Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids >Paper Plates Crafts for Kids to Make Handmade Paper Plates Crafts and Creations
Paper plates are to eat on, right? Wrong - they are to make crafts with. I'm just kidding...you can use paper plates to eat on, but for the sake of this site, we only use paper plates for arts and crafts projects. They are so useful, they are sturdy, yet easy to cut. They are strong enough to stay together when painted, but bendable enough to mold them into what you want them to if dampened. If we have your interest now, take a look at all of these paper plate based crafts. Happy Crafting!
Make a Play Paper Plate Clock Craft
These are fun to do and—best of all—can really be helpful in teaching the young ones how to tell time. Use any size paper plate that happens to be on hand. Take a pencil and lightly mark the numbers around the face. Then the children have a guide to follow and can put the numbers in in crayon and color a light border around the plate. Cut hands out of cardboard or colored construction paper—cutting one slightly longer than the other. Fasten them to the center of your clock with a metal paper fastener. Fasten them loosely and then the hands can be moved easily. See the picture above. Puncture a small hole at the top and nm a ribbon through it so the clock may be hung on the wall in the child's room.
How to Make Spinning Paper Plate Flowers
This is a great craft for younger kids such as Kindergarteners, Preschoolers, Toddlers, and children in the earlier grades. Child may color a strip of cardboard (about 1" wide x 12" tall) green for the flower's stem. Then fasten a paper plate to the green cardboard stem with a brass paper fastener (see sketch b). Now cut a plate in half so that you have a half-plate. Now cut that half-plate in half again for leaves. Child may paste these to stem. Also, he may paste back of plate to stem to make the flower more sturdy.Now take crayons or markers and color the leaves green and color the flower the colors that you want the flower. Now you can spin the flower and it probably looks so beautiful.
Make a Paper Plate Doily Easter Bonnet Hat
Select a divided paper plate that is 10 1/2 inches in diameter. Cut away a portion of the plate in the manner shown by the heavy dotted lines in Figure 1. Select 3 five-inch lace paper doilies (colored pink). Cut each in half. Use 5 of the halves to trim the hat, as in Figure 2. Use Scotch tape to fasten in place. At the center of the hat brim, fasten a 7 inch doily (colored light green), cutting away the section not needed. Punch 2 holes in the back of the hat, as in Figure 3. Run a ribbon through these holes and tie in a bow. Wear this as your Eater bonnet. Visit Our Easter Bonnet Hats Crafts
Potholder or Notes Holder Plates Craft
Here's an attractive gift the children can make for Mom, Grandma, or a favorite aunt. And it will be appreciated because of its usefulness. All you need are two paper plates, some poster paints, needle, and thread (or ribbon). Cut one plate exactly in half. Turn it upside down and decorate it with poster paint, making a pretty border design around the edge. In the center of this half, print "Potholders" or "Notes"—whichever you wish your gift to be used for. When it is dry, lay the half plate over the whole plate and mark off the area which will be exposed. Decorate this section as you did the other part. If you wish, write the name of the person who is to receive it in the center. See the picture above. When your paint is thoroughly dry, put the two plates together, and using good strong thread, sew them together all around the double edge. If you don't have needle and thread, use a hole puncher and tie it together with ribbons instead. Then cover the whole thing with a coat of clear shellac to make it more durable. If you don't have shellac, instead mix glue with water together (1/2 of each)and use that for the shellac. Attach a paper picture hanger at the top of the back so that the holder can be hung on the kitchen wall.
Make Picture Frames with Paper Plates
Select a round or a square paper plate. Paste a picture in the center of it. Cut a square or a circle of colored paper to fit around the picture. Paste in place and attach a hanger. Cut a hole in the center of another plate, paint a band of color around the plate. When dry, paste the picture on from back of plate. Attach a hanger. Cut a series of pictures from magazines. Paste them on individual plates. Fasten hangers on them. Select pictures appropriate to the place you want to use them.
