Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > Animals Crafts > Elephant Crafts Arts and Crafts Projects Ideas for your Kids
Elephants are the largest land-living animals on earth. There are two different types of elephants ...Asian and African elephants. African elephants are a little bigger than their relatives, the Asian elephants. Elephants have large ears, large trunks, and ivory tusks. Elephants are scattered in certain parts of Asian and Africa, so we don't have them living in American with us. However, when we are lucky we can catch a glimpse of one or more elephants in a Circus, a Zoo, or in a Safari park. If we are really lucky, we get to actually ride one or see them perform human-like tricks at a circus. This page has several elephant crafts that you might enjoy. Happy crafting!
Do you have many different sized corks? If so, you can make this elephant with them. Firstly, paint all of your corks gray. Let it dry thoroughly. Now, Get the biggest cork that you have. Put this cork on its side. This will be the elephant's body. Glue 4 small corks to the bottom of the elephant, as seen above, for the feet. For the head, glue one of the bigger corks to the top for the head. Then push a wire in this cork for the trunk of the elephant....connect many consecutively smaller corks to the wire for the trun, as pictured above. Twist a wire for the tail...push it into the back of the elephant. Paint a black dot on either side of teh elephant's head for eyes. Use a toothpick for each husk (you can paint the toothpicks white if you want to). Cut out elephant ears from gray felt. Now you have a cool elephant for your room's decor.
You will need a mailing envelope for this craft. Start this craft by printing out the following elephant template. Either trace the elephant onto the folded edge of a paper envelope or cut it out and paste it onto the folded edge of an envelope. Cut the elephant out. Open it up and fold on the dotted lines so that the elephant will stand.
To make the above elephant mask, just print out the following elephant mask template and then follow the included directions.
To make standing paper elephants, print out this paper elephant template (b&w or color) and then just cut out the elephants and fold on the dotted lines. This elephant will stand on its own.
An elephant is about the last thing one might think of making of shells, but with a spiral-shaped, closed shell for a head and trunk, and the back of an open shell, leaned against and glued to it, we have the major framework for such animal. To each side of the open shell, in the approximate position of the front and rear legs, glue pipe cleaner strips, and attach tiny shells to each for feet. For a tail, glue to the rear a piece of pipe cleaner.
These elephants come out adorably. Purchase two styrofoam balls...one bigger than the other. Paint them light blue or gray and let them dry completely. Then attach the head to the body with a toothpick. Cut out large letter 'C' shaped ears from paper, felt, or foam. Glue them to the head. Use pipe cleaners for the feet and trunk...the feet are stubby letter 'U' shapes and the trunk is a much longer letter 'U' shape that curves a bit. You can use black paint or marker to draw the elephant's eyes on his face.
To learn how to draw elephants, click on one of the above thumbnail tutorial images to chooose which lesson to try.
Handprint Elephants and Lions - These handprint lions and elephants are adorable...find out how to make them here.
Elephant Party Favors / Placeholders - Make these elephants with cardboard, construction paper, as well as yarn.
Oatmeal Box Elephants - Make an elephant out of oatmeal box cylinders, wallpaper or wrapping paper, newspaper, felt, buttons, and yarn.
Egg Head Elephant Face - Learn how to make blown egg, decorated animal faces.There includes an elephant face in these directions.
Egg Carton Elephant Craft for Children - Learn how to make this cute egg carton elephant craft.
Procession Parade Activities for Children - Make this beautiful Elephant Procession Parade collage using Crayola products and other supplies.
Elephant / Hindu Crafts for Children - Follow these instructions to make a cute Elephant.
Elephant Toy Printable Paper Craft - Print, cut and follow the instructions to put together this elephant paper toy.
How to Make Origami Elephants Animals - Learn how to fold a piece of paper to make an elephant.
Kirigami- Japanese Paper Cutting Directions - Learn how to cut out these cool elephant cutouts.
Bag Elephant Puppet - Use a paper lunch bag, grey paper, crayons, glue scissors and a printer to make this cool elephant puppet.