time of the year. Made with felt and some cotton for stuffing this bunny is sure to be soft and cuddly. Make it as big or as small as you would like. We made our bunny pretty small. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.