How to Make Feather Fans
If you like the above feather fan and you need something to cool yourself off, then we will show you how to make this feather fan for yourself. Fold a paper plate in half and then unfold back into its normal shape. Now glue craft feathers to inside of rounded edges on 1/2 of the plate. Now you may fold the fan in half again and stple glued edges together. You may paint or color the plate now if you wish. Now take a scissor and cut a slit in the fold of the plate and insert a long stick in there so far that it goes almost all the way to the top of the plate....now attach it in place with two tacks.
More Crafts Using Paper Plates
How to Make a Mini Zip Line Moving Toy with Paper Plates, Poster Board, Bobbins, & Paper Clips - This is a really cool toy idea…one that can be changed for a lot of different variations of moving toys. This is an air ship / space ship zip line moving toy. Find out how to make this zip line toy that zips and moves, by reading the step by step, illustrated instructions below in our crafts project tutorial.
How to Make a Spring Easter Bonnet, Hat, or Flower Crown with Paper Plates - A Spring bonnet is a longstanding tradition for little girls in many families – and calling it a flower crown will make any little boy excited to be the king of spring!
How to Make Abe Lincoln's Hat - Learn how to make Abe Lincoln's hat with an oatmeal container and a paper plate.
Make Paper Plate Pilgrim Men - Learn how to make these pilgrim boys / men with paper plates, yarn, etc.
Milk Carton Sail Boats - Learn how to make these milk carton sail boats...they turn out so pretty.
Gesso Papier Mache Trays - Start off with paper plates and gesso and finish with a beautifully enameled tray to serve goodies on. Perfect for mother's day or a gift for someone else you love.
Make Paper Plate Pilgrim Women / Girls - Learn how to make these pilgrim Women / Girls with paper plates, yarn, etc.
Sunflower with Real Sunflower Seeds - Here is a craft to make a sunflower with real sunflower seeds, construction paper, and a paper plate.
Paper Plate Note and Receipt Holder - Learn how to make paper plate art as well as a note, receipt, or bill holder to organize your kitchen or office.
African Tribesmen Masks - Learn how to make African masks with dampened paper plates.
Uncle Sam's Hat with Paper Plate - A Paper plate and oatmeal container together make for a great American hat.
Pilgrim Girl - Make an adorable paper plate pilgrim girl with the following instructions for Thansgiving.
Pilgrim Boy - Make a cute pilgrim boy with a paper plate and the following craft instructions.
Family Crest Plates - Make these family crests with plates, ribbon, and paint.
Paper Plate Turkey - Make a paper plate Thanksgiving turkey with the following crafts project.
Paper Plate Mask Newspaper Craft for Kids - African
tribal masks are worn during religious rituals or are put up on walls
to protect their owners. There are a wide variety of masks, most of
them depicting tribal ancestors, animal spirits, or gods and deities.
Craft your own African mask using a paper plate and colored pasta.
Birds in Nest Crafts - -
We love this baby birds in nest craft - it turned out so cute and our
daughter had a blast making all of the little birds and making their
nest "just like a momma bird"!
Paper Plate Toucans - Learn how to make these beautiful toucans from paper plates and other items such as tissue paper and a googlety eye.
Paper Plate Handprint Craft - If you
hang it on a wall or the refrigerator you can store notes to the
children or that the children write to friends and family.
Harvest Wall Hangings - -
Your kids can fill this horn of plenty with all of their fall
favorites! Hang it from your front door to celebrate autumn's
bountiful harvest.
Masks : Masks to Make for Kids - - Use
a paper plate and some craft cupboard bits and pieces to make a cute
bunny mask - perfect for Easter!
Life Cycle Mobiles - -
Make a mobile that shows the complete metamorphosis of a butterfly
from egg to larva (caterpillar) to pupa to adult (the butterfly).
and Mouse Crafts - -
This is a great craft for kids just learning to tell time.
