This versatile, large and beautiful flower can be used as a basket topper, bracelet or hair decoration. They are simple to make and you’ll be amazed to see your own flower bloom right in front of you. Since Mother’s Day is coming up, and we didn’t post this craft for Easter, I thought it might also be good to make as a gift for your Mom.
How to Make Tissue Paper Flower Bracelets for Mom on Mothers Day or Easter
Crafts Materials list:
1 large sheet of tissue paper (2’6″ X 20″)
Pipe Cleaner (Green for the stem, but could be any color)


Technorati Tags: tissue paper flowers, tissue paper flower, flower crafts, tissue paper crafts, easter crafts, mothers day crafts, mothers day, make gifts, make gifts for mom, mom crafts, bracelets, bracelet crafts, flower bracelets, flower bracelet crafts
everything is very nice . it helps to learn new things .