Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > Christian Crafts > Cross-Making Crafts for Kids
The cross is a very important symbol in the Christian religion. The Christian cross symbolizes the crucification of Jesus Christ. Today the cross also symbolizes atonement and also a reminder of God's love for Christians around the world. God sacrificed his son for the love of humankind.
To teach your child about the Christian cross, do some arts and crafts activities with them. Then use this as a time to discuss how important the cross is and what it symbolizes. You can also explain to them more about Jesus Christ and God and how much they sacrificed for them and all of humanity. Below you will find many cross crafts.
To make this sewn crosses picture, you will need 1 piece of wire screen approximately 7" x 10" (or according to available screen from stores or friends), enough colored adhesive tape to bind edges, assorted colors of yarn, and a blunt darning needle. Now Bind edges of screen with tape. Thread the darning needle with colored yarn and stitch a picture of 3 crosses on the screen...or a design of your choice on the screen. The design may be related to and illustrated Bible verse, etc. Several colors of yarn make the picture effective.
You really can make this cross jigsaw puzzle out of any material that you want, however, I recommend that you either make it out of crafts foam or cereal box cardboard. If you use cardboard, paint it first to make it look nice. Then print out this cross template. Place the cross template over top of the cardboard or the crafts foam and secure with tape until you are able to trace the template onto the foam / cardboard. Then take the template off and then cut out the template from the foam or cardboard. You now have a cross jigsaw puzzle.
You will need a strip of red fluorescent tape 1" wide and 8 3/4" long, scissors, ruler, pencil, crayon, piece of construction paper 6" x 9" (or 1/2 piece of 9"X12" sheet), 3" piece of string, and Scotch tape. Mark the center of the construction paper where the cross will be fastened, lengthwise. Cut the fluorescent tape in two pieces: 5" and 3 3/4". Remove backing and fasten longest piece of tape lengthwise in center of construction paper, beginning about 1" from top of paper. Remove backing on second red strip and fasten across other piece to form cross (sketch b). Use a crayon and write the words, "I will pray," under the cross. Underneath these words write the reference, Psalm 55:17 (sketch b). Loop a 3" piece of string and fasten with Scotch tape on back of motto for hanging. (See sketch c.)