Clock Crafts - -
In this day and age it is a little harder to teach kids about telling
time and reading a clock simply because digital clocks are more
commonly found in many homes that clocks. Use this fun craft to help
them learn how to read a clock and about different times of day.
Canteen Paper Plate Project - Make a canteen out of paper plates
Paper Plate Crafts : Paper Plate Crafts Ideas for Children - - This easy-to-make duck is a
cute craft that is made from a single paper plate and construction
Bird Feeders – Using recycled materials such as paper plates and non-toxic
coloring paints, you can easily make this colorful bird feeder and
hang it out on the nearest tree branch on your home. This is a great
way to watch a bird feeding frenzy!
Pumpkin Crafts : Paper Plate Crafts Ideas for Children - - I've
had a lot of requests for more paper plate crafts. This Pumpkin
is made with a paper plate. I've provided templates for dinner
sized and snack sized plates.
Easy Easter Bunny- For this craft you'll need a printer, piece of paper (I prefer using construction paper), scissors, glue and something to colour with. See Alternative Decorating Ideas for other possible materials.
Easy Lamb Craft - This cute little lamb is a great March (in like a lion out like a lamb), farm animal or Bible craft project.
Easy Paper Plate Lion Craft - This king of the jungle is made with a paper plate.
Fish Paper Plate Craft - This easy-to-make fish is a cute craft that is made from a single paper plate
Paper Plate Crafts : Paper Plate Crafts Ideas for Children - - This easy-to-make fish is a
cute craft that is made from a single paper plate.
Crowns : Paper Plate Crafts Ideas for Children - - Make a
pretty flowery crown from a paper plate and paper flowers. These are
fun to make for Spring or Easter.
Frog Pouch Craft Idea for Kids - I've had a lot of requests for more paper plate crafts. This Frog Pouch is made with a paper plate and a half. I've provided templates for dinner sized and snack sized plates.
Visors - -
You’ll be made in the shade when you wear a colorful sun visor!
Turn paper plates into cool, colorful hats to match your sport or
Groundhog Mask - This cute mask is simple and a lot of fun to make for Groundhog Day, February 2
Hanging Wall Pocket - Make this hanging wall pocket from a paper plate. This is a great project for elementary school age children who want to organize their room!
Paper Plate Crafts (Black Cat and Spider) - -
These are so simple, but yet so cute. I know I always say that.
Wall Pockets - - Make this hanging wall pocket from a paper plate.
This is a great project for elementary school age children who want
to organize their room!
If I Were An Octopus - This is a simple paper plate craft.
Jack-O'-Lantern Mask - This scary Halloween mask is simple to make from a paper plate.
Jonah & the Whale Craft Paper Plates Ideas for Kids - The story of Jonah and the Whale fascinates children. This colorful tale combines adventure, ocean life, and Biblical concepts such as repentance and obedience. Using craft projects to further illustrate the points of the story is a great way to round out a successful lesson plan.
Jellyfish Crafts - -
We came up with this jellyfish craft after a trip to our local
aquarium. The jellyfish displays were lit up and beautiful and our
daughter was hooked. This kids jellyfish craft is made to either hang
from the ceiling or to be carried around by your favorite animal
loving child!
LadyBug Paper Plates - Make a ladybug out of a paper plate
Lamb Arts & Crafts Project - Make this cute lamb / sheep with paper plate, cotton balls, etc.
Lucky Duck Paper Plate Craft - Make yoour own lucky duck plate project.
a Snowman - - Make a cute snowman decoration using two paper
plates. This makes a nice decoration to put on a door or hang in a
Day Basket Paper Plate Handprint Craft - An
interesting Easter craft.
Miniature Beach Diorama Craft Activity - -
Construct a miniature beach scene on a paper plate with dough, sand,
and a jelly ocean! Add other elements that you love about the beach
like beach umbrellas, fishes, sea creatures and sand castles.
