Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > Mosaics Arts and Crafts Projects for children
Mosaic Arts is about creating beautiful works of art with an assortment of items...such as tiles, glass, paper, seeds, eggshells, scrabble tiles, and other objects. You can think of a mosaic as a picture made up of smaller items. The pattern of the items together make up the picture as a whole. You can sort of think of mosaic tiles as pixels ... so each item makes up a small part of the picture.
Choosing which material to make up your mosaic artwork with, is important as it will really change the outlook of your picture. Find out how to make mosaics with glass, paper, tiles, photos, magazines with the following arts and crafts decorations, instructions, patterns, and activities for children to make magnetic crafts
Paint any medium-sized box a solid color. Cut sections of colorful greeting cards in matching-sized squares or rectangles and glue to the top of the box in either a hit-or-miss fashion or in a planned design. You may also paste on used postage stamps, sticker dots, stars or stickers, or colored seeds. To color seeds, first wash squash, watermelon or pumpkin seeds. Place some seeds in a jar and add a few drops of food coloring. Make several batches of seeds the same way. Spread the seeds on newspapers to dry. Arrange them in a design on the top of the box, using household cement to make them stick firmly.
Classic Mosaic Super Mario Bros Art -Find out how to make this super cool Super Mario Bros picture ... this is the classic, retro Mario made with tiles.
Making Mosaic Red Pacman Ghost with Tiles - You know you can’t have a Pacman without having at least one ghost for Pacman to have fun with….. he just wouldn’t know what to do. “Chomp, chomp, chomp.”
How to Make a Mosaic Pacman Pixelated Picture from Tiles - I’m going to show you how to make a super cool pixelated Pacman picture that is very easy and fun to make…. just follow the easy-to-follow pattern and you are as good as gold.
Mosaic in a Shallow Box - Find out how to make this boxed mosaic...at the end you rip the cardboard box away and are left with a tile of a mosaic.
Mosaic Space Invaders Picture - Today I will show you how to make a Space Invader pixelated picture from Tiles. I hope you have as much fun making the craft as I did playing the game.
Mosaic Covered Cardboard Boxes & Tiles - Make mosaic covered cardboard boxes as well as seed covered cardboard tiles...they come out beautifully.
How to Make a Mosaic Super Mario 1-up Mushroom Pixelated Picture from Paper Tiles - The 1-up mushroom can give you an extra life and its hard to find. If you are the Super Mario video game lover you are going to want to do this craft. In this post I will show you how to make a mosaic Super Mario 1-up mushroom pixelated picture from tiles. Fun, fun!!
Hole Punch Mosaic Collages - Take the little circles from a hole puncher and paste them on a piece of paper in the form of an owl, or any other animal or thing that you want to create.
Bottle Caps US Flag Group Project - Make a US Flag from bottle caps...like a bottle cap mosaic project.
Decorate Your Notebooks in Mosaic Squares - This notebook is decorated in little paper squares - you can make any design you want - this one just happens to be Mario in a Yoshi suit.
Make US Flags from Magazines - This is a great mosaics proejct. Have kids rip out red, white, and blue pieces from magazines & then glue together into a flag.
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