Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids >Eating Utensils Crafts for Kids
I love eating, and eating with forks, knives, and spoons makes it so much easier than eating with your hands or with 2 sticks. But eating utensils aren't just for eating any more! If you have any extra plastic forks, knives, and spoons laying around the kitchen, I suggest you come up with some crafts ideas for them. And if you can't think of any ideas, then I suggest you look on this page and use some of these eating utensil crafts to make some really cool things. Happy Crafting!
It is super easy to make these wooden spoon flowers sitting in a flower bed. Just get a small lid or cardboard box. Turn it so it is open-side down. Cut some slits on the top. Color the top of the lid or box brown, the sides green. Color wooden spoons green too. Crumple up tissue paper and glue on the top of the spoons. Then stick all of the spoons in their little garden.
For this craft, you will need assorted sized wooden or heavy paper spoons and forks from 3" to 5" long, crayons or colored pencils, pipe cleaners, scraps of cloth and ribbon, yarn, colored paper napkins (preferably round ones), paper reinforcement stickers, small rubber bands, paste or glue, scissors, paper cake cups, cotton, and crepe paper or gift wrap. Various types of people and puppets can be made, according to the ability and ingenuity of the child. The simpler types should be made first. For the people, crayon faces on the back side of spoons as shown in sketches. Use sticker reinforcements to make ears for boys and men. Paste these on the "back" of the head so only part of the reinforcement will show from front. One pipe cleaner will make the arms and legs if you wish to add these. Cut a pipe cleaner in half, bend as shown in sketch. Glue to spoon. Make clothing from scraps of cloth, crepe paper, paper cake cups or gift wrap. Cut freehand and paste to the spoon. Hats and hair bows may be added. Also, hair can be made from yarn or tinted cotton. Figures may be placed in balls of clay or pasted on construction paper on which may be added background drawings.
Fork Vampire Teeth - Make vampire fang teeth from a plastic fork.
Spoons Turkey Crafts Idea for Children - Find out how to make a turkey using craft spoons by following these instructions.
Stick Turkey for Thanksgiving Activities - Learn how to make a simple turkey for Thanksgiving using colored craft sticks, a craft spoon and other materials.
Easter Bunny Paper Plate Craft - You can use this bunny as a puppet or as a mask for Easter.
Leaves and Marshmallow Thanksgiving Turkey - Make this simple turkey for Thanksgiving using foam fall leaves, foam marshmallows, craft spoons, and other materials.
How to Make a Fork Flower Craft - Help your children to make a beautiful flower using a fork and yarn.
Spoon Snowman - Follow these instructions on how to turn a white plastic spoon into a snowman.
Angel Craft - Your kids can make their own Christmas Angel ornament from a plastic spoon.
Spoon Angel - Make this beautiful Christmas Angel using a wooden spoon, pink paint, yellow wool, and a few other supplies.
Spoon Bat - Find out how you can make this wooden spoon bat puppet for Halloween.
Spoon Cat - Make this cat puppet using a wooden spoon, black plaint, glue, wiggle eyes, black craft foam, black wool, pink gem and white fabric paint pen.
Wooden Spoon Crocodile Crafts Project -
Make this crocodile craft using a few supplies such as a wooden spoon and craft foam.
Spoon Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer - Find out how you can make Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer from a wooden spoon.
Spoon Santa - Make an adorable Santa Claus puppet out of a wooden spoon, craft foam and other supplies.
Spoon Shark Activity - Make this shark craft using a wooden spoon, grey paint, glue and craft foam.
Spoon Skeleton Puppets - This is a fun and simple Halloween craft for kids of all ages.
Spoon Soldiers - Make some soldiers from wooden spoons for Veterans Day.
Spoon Witch Puppet Ideas - Make this creepy witch puppet from a wooden spoon and other materials.