Monkey Paper Plate Face or Mask- Materials you will need for the monkey are a printer, glue, scissors, something to colour with and a piece of paper (I prefer construction paper).
Mother's Day Flower Pot Hanging - Very adorable flower pot hanger from a paper plate and cup..great for Mother's Day.
Ocean Treasures Holder Crafts : Kids Paper Plates Crafts - -
This is a very easy craft to help children put away their "ocean
treasures" if they have gone to the beach/seashore or they can
pretend they have been there.
Noah's Ark : Bible Story Craft Ideas for Children - Materials you will need are a
printer, paper (I prefer white construction paper or another heavier
paper), scissors, glue, brown paint or markers and a dinner sized
paper plate.
Paper Plate Crafts - - This simple-to-make owl is
a cute craft that is made from three paper plates.
Paper Plate Angel - Turn a paper plate into a beautiful angel.
Paper Plate Butterfly Puppet Craft - A simple-to-make paper plate butterfly puppet. Each butterfly is made from two paper plates taped together.
Paper Plate Crab - If you don't have a paper plate, trace a regular plate on a piece of cardboard (old cereal box) or use a margarine container lid.
Paper Plate Pig - Adorable pig craft
Paper Plate Starfish Craft- We loved the starfish activity
Paper Plate Painted Starfish - This starfish looks really beautiful and it is made out of a disposable paper plate and some paint.
Plate Fish Craft : Fish Crafts Ideas for Kids - This cute little
paper plate craft takes the triangular chunk you cut out for the
mouth and turns it into the tail!
Paper Plate Shark Craft - Use a paper plate, construction paper, scissors, and paste to make this awesome shark eating a fish with his huge, sharp teeth.
Paper Plate Bull Frog Arts and Crafts Activity Ideas - This Paper Plate Frog is a great preschool or kindergarten craft that uses a paper plate, paint, hand prints, pipe cleaner, and a little bit of paper!
Plate Bumblebee Crafts - -
Materials you will need for the paper plate bee are a paper plate,
waxed paper, scissors, tape, small triangle of black paper (or white
paper coloring black), yellow paint and black paint or marker.
Plate Butterfly Puppet Crafts - - A simple-to-make paper
plate butterfly puppet. Each butterfly is made from two paper plates
taped together.
Plate Fish Crafts - -
Our paper plate fish craft is a fun, easy craft made with materials
you most likely already have. All you need is a couple paper plates,
some paint and glue and a great imagination and you have a great
animal craft that is easy enough for a toddler to do.
Paper Plate Craft : Crafts Ideas with Birds for Children Fun and easy craft
to make!
Fish Paper Plate Craft - Puffer fish,
porcupine fish and balloon fish all blow themselves up with air or
water to double their size and intimidate enemies. Porcupine
fish further intimidate with the sharp spines all over their bodies
whereas puffer fish are extremely poisonous.
Plate Flower Crafts - - This simple-to-make flower
is made from a paper plate and a child's handprint cut outs.
Paper Plate Frog Craft for Kids - Learn how to make this cute paper plate frog craft.
Plate Ladybug Crafts - -
Our paper plate ladybug craft for kids turns out really cute
everytime. This little bug makes the perpect insect craft for
toddlers or preschoolers as it has just enough steps that overlap to
keep their interest (ie: while one plate dries you can start on the
next step).
Plate Ladybug Puppet Crafts - - A simple-to-make paper
plate ladybug puppet. Each ladybug is made from two paper plates,
paint, and construction paper.
Paper Plate Lion Crafts Project - This adorable paper plate lion is a great, inexpensive Lion craft for kids!
Plate Maracas Crafts - - A maraca is a Latin American and Tupi rattle. The
original maracas were made from hollow gourds filled with pebbles or
Plate Maraca : Cinco de Mayo Crafts Projects - - This
Paper Plate Maraca is an easy homemade instrument. Fill it with what
ever you have around the house and you're ready to make some music!
