Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > What to do with Plastic Water Bottles Ideas & Crafts for Kids
Water is very important for the human body and we need to be drinking a lot of it (about 8 glasses a day). While drinking our daily water requirements you will have a lot of water bottles to recycle. Instead of recycling these bottles, you can use these bottles to make creative crafts such as noise makers or maracas, dolls, ocean in a bottles, and animals (to name a few).
You can make a simple fish from an empty dry water bottle, card stocks, acrylic paint, and wiggle eyes. You can also make a noise maker by adding popcorn or dried beans to an empty water bottle.
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These turn out so beautifully that they could be a work of art...but they also make beautiful vases to place equally beautiful flowers into them. Get different colored yarn or string out. Find a water bottle and use warm soapy water to take the label off. Dry Completely and then add glue to the bottle and use different colored pieces of yarn to wrap the jar in beautiful different spirals, zig-zags, and other designs. Wrap the water bottle / plastic bottle until it is completely wrapped.
Don't just throw away your water bottles...you can make beautiful and colorful bracelets with them. Just cut a ring from the plastic bottle...about 1.25" thick. Then cut out tissue paper strips with many different colors to choose from. Then glue and wrap plastic bottle ring. Wrap it until you think it looks beautiful and at the minimum cover the entire ring. Then get some clear glue and cover the bracelet completely. Let thoroughly dry and then do this again and again until the bracelet dries and looks shiny.
How to Make Flower Vases With Recycled Plastic Bottles - This is a recycling and a Mother’s Day Present Arts and Crafts Activity for Kids to Make. Recycling can be your way of taking care of the environment. Here’s a great craft activity that makes it really fun to recycle. Make a flower vase out of an old plastic bottle and then put fresh flowers in it for Your Mom.
How to Make Halloween Water Bottle Lanterns - Here’s a lantern that is a very easy arts and crafts Halloween activity for kids to make. And guess what- you can also use it to store your Halloween treats when you go trick-or-treating.
Mummy Bowling Pins with Water Bottles - You can play a creepy game of Mummy Bowling for one of your Halloween Party Games.
Plastic Bottle Timers - Make these water bottle or soda bottle timers for time-outs, homework, testing, or whatever.
Plastic Bottle Bird Feeders - Find out how to make a bird feeder from recycled plastic bottles.
Plastic Bottle Organizers - Learn how to make these plastic bottle organizers with fabric, ribbon, and recycled plastic bottles.
Water Bottle Rattles and How to Make -
This craft project shows you how to make a baby toy out of a recycled
water bottle. This baby toy craft is a great sensory toy for little
minds to help them play and develop.
Boat in a Bottle : Ship in a Bottle This
beautiful but very simple work was done out of waste water bottle and
waste board. I saw this in "Art Attack" and tried it . it
came out pretty well uh?
Banks -
This is a plastic bottle made into a bank. My 4 year old grandson,
Walker made this bank at daycare. I told him I needed one. Since I
like Dr Pepper and Mickey Mouse, he made me this one.
Belly Snowman Making Directions - Make this adorable snowman from a recycled water
bottle and some fleece. He's a fun kid's winter craft! Make him for
Christmas then keep him out all winter to decorate your home.
Waves -
With bottled waves, you can watch the waves without having to leave
your home. When you make a sea-in-a-bottle, you'll have an easy kids'
activity that brings the waves to you.
in a Bottles - I
decide to do something cool and creative with a water bottle that
also represents me. That's why I decided to make a CD holder. It is a
very organized, cool way to store your favorite CDs. It also allows
you to grab a CD and go a lot faster than keeping them in a CD case.
My creation is called "CDs in a bottle."
Ghosts - Turn
ordinary cheesecloth into a ghost decoration for your Halloween
Cobra, Ready to Strike - Do snakes frighten you? Discover more about the life of a king
cobra. For what is it really hunting?
Pen Holders -
For this project you will need the bottom of a plastic drink bottle.
Using a sharp knife or scissors cut the top of your drink bottle.
Remove the label and rinse clean.
Craft: Fun With Plastic Bottles! - -
Kids love to craft and when you’re in the comfort of your own
home it’s even better! Why not reuse some plastic water bottles
and make this quick, simple and fun eco-craft!
to Make a Hummingbird Feeder - - I especially love the disposable cups called “Take &
Toss” normally sold at Wal-mart. Instead of throwing the cups
away after a couple uses, I have started to turn the old ones into
Hummingbird Feeders.
to Make a Rocket Ship From a Plastic Bottle - -
In order to make a rocket ship from a plastic bottle, the supplies
needed include a plastic bottle, tape, scissors and construction
paper. Find out how to use construction paper to create the shape of
a rocket ship with help from a teacher in this free video on fun
crafts for kids.
to Make a Water Bottle Wind Spinners -
A kitchen may be full of waste materials that can be recycled into
creative projects. Every family will have some empty plastic 20 oz.
bottles in their possession at some point. Instead of claiming the 5
cent deposit, you can obtain a few decorative materials and an X-Acto
knife, and construct a wind spinner that will add some magic and
enhance the appearance of your yard.
to Make Ocean in a Bottles -
An ocean in a bottle is fairly quick and simple to make. Since "quick
& simple" is my middle name, this project was one of my
favorites as a kid. Five minutes' work will yield an attractively
hypnotic "ocean." It's also a fun use and a second chance
for an old plastic bottle.
Crafts Sensory Bottles -
Here are some fun kids crafts that can be used in the classroom, made
at home, or even given as gifts for party favors for a birthday party.
Sensory bottles are easy kids crafts that double as learning
activities. The ideas for sensory bottles are just about limitless.
Snowman Activity for Children This
winter craft is easy for kids to make is a good use for a recycled
water bottle.
Speaker Water Bottles Easy Instructions - I
wanted to create an innovative way to reuse a water bottle and I
needed a set of portable speakers for my ipod so it seemed like a
marriage made in heaven. In this instructable I will walk you through
how to build a set of Water Bottle Mobile Speakers that easily fit
into any cup holder, backpack, or bottle holder on your bike to help
take your tunes on the go.
in a Bottles
In this tutorial you will learn how to make an ocean in a water
Bottle Craft -
This is a really easy craft to do with your kids! My daughter
is almost 2, so she needed LOTS of help…but it’s not
super messy. I save containers of different sizes to use for
various things.
Puppet Squirrels Activities - In this tutorial
you will learn how to make a sock puppet squirrel with a sock, a
water bottle and other materials.
& Lights + What You Can Do With a Plastic Water Bottle... -
Here are some Mexican inspired crafts that are made from plastic
water bottles.
Glitter Bottles Making Guide - A
simple-to-make Glitter Bottle! When you swirl the bottle, it
Day Fairy -
In this tutorial you will learn how to make a fairy with a water
in a Bottles Activities Create a fitting tribute to explorers of the high seas. Design tiny
sailing ships in a recycled plastic bottle.
Bottle Flowers Ironed -
It’s basically the same instructions for my other water bottle
flower but this the petals were ironed.
Bottle Maracas to Make - Dig
through the recycling bin and make this Water Bottle Maraca, a great
homemade musical instrument for children of all ages! These also make
great noise makers for New Years, birthdays or other special
Bottle Santa to Make -
Colton and I made these Santa's from water bottles.
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