Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > Animals Crafts > Bugs / Insects Crafts > Flies Arts and Crafts Projects Ideas for your Kids
Flies are everywhere and can be quite annoying, especially when you are eating. There are actually over 120,000 species of flies worldwide and most lies an average of 21 days.
Flies are pests but somehow children are fascinated with then. They can learn more about this insect by making fun crafts. They can make a creepy fly costume, sticky fly trap costume or a simple fly mask for Halloween (with their parents help).
If you have preschoolers or toddlers, you can allow them to use their hand-prints to create a fly. The hand-print crafts are recommended for this age group.
Do you want to make a fly figurine...here is an easy craft for you to do. Find an empty thread spool and paint it dark gray. Then let it dry completely. While it is drying, cut white ovals out of paper or tissue paper. Draw lines on it as if it were a leaf, as seen in the 2nd picture above. Paste the ovals on the back of the spool. On the front of the spool, glue googly eyes. With a black permanent marker, draw a smile under the eyes. With pipe cleaners, glue antennae on the top of the spool.
Frog Puppet with Fly on his Tongue - Make these cute frog puppets with a house fly on his tongue.
Drawing Cartoon Flies - Learn how to draw a cute cartoon fly with easy step by step instructions using simple shapes
Fly Craft for Preschoolers & Toddlers -
Allow your kids to use their handprint to create a fly!