These also make great noise makers for special occasions!
Plate Patterns - -
Looking for easy art ideas? Try a plain paper plate and Crayola®
Large Washable Crayons. Young designers dish up this project!
Plate Penguins - -
Penguins are one of my kids’ favorite animals. Whenever we go
to the zoo, going to the penguin house is a MUST! Here’s a
really cute Christmas craft of a paper plate penguin that is easy
enough for preschoolers to make.
Paper Plate Pig Crafts Idea for Kids - Have the kids try this Paper Plate Pig craft. Precut the shapes for Preschoolers, and they can paint and glue it all together!
Plate Pilgrims - - Kids
can make Miles and Priscilla out of paper plates. Add a ribbon to
hang on the front door!
Plate Reindeer Crafts - -
Our paper plate reindeer craft is a great Christmas craft made with
items you most likely already have on hand. With handprint
antlers and a simple paper plate head it's a great craft to do on a
cold winter afternoon. Enjoy!
Paper Plate Rooster Craft for Children - This Paper Plate Rooster will have the kids Cock-a-doodle-do-ing. A quick and easy Rooster or farm craft for preschoolers on up!
Plate Shamrock Crafts - -
Make a giant shamrock out of paper plates to celebrate St. Patrick's
day. Legend says that each leaf on a shamrock stands for
something special. One leaf is for hope, one is for faith and
one is for love. The fourth leaf is for luck.
Plate Spider Web Craft - -
This paper plate spider web craft is a fun twist on your typical
spider craft for kids. Instead of just the spider, your children get
to make the whole web, which is a fun craft, an addition to a good
spider book, or a simple science lesson for a younger child.
Paper Plate : Christmas Poinsettias Crafts Idesa for Children- Fun
craft using paper plates.
Streamers - - Make a handheld rainbow
that you can use while putting on your own St. Patrick's Day parade
or while dancing a jig.
African Collar Necklaces - - Transform
an ordinary paper plate into stylish ethnic jewelry! Similar
necklaces are worn by many groups of people in central Africa.
Wreaths - - Make
a patriotic star wreath decoration from paper stars and a paper
plate. If you're making this project with a group of children, they
can cut out the stars and write their names on them.
Spirograph Paper Plate Picture Frame Arts and Crafts Project - This project ends up looking remarkably like the spirograph pictures we used to make when I was young. It makes a nice gift for mom or grandma.
of David Paper Plate Craft - A
very easy craft to make.
Crafts - - These
giant sunflowers are made from small paper plates, a paper towel
tube, sunflower seeds, and construction paper. You can make an entire
bouquet of them for a great gift for summer decoration.
Sunflower Paper Plate Craft- This is a very cute sunflower project - petals can be replaced with paper hands.
Sun Paper Plate Craft - This is a simple craft made from a paper plate and a child's handprint cutouts.
Craft Paper Plate Cornucopia - - Thanksgiving brings the thought of cornucopias and family
gatherings. You can make a Thanksgiving cornucopia to add to your
table decorations. It’s also a fun Thanksgiving craft for home
schooling. You can use this Thanksgiving craft on a rainy day with
your kids. Share this Thanksgiving craft with a teacher to use in the
classroom. The Thanksgiving cornucopia craft should take about 30
minutes to make and is an inexpensive Thanksgiving craft to enjoy.
"The Cow Jumped Over the Moon" Paper Plate Craft - "The Cow Jumped Over the Moon" Paper Plate Craft
Paper Plate Craft : Crafts Ideas with Birds for Children Make this cute bird
craft by yourself or in group.
the Aztec Sun - - Use
paper plates and colorful Crayola® Paint and Markers to design
your own sun.
Heart Crowns - -
Make a pretty Valentine's crown from a paper plate and paper hearts.
These are fun to make on Valentine's Day.