Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > Credit Card & Gift Card Crafts for Children
People use credit cards to prepay for items so that they don't have to carry cash with them. Then they get a bill and have to pay for what they spent on that credit card. On the other hand, people purchase gift cards to give to people as a gift. Then that person has a specific amount that they can spend at that gift card's store. But once your mom and dad are done with their gift cards / credit cards, they might allow you to use that card for your crafts. The thick plastic that these cards are made with, make for a perfect material for your crafts. We have listed some good crafts below.
How to Make a Credit-Card Bracelet - Everyone knows that credit cards are for buying stuff you can’t afford. You get the stuff now, but don’t have to pay until, uh, later. Credit cards are based on the obsolete premise that in the future you’ll have more money than you have today. In the current economy, using credit cards to rack up high-interest debt is the world’s dumbest idea. The time has come to throw that credit card away.
How to Make a Credit Card Flower Box Magnet - Excessive credit cards only make us spend more money than we can afford. Keep those cards you need and cancel all the rest. Use them to beautify the home and make you smile, instead of worrying about how to pay the bills from excessive charging. They can make perfect gifts for house warming, teachers or just anyone.
How to Make a Mosaic Picture Frame from Old Gift Cards - Any good packrat has some old gift cards, credit cards, insurance cards, etc. they have been holding on to until they figured out something great to use them for. Well now the wait is over! Your old plastic cards can be reused to create a funky decorative picture frame, which would make a cool gift, or be fun to just keep for yourself.
How to Recycle Your Old Credit Cards Into a Business Card Holder for Home Office Use -If you have accumulated tons of old credit cards over time, you can breathe new life into them again. The recycled card holder can be used for business cards or post-it notes. Caution: we must use discretion when recycling old credit cards for craft projects as your cards contain critical personal and account information about you.
How to Recycle Your Old Credit Cards Into an Organizer for Duplicate Keys - Ever experience such a puzzling moment when holding a key in your hand, you have absolutely no clue which door or lock it opens? Now you can get some help from your old credit cards in organizing your spare keys.
How to Turn Old Credit Cards Into Mini Clip Boards - This article offers a recycling idea to turn useless credit cards into mini clip boards that you can carry in your purse or stick to the fridge as message boards.
Patterned Paste Paper Craft for Kids - Made using a centuries-old technique, paste paper is great for greeting cards, photo frames, collages, and gift wrap. Besides the tools mentioned below, try scraping patterns in the paste with a cookie cutter, balled-up paper, a comb, and even your fingers. Note: Prepare the paste base in advance to give it a chance to cool.
Pencil Cup with a Gift Card Kids Craft - So many teachers spend their own money to buy classroom supplies, and those costs really add up. This thoughtful gift offers a little financial aid -- and new pens and pencils too. They're presented with a keepsake desk accessory that's really fun to create.
Teaching old credit cards new tricks Activity for Children - Innovative artists recycle expired credit cards into inspired creations.