Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > Puppets >Making Puppet Stages
If you want to put on a puppet show then you will need a puppet stage or theater. All of the crafts below will give you ideas on how to make your very own puppet theaters and stages. However, many of these crafts might need adult supervision or assistance so don't start these projects wtihout asking your parents for help first.
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CARDBOARD CARTON PUPPET STAGE (Adult Help Might Be Needed if Can't Cut Box)
You will need the following materials to make a Cardboard Carton Puppet Stage: Large cardboard carton about 5' tall or taller, Scissors, masking tape, wallpaper and paste, shelf paper and crayons. To make this stage, you need to first remove the top of the carton. Ask an adult to cut a low doorway in the back and then cut a flap in the front to make the stage opening. Fold the flap inward and under as in sketch b to make the ledge of the stage, and secure it with tape. Cover the stage with wallpaper and bind the edges of the stage opening and doorway with masking tape. Other decorations may be added if desired. Draw assorted scenery on a shelf paper and tack inside behind opening of the stage. Students may kneel or stand in the box and hold the puppets up above the ledge of the stage opening (sketch c).
Materials: 1 piece of plywood 9"x18", 2 pieces of wood 1"x1"x18", 2 pieces of wood 1"xrx7", 2 small hinges 1½” size, 1 piece of acetate 9"x18", 1 yard of double drapery tape with snaps, cotton doth 36"x48", 1 plastic belt, cellophane tape, thread, upholstery tacks, small screwdriver, small hammer, and 2" nails. To make this, you need to attach an acetate sheet to the piece of plywood, taping them along the sides and bottom only, so that the pictures for the backgrounds may be inserted from the top (sketch a). Ask an adult to nail together the pieces of wood to form a rectangle 9"x18" (see sketch b). Tack one side of drapery tape along the front and sides of the rectangle. With hinges, ask an adult to attach the rectangle to the piece of plywood, about 1" from the edge (see sketch c). Cut the belt in two and attach to the back of the plywood 9" apart. Hem both the ends of the cloth, gather one end and stitch to other side of drapery tape (ask an adult if you don’t know how to sew). Snap along the tape on the bottom of the stage (see sketch d). To use this stage, buckle the belt around your neck so that stage is suspended in front of you. Hold your hands under the stage skirting, poking each puppet through the opening as needed. Use pictures of woodlands, ocean, sky, etc. for background. Attach props of sponge for bushes (painted green) and rocks, cotton far snow, shredded green paper for grass, along edge of stage. Remove the skirt and fold up the stage for storage.
Sketch a
Place two chairs side by side and cover the backs with a sheet or blanket. Hold the puppets above the chair backs.
Sketch b
Turn a folding table on its edge. Open 2 legs on side next to the floor. Stoop in the back of the table and hold the puppets above the table.
You will need the following materials to make a Portable Cardboard Stage: One cardboard box approximately 7"x9"x16" with all flaps intact (small appliance boxes are good), scissors, 2 lengths woven nylon or cotton rope or clothesline 36" long, large staples and stapler or glue, Spray enamel or 1 yard plastic with adhesive back. To make this, ask an adult to cut one flap off one long side and to cut the flaps on the short sides in half as in sketch a. Staple or glue the half flaps and remaining long flap together. Cut the side (with flap removed) down at both corners and fold back as seen in sketch b. Turn the box as seen in sketch c and cut opening 4½”wide and 10" or 11" long (sketch c). Ask an adult again to punch 3 holes in each side as in sketch c with a sharp knife or pointed instrument. Tie a knot in one end of each piece of rope. Put the rope through the 3 holes as seen in sketch d. Cover the outside of the puppet stage with adhesive plastic or spray it with enamel. Wear the puppet stage as seen in sketch e or set it on the table as seen in sketch d.
Email us a pic of your puppet theaters and stages and we will post them here.
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