Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > Jewelry Boxes Crafts Arts and Crafts Projects Ideas for your Kids
Below you will find Jewelry Boxes Crafts Arts and Crafts Projects Ideas for your Kids. Find out how to make your own arts and crafts jewelry boxes & trinket boxes projects with the following decorations, instructions, patterns, and activities for children
How to Make Egg Carton Jewelry Boxes
To make this jewelry box, you will need 1 egg carton (type shown in sketch) ; lid from another carton; tin pan, paint in color you desire; brush; strip of cloth 2" wide and 3 times length around carton; pinking shears; sewing materials; shells or imitation jewels, and glue. Add a bit of white glue to some paint and mix together (to help stick to egg carton). Paint carton inside and out and allow to dry. Trim one edge of cloth with pinking shears (sketch c). Sew ends together. Gather smooth edge to fit around inside edge oftin pan . Sew, or glue, ruffling to pan lid (sketches d and e). Set bottom of the hinged box inside the separate top (sketch f) and glue. Decorate top of jewelry box by gluing on jewels or shells (sketch g).
Even More Jewelry Box Making Crafts Below
How to Make a Valentine Gift Box with a Bear Heart Brooch Pin Case Craft - First we made a Teddy Bear Heart Brooch Pin craft. Now we will make this jewelry case to hold this adorable Valentine’s Day Bear Heart Brooch Pin.
Popsicle Stick Trinket Box - You can make this popsicle stick trinket box for holding little things - called trinkets This trinket box makes for a great gift for someone special or keep it for yourself.
Storage Box Craft : Box Crafts Actvities for Children This collaged
storage box craft has got it all -- glitter and embellishments,
photos of your kids' favorite things, and their favorite shapes and
colors. A plastic handle means kids can carry this box with them
wherever they go.
Jewelry Box Projects - Try this gemstone jewerly box project
and keep your jewelry in a dazzling box decorated with gems that
match the colors of your room.
to Make Jewelry Boxes From Cigar Boxes - Dress
up an empty cigar box to create a personalized jewelry box to give or
keep. Decorative options abound for creative expression. Both wooden
and paperboard cigar boxes form suitable bases.
to Make Paper Jewelry Boxes - You don't need
to spend a lot of money on designer jewelry boxes when you can make
your own paper jewelry boxes for kids. You'll be amazed at how easy
it is to make paper jewelry boxes.
Pasta Jewelry Box - In this tutorial you will learn how
to make a jewelry box out of pasta.