Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > Musical Instruments Crafts for Kids to Make > Make Guitars and Stringed Instruments
Stringed instruments, such as guitars and banjos are so much fun to play with and pretty easy to make. You don't have to make intricate wood instruments, there are many other materials that you can use for the base of stringed instruments. For example, cardboard boxes and metal pots are both good bases for guitars or other stringed instruments. Below you will see some of the great crafts ideas we have for this category. Happy Crafting!
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Find a box measuring 4 inches square and 1 inch in depth. Cut a hole and a slot in the cover, as pictured in figure 1. Fashion a bridge from cardboard, as in figure 2. Make certain that the tab at the bottom of the bridge fits securely into the narrow slot, and that the bridge stands upright. Return cover to box and fasten with Scotch tape or gummed paper. Stretch rubber bands of various sizes over the entire box passing them over the bridge. The smaller bands which are stretched more tightly over the bridge will produce the highest tones. To play pick the bands with your fingers or a toothpick. Select simple tunes with which to begin your playing of the banjo; then go to work on the more difficult ones.
You will need 1 round pint-size ice cream or cottage cheese carton, 1 piece heavy cardboard 1 1/2" x 10", four 1/2" paper fasteners, two 3" rubber bands, crayons, and cissors. Cut slits 1 3/4" long on opposite sides of carton, parallel to top rim. Slide heavy cardboard through slits until it extends 1" from carton. (See sketch a.) Punch two holes in each end of cardboard. Put paper fasteners in holes. Stretch the rubber bands between the paper fasteners at each end of cardboard, forming four banjo "strings." Where rubber bands cross top of carton, cut 1/4" slits in rim to hold the rubber bands in place. (See sketch b.) Decorate banjos with brand markings or other designs.
Cardboard Guitars Craft to Make- - Making a guitar from a cardboard box is a fun and easy craft for
kids. All you need is a cardboard box of any size, rubber bands of
varying sizes and some imagination to create and decorate your own
unique guitar. Cardboard box guitars can also be part of a whole
craft instrument band or used as props for costumes. Read on to learn
Guitar - - After seeing TimAnderson's Bedpost Banjo, I had the idea to make
one out of what else, an Altoid tin. The guitar sounds quite
mandolin-ish, besides the two stings that are on it.
Tin Guitar! - - This will show you how to make the simplest E-Guitar with just an
Altoids can and a few other materials which can easily found around
the house.
Box Guitar - Jazz up a tissue box into a rockin' box guitar.
Guitar - - This is an easy way to make a guitar using an old shoe box or
tissue box, rubber bands, scissors, a paper-towel tube, and a pencil.
Guitar Craft - - Box guitars were made out of discarded cigar boxes with a broom
stick inserted in the end. Box guitars were popular and cheap to
Box Guitar - - Making a cardboard box guitar is easy to do, and can be a delight
for young children. Letting your child make his own guitar will help
give him an appreciation for music, and he can have fun playing his
homemade guitar when he is done. With a few basic materials and the
steps listed, your child can learn how to make a cardboard box
Guitar Craft - This fun cardboard guitar can make pretending fun. It's like
playing air guitar - with a little more than air to wrap your fingers
around. Try this cardboard guitar craft and watch kids pretend to be
their favorite rock stars - or form their own "air band!"
Cigar Box Guitar - - The neck of this handcrafted piece is made of curly maple, the
cigar box is a cohiba box of ten cigars, imported from the Dominican
Republic, store-bought tuners (I'm lame), left over strings, and a
piezo for the pick-up.
Guitar - - Making a homemade guitar is a great way to teach children about
making music, the production of sound and the history of instrument
making. Children can create this simple guitar using materials that
can be found around the house. Here is an easy-to-follow guide to
help you create a homemade guitar.
Musical Instrument: Shoebox Guitar - - Music is said to be the 'food of the soul'. However, not everyone
has the capability to buy expensive musical instruments from the
market. In such a case, homemade musical instruments come to your
rescue. Such instruments are inexpensive and very easy to make. If
you want to learn how to make musical instruments at home, the steps
provided here will come to your rescue.
Jimi Hendrix Guitar Printable Model Craft - Print out a model of Jimi Hendrix's guitar.
a Shoe Box Guitar - - This is just one of many ways that you can reuse household items
and make neat crafts from them: make this guitar out of an old
shoebox for some musical fun, while saving room in the landfill.
Day Tissue Box Guitar - - I'm going to show you how to make a guitar with your kids out of a
tissue box, paper towel roll and some rubber bands! My mom and I used
to make these all the time when I was little - They're really fun!
Band Guitar - - Have you ever wanted to make your own musical instrument? Now is
your chance! By the time you finish reading this guide, you will be
able to make your very own rubber-band (also known as shoebox)
guitar. Making a shoebox guitar is very easy, fun and creative.
Rubber-band guitars also make a very cool sound.
Band Guitar - - Children often love homemade craft projects as much as they love
musical instruments, so combining the two is sure to be a big hit
around the craft table. A rubber band guitar is a simple project that
can be made as simple or as elaborate as you like and is sure to
create hours of fun for children and adults alike.
Banjo –
Bring out the music minded genius out of your kids by helping them
make musical instruments out of used cereal boxes and some coloring
or non-toxic painting materials.
Guitar - - Allison came home last week with a "Build Your Own Guitar Out
of a Shoebox" project to learn about sound and vibration. After
a trip to Home Depot and some painting and woodworking, here is the
final product. Adult assistance or and supervision is required for
this craft project.
Box and Toilet Paper Roll Guitar - - This craft project allows you to make music using recycled
materials and at the same time gives you the chance in helping out
the environment.
Box Guitar - - Kids will love to make music with these easy, homemade musical
instrument crafts for kids.
Box Guitar - - Create a guitar with your budding musician. Recycled items, such as
a tissue box and paper towel roll, get you started.
Box- Guitar - - This guitar is a great musical instrument for kids to make. All you
need is a tissue box, rubber bands, straw and a paper towel roll and
you're ready to make some music!
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