Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > President's Birthday Crafts for Kids to Make Handmade Valentines Cards and Gifts
President's day is the nuttiest holiday. You have two great Presidents, Washington and Lincoln, but instead of giving them their own special days we lump them together just because their birthdays are so close. President's day wasn't even supposed to be about their birthdays in the first place. It was supposed to celebrate the office of the President. Since they were all lumped so close together efficiency prevailed and we are stuck with just one day.
Sure, the one time government decides to be efficient we lose holidays out of the deal. Well, you should definitely try to make the best of it by making loads of President's day crafts for kids. You might not have three days off like those awesome Presidents deserve, but you can definitely pack three days worth of kid's crafts into the day.
Arts and Crafts Actiivities for Preschoolers, and Teens (for Abraham Lincoln's and George Washington's Birthday, etc)
George Washington's Camp to Make with Clay and Paper - George Washington’s Camp Paper Folding Crafts Model Craft for Kids to Make for President’s Day - This one is great for classrooms full of students and group projects.
Easy-to-Make George Washington Hat - This paper hat is so easy to make that young children can make it or at least help make it.
How to Make Cardboard Tubes Log Cabin for Abe Lincoln on Presidents Day - Well it is going to be February in 2 hours, so I figured that I would put up a Toy Log Cabin Craft Building craft to celebrate Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. Why? Because it is Presisents Day soon. Just use paper and cardboard tubes / rolls and then just connect them together easily.
Make a George Washington Wig - This is an adorable George Washington Wig made from cotton balls, ribbon, and a brown paper bag. Really cute.
How to Make Abe Lincoln's Hat - Learn how to make Abe Lincoln's hat with an oatmeal container and a paper plate.
Paper Craft Log Cabin - Print out and fold up this awesome paper log cabin with the following template and instructions. Lincoln would love this log cabin.
Milk Carton Log Cabins - Build Lincolns' log cabin from a school milk carton, some Plaster or Gessor or Papier Mache, and some paint.
Star - Make a 5 pointed star by folding a piece of construction paper.
Abraham Lincoln Craft - This Abraham Lincoln craft is easy and fun for kids to do on President's Day.
American Tin - Be proud to be American. Make this all American tin for camp or car trips.
Clues Paper Craft - Celebrate President's Day with your kids by dressing up thier favourite dog "Blue" in an American hat.
Stick Flag Craft - Learn to make your own tiny US flag.
Washington Craft - On President's Day, why not do a simple and easy George Washingston craft?
Washington’s Ax - In honor of George Washington this President's Day, here is a craft on making George Washington's Ax.
to Make a Tricorn Hat - Celebrate President's Day by makeing Tricorn Hats which were popular in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Hat Craft - Make a replica of former President Abraham Lincoln's hat by following these instruction.
Log Cabin - Follow this tutorial and make your own Abraham Lincoln's Log Cabin.
Penny Pendant - Celebrate President's Day by making an Abraham Lincoln's Penny Pendant on a red, blue and white star.
Log Cabin Craft - Learn how to make a small version of Lincoln Log Cabin of your own.
Lincoln Log Cabin Craft -
Here is another version of making Abraham Lincoln's Log Cabin Craft.
Mt Rushmore - Here is a simple Mini Mt Rushmore craft for kids to do for President's Day.
Plate Fireworks - This simple Paper Plate Fireworks craft is perfect like toddlers on President's Day.
White House - This White House craft would make a fun President's day group project.
Pebble Craft - Make a Patriotic paper weight from a river rock and paint.
Pinwheel - An easy step by step instruction on making a Patriotic Pinwheel for President's Day.
Sun Catcher - Be Patriotic by making and hanging an American Flag Sun Catcher by your window.
Treat Cup - These Patriotic Treat Cup are great for President's Day gatherings.
US Plant Pot Craft - This Patriotic Plant Pot would be make a good addition to your President's Day decorations.
Wind Sock Craft - This Patriotic Wind Sock craft is very simple to make and is prefect as a group project.
Star Craft - - Make this 3 dimensional American Flag looking star for President's Day.
and Stripes Game Box - This American color game box is for the Patriot at heart. This box also makes a great President's day craft.
Wreath - Make this patriotic star wreath to put on your door on patriotic holidays such as President's Day.
of Stars - Make these American string of stars to celebrate President's Day.
of Presidents Craft - Represent each President of the United States of America as leaves on this Tree
Sam Mask - Your kids will have a blash making and wearing this Uncle Sam Mask.
George Washington Powdered Wig - All you need is a Powdered Wig and your child will look like George Washington.
How to Make a George Washington Wig Out of a Paper Bag - This President's Day dress up like George Washington to honor him.