Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids >Tie Dye Arts and Crafts Projects Ideas for your Kids....Many Tie Dying Crafts for your Children
Here are some arts and crafts activities to entertain your creative children. Some of these are for Preschoolers and Kindergarteners, while other are for older children and teenagers. Either way, all of these activities involve clothing such as shirts and the tie dying process... these are all arts and crafts activities for kids who want to tie dyes. Tie Dye technique will never get old and is a fun activity for the whole family. We have all done it or worn a tie dye shirt even once in the past (or the present). The most popular fabric to tie dye are white cotton t-shirts, white towels and bandanas. Artists Helping Children will show you the basic technique on how to tie dye any piece of fabric.
Dyeing cloth to obtain pretty patterns is an old art. Such cloth may be used to make table covers, book covers, scarfs, or-curtains. To make a piece of tied-dye cloth just follow these directions— Select a favorite color; then prepare the dye according to the directions on the package. Use a square piece of an old sheet for your first experiment. Plan the design. Gather the fold at the desired points, as pictured in figure 1. Wrap string tightly about the folds, as pictured in figure 2. Tie the string in a bow so that it may be removed easily after the dyeing. Immerse the tied cloth in the dye. Rinse. Untie. Dry. Press, as seen in figure 3 shows the material after it has been dyed and pressed.
Use the directions found above to make Tie Dyed Fabric. Then use that Tie-Dyed Fabric to make a book cover. Your tie dyed book cover will look amazingly cool. The diagram above shows you how to lay your book on the cloth...and how to fold it in order to cover your textbook.