Home > Arts and Crafts Projects > Foil Crafts > Foil Paper Engravings
1. Paper foil (red, green, blue, silver, gold, etc.)
2. Cardboard
3. Rubber cement
4. Poster paint, showcard paint, or tempera paint
5. Brush
6. Bon Ami or talcum powder
7. Cotton
8. Scratching tool (pointed stick, bobby pin or similar tool)
9. Clear lacquer or shellac and brush
1. Cement the foil to a cardboard backing. This is best accomplished by covering the cardboard and the back of the foil with rubber cement and allowing both surfaces to dry before mounting.
2. Clean the surface of the foil with Bon Ami, or talcum powder on a piece of cotton to remove all greasy areas.
3. Paint the surface of the foil with a contrasting color of tempera, showcard or poster paint.
4. With a scratching tool, scrape away the paint where you wish the foil to show. This may be done while the paint is still wet or after it has dried.
5. Should the paint chip away where it was not intended to do so, it may be touched up with fresh paint.
6. Paint the surface with clear lacquer or shellac to protect the finish.