Today, we will show you how to make some stand up paper-figure animals. This one is a standing wolf paper figure. You can choose a black and white version to color in, or you can choose the one that is already colorized. Either way … have fun.
Today we will show you how to make paper wolves that can stand up on their own. You can use them as models or to play with. Click on the image below to open up a new page with the wolf picture. You should then print that page out….cut it out…and then fold on the line. It is as easy as that.
Print Out Black and White Wolf figure (for Coloring In)

Print Out Color Version

I hope you enjoyed this craft. If you did, visit our other Origami / Paper Folding Crafts or Printout Standing Figures
Technorati Tags: wolves, wolf, wolf print out, wolf printable, coloring wolves, coloring wolf, wolf stand ups, stand up crafts, stand up paper crafts, animals, animals crafts, cut out animal crafts, standing animals, standing animal crafts, crafts for kids, crafts for children, arts and crafts, kids crafts