Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > Sand art Crafts for Kids to Make Handmade Sand Crafts and Creations
Playing with sand is not just for the beach any more. There is so much crafts that can be made with sand. There is a popular keepsake which involves sand and your child's food prints. It is best if this craft is done at the beach near the water. Firmly press both of your child's feet in the sand, then take a plaster mix and pour the wet plaster into the foot prints. After it has dried (in about 25 minutes), take your time and gently dig the foot prints out of the molds and brush away the excess sand. Finally leave it in the sun for an hour or two to harden.
Children can also use sand to make beach scene collages or dioramas. Also color sand art is another exciting craft for children. To make colored sand you will need powered tempera paint. You can fill a cup with sand (about 3/4 way) and add the powdered tempera paint to each cup then mix with a spoon (one color per cup).
For this craft, you will need some of the following things clean sand; patching plaster; small, pretty stones or shells or old costume jewelry or marbles or pieces of colored glass; water; 6" piece of heavy cord; poster paints',and brush. (Note: If you do not have access to a sandy area, pour 2 bags of sand in a large flat box.) To make this, you should moisten sand so that it is damp for a depth of several inches. With both hands, make a mold for the object desired by scooping away sand and pressing designs in sand until you have the proper shape (sketch a). Press into place the decorations: marbles, costume jewelry, colored glass, etc. (sketch b). Mix the patching plaster to a thick consistency. Pour plaster into mold (sketch c). Knot 6" cord at each end and insert into plaster to form hanging loop (sketch d). Be sure to press cord at least 1" into plaster. Allow plaster to harden for 30 minutes (longer if weather is damp). Remove plaster from mold and brush off excess sand. Paint with poster colors (sketch e).
To build a permanent sand castle, you start out with boxes and cardboard tubes, rather than wit sand as you would at the beach. Use a big box for the base of the castle, cut out rounded doors and windows. Use cardboard tubes for making the towers. You can cut out the turrets by cutting out strips of cardboard and then cutting out squares from te top. To make the cones....follow the illustration below.
Just cut out a circle with a slit in it and then push the circle into a 3 dimensional cone and then glue in place. Glue it to the cone. Once you have finished constructing the cardboard castle, then the sand part comes into play. Mix White Glue and Sand together until you get a consistency of thickish paint. Then just paint it on the cardboard until it is completely covered. Then let completely dry and add another layer. Do this a few times until it looks like a real castle. The laste layer of sand that you paint on, you might want to glue on some shells and other decorations as well. There you have it...how to make real sand castles.
Painting with Sand : A Fun Kids Crafts Activity - This craft, while it still relies on paint brushes, is a popular craft with children. It brings in both the creative and a sensory stimulation that is not always there in a painting craft. In addition, the finished pieces have a 3D-effect to them and it looks amazing under the glass of a frame. My personal favorite is to use blue, white and silver, since the children often create pictures that resemble beautiful ocean scenes.
Fingerprint Ants on a Sand Anthill - Make a picture of ants climbing up a sand-covered anthill.
How to Make a Native American Indian Village - Learn how to make a native american indian village with teepees / wigwams.
Jar and Sand Bookends - These jars are decorated beautifully and then filled with sand to make beautiful bookends for your books.
Sand Paper Art : African Crafts - This is a very simple,
but very effective way to make a drawing that looks like it came
right off an African cave wall.
Foot Juggling Ball Arts and Crafts Activity and Game for Kids - Make an April Fool's Day craft that turns into a game. Using balloons and sand, you can create a foot juggling ball that you and your friends can play with in the back yard.
Starfish Craft/Necklace - This
pebbly-textured starfish is easily made from white glue sprinkled
with sand or glitter. It is fun to wear, display, or hang in a
Miniature Beach Diorama Craft Activity -
Construct a miniature beach scene on a paper plate with dough, sand,
and a jelly ocean! Add other elements that you love about the beach
like beach umbrellas, fishes, sea creatures and sand castles.
Art - For years kids have enjoyed making
sand art - layering colored sand in bottles. However, the
colored sand can be quite expensive. Learn the secret to color
your own sand at a fraction of the cost.
Castle Glitter Globe - Interesting
castle can be build by anyone!
Toy - If you want to give this as a Gift , make two or three soaps to
stuff in the netting that held your sand toys, then pop in a wash
cloth and a net bath scrubby.
Sand Treasure Box - Make a sand treasure box out of an empty shoe box, sand, and glue.