Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > Jewish Crafts > Rosh Hashanah Crafts Arts and Crafts Projects Ideas for your Kids
L'shanah tovah! The new year just passed and I was going to wish everyone a great specific year but realized that eventually I'm going to forget to come back and change it either next year or the year after so I'll just wish you all a Happy and Healthy Jewish New Year.
I hope you can find some fun crafts to do here for one of my favorite days of the year. I can't wait to spend time with my family and have a great dinner. My Mom always makes the best food Rosh Hashanah dinner. She breaks out the old recipes I remember from when I was little, yummy!
Now that I have little ones of my own, I love to have them make Rosh Hashhanah crafts for their grandparents when we go see them for the holiday. Of course the kids love the attention they get when they give all the crafts that they made, so there are just smiles all around. Hope you enjoy these special times and have a wonderful year!
Dove - A Dove is a symbol of peace. This easy to make craft project is a fitting way
to greet the Jewish New Year.
Useful Tray for the Holidays! - Find out how you can make this beautiful and useful tray for the holiday.
of Hope - Find out how we made this huge papier mache apple that holds messages of home for Rosh Hashanah.
Your Own Shofar - The sounds of the shofar fill synagogues all over the world during
Rosh Hashanah. Make your very own shofar at home to celebrate the
start of a great year.
Cards - Find out how you can make these sweet Rosh Hashanah honey cards for your family and friends.
Calendar Quilt - Use this Kindness Calendar Quilt to plan your dates
for doing good deeds for the Jewish New Year.
A Greeting Card - Rather than buying impersonal Hallmark cards, why not have your
children help with you this annual tradition by making your own
Cut-Out Star of David Craft - These Star of David metal cut-outs makes great decorations for the Jewish holiday’s celebration.
Box Craft - Learn how to make a little paper box that is great to hold a little Hanukkah
Dreidel Craft - This is a great and fun paper Dreidel craft for children.
Star of David Card - Make a beautiful paper Star of David greeting card using construction paper, scissors, glue and glitter.
Hashanah Cards : Rosh Hashanah Crafts Ideas for Jewish Kids - Follow these instructions to make your own Rosh Hashanah cards.
Hashanah Foam Gift Stamps : Rosh Hashanah Crafts Ideas for Jewish Kids - This is a very simple Jewish project for kids. They will make their own Rosh Hashanah foam gift stamps.
Shofar : Rosh Hashanah Crafts Ideas for Jewish Kids - Find out how your children can make their own Shofar.
Box : Rosh Hashanah Crafts Ideas for Jewish Kids - A Tzedakah Box otherwise known as a charity box makes the perfect child's craft for Rosh Hashanah.
Box : Rosh Hashanah Crafts Projects for Jewish Children - If your family has not yet started the ages-old tradition of having
a Tzedakah, there is no better time to start saving tzedakah coins
than on the New Year!
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