Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > Coffee Filters Crafts for Kids
Coffee filters are inexpensive and so versatile that they can be used for so many different crafts. The ideas are really endless. These little suckers are so absorbant that when you add colors to them, the colors spread to make beautiful rainbow or tie dye like effects. That is what makes coffee filters so cool to use...there is a very different effect than using paper. Plus if you have switched to a Keurig coffee system, you might have a lot of coffee filters just lying around. So you might as well use them up. Below you will find many coffee filter arts and crafts projects for kids to make cool crafts items with coffee filters such as ornaments, flowers, shamrocks, butterflies, and many other crafts.
Here is a unique idea to start using up some of your coffee filters. How about make these colorful 4th of July fireworks?! The above drawings will guide you through the making these in easy steps. (1) Fold a coffee filter in half. (2) Now fold the coffee filter in half yet again. (3). And then fold in half another time. (4). Dilute some food coloring dye with a little bit of water. Now put each color in a separate bowl or container. Now dip each corner of the folded coffee filter into a different color. (5). Now get an eye dropper and use it to drip the 4th color in the center of the folded coffee filter. (6) Now open up the coffee filter and let it dry on a plate. Now you will want to cut small slits for fringes along the outer region of the coffee filter. Now paste or glue them all on black paper and you have a wonderful 4th of July fireworks art piece.
Have you ever heard of Fireworks Flowers? Well, you are about to make them. These turn out awesome and do look an awful lot like fireworks when they are completed. These are simple to make, so even younger kids such as preschoolers, and children in Kindergarten can make them. These are made with the circular coffee filters.You can usee watercolors or food dye to color the coffee filters red, white, and blue. When you have done this, you will want to let them completely dry on disposable plates or garbage bags. Now cut strips all around your coffee filters. Leave the center of the coffee filters un-cut. Then use pipe cleaners to poke thru the middle of the coffee filter. Twist it down at the top to keep the stem intact. Now pull the cut sections all around the stem to look like fireworks...pulling some down, some up, etc. They should look like the picture on the right.
Coffee Filter Butterflies - Find out how to make these adorable clothespin and coffee filter butterflies. Great for preschoolers and younger kids.
Make Stained Glass Pictures with Coffee Filter & Crayons- Keep Kids Entertained Making Stained Glass Pictures Craft This “stained glass” picture is perfect for keeping kids entertained at a fun and safe activity on a rainy day. It is a bit messy so a newspaper-lined workspace is recommended, but cutting pictures from magazines and making crayon shavings will have children happily occupied